Stalking skill

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To follow without being seen. Trained by positioning yourself to stalk a creature of suitable level for you. Timer reset by AMBUSH and POACH. Also trainable with the HUNT command.

Stalking is also trained by advancing on a critter while in hiding. Their ability to see you (and thus point you out.) is based on their perception vs. your stalking. Significant bonuses are applied to the critter as you get closer.

Stalking Critters

Ranks Roundtime
0 6
40 5
80 4
120 3
160 2


When facing a target:


You are convinced that your stalking went unobserved.
You move into position to stalk a silver leucro when it moves.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

When not facing a target:

> stalk leucro

You are convinced that your stalking went unobserved.
You move into position to stalk a silver leucro when it moves.
Roundtime: 2 sec.