User talk:Leito

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Item Page Names

When you create new pages for items, please omit the a, an, or some at the beginning of the tap. For example, "some interlocking gold heart earrings" would be "interlocking gold heart earrings."

If, however, the item name begins with "a pair of," "a set of," etc., exclude only the word a. So, for example, "a pair of hammered gold earrings set with sapphire teardrops" would be "pair of hammered gold earrings set with sapphire teardrops." --Isharon 05:56, 9 March 2011 (UTC)

Will do Isharon. I knew you were getting rid of certain articles, but wasn't sure which. I'll make sure no more "some" articles are added. --Leito 05:58, 9 March 2011 (UTC)