General crafting notes right now.
Only stone carving is available right now. Help fill this out.
There will be 5 skills, each broken down into 3 disciplines, each with approximately 30 techniques.
Technique slots are earned through skill, up to 12 at 900 ranks for each skill.
Players can specialize in a discipline by choosing careers and hobbies.
Lore Primararies will gain 2 careers and 1 hobby, Lore secondaries 1 career and 2 hobbies, and Lore Terts will have 1 career and 1 hobby.
Each career gives 12 additional technique slots in the chosen discipline. Each hobby gives 6 additional technique slots.
All guilds receive 3 bonus technique slots in an area selected by their guild.
You can never rechoose a hobby or career, but can forget a technique by talking to Talia.
"You get a slight skill bonus (much smaller than that of a technique) to crafting everything in that Discipline just from having the Career. Hobbies do not have this bonus." - GM Kodius [1]
Right now the system uses mechanical lore, but not forever.
Impossible to identify an item that hasn't been marked with a maker's mark.
Currently, furniture making is disabled.
Granite is currently the best material.
There will soon be mining locations available, most notably obsidian mines at Dirge.
Commands used with the system are CRAFT, ASSEMBLE, APPLY (for polishing), SCRAPE, RUB, ANALYZE (for any info).
Mining will primarily be based on foraging skill.
"The hardness of the stone affects how good of a weapon it makes. The durability will affect how well it holds up to wear (currently doesn't do anything, but it will once durability 2.0 is out). Each stone has a density that affects how much items crafted from it weigh, and a value modifier that determines how much things created from it cost. A stone's workability affects how much additional skill is necessary to craft items from it. I think that is all of them." -Kodius
"Here is a concise list of the quality scale:
masterfully crafted
very poorly
riddled with mistakes and practically useless"