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Cleric Introduction Speech

Esuin looks you straight in the eye and speaks to you directly, "The guild of Clerics is devoted to the Holy magics and to serving our Gods. We practice our arts in many ways but all goals are the same in the end; to preserve and sanctify those whom the Gods have put into our care, to lead them out of the shadows of Death and to aid them in their own quests. We fight if we must, but our strength lies not in arms primarily. Our true powers come from those whom we follow and from them we get abilities according to our own worth and discipline. The gods are our test and our reward."

"While we have perhaps one of the most difficult paths of all, ours is the most rewarding," Esuin says urgently. "In our hands lies the power of the gods and the trust of the souls of the fallen. While the power to restore life is hard won, it is not the only reward on our path. We alone can commune with our gods, and we alone gain the benefit of their blessing." Esuin adds gently, "Superficial gains are just that. You must decide whether you wish to achieve the quiet beauty of inner peace, the triumph in returning life to those who have fallen, and the joy in turning back what undead may plague our lands. And indeed these undead do seek to end the cycle of life and death, the cycle most holy to all the immortals."

Esuin gazes at you, judging your intentions and motives. "To become a cleric is simple in and of itself. All you must do is JOIN. But be warned. The path, once it becomes deeply set, cannot be reversed, and the Gods have little patience with one who trifles with them, very little at all. Be sure your meditations are complete before you take up our ways."

Esuin turns from you to a small altar where he lights a silver candle. "This is your old way of life," he says. He then extinguishes it. He captures the smoke from the dead flame in a tiny crystal bottle and lights a small amount of fragrant incense in a dish. The aroma rises in a gentle cloud. He pours out the captured smoke of your former life and watches as it mingles with the rising incense. Silently, he gestures for you to approach. "Inhale the smoke," he whispers. "Take on your new destiny." You carefully do as instructed and feel a tingle all over. "Now you belong to the Gods," the guild leader intones.

Esuin gives you a dazzling smile in welcome. "Greetings, young Cleric! It is a blessing to see one such as yourself seeking out the paths of the Holy."

"First," he says, "it is important that you learn the locations of our Guild. For within the guild is where you will receive your blessed training and where you will practice your skills. And truly I say unto you that you will need training, for no one living is perfect in all things."

"You have chosen a difficult path, Cleric," says Esuin. "The way to Holiness is not for the lazy traveller or the faint of heart. Many will be your trials and tribulations, perhaps you may think the pressure too much to bear along the way, but great will be your rewards, both spiritual and temporal if you persevere." The guild leader gazes at you with brilliant eyes. After a moment, he continues, "Here, you will be trained in the rituals needed to further your service to your God or Goddess. We take no position on who is worshipped, so long as your devotion is genuine." He adds, "In addition, you will receive education in the arts of Holy Magic and such weaponry training as is needed to ensure your survival."

"Equip yourself well," Esuin says. "Get arms suitable for your defense and such armor as you deem good to protect you while you learn our ways."

Esuin looks at you solemnly. "You have taken your first step into a larger world, one beyond the limits of mortal flesh and blood. Think deeply before you commit further, for the Gods do not take lightly those who misuse their gifts. Many of the best cannot endure the strain such a life demands of them, even the best of sometimes falter." Esuin pauses, and you sense he is waiting to impart some final knowledge upon you.

"The Gods have looked favorably on your quest with us," he says quietly. "They have blessed you already with an increased awareness of your latent abilities. Go now and seek to understand how you have grown in power. "Remember though," he warns you, "never abuse your skills or take them for granted, for what the Gods give, they also can remove. And I have seen it happen, be not deluded that it will not."

Esuin adds, "Blessings upon you also, for being ready to learn more of the magical arts! ASK me ABOUT MAGIC if you wish to know more."