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from Apostles' yahoo group

From: Darkskye96@a Date: Mon Mar 19, 2001 4:34 pm Subject: Some more about the Lute,Wren and......

THE MEDALLION Etched onto the face of the medallion, a king snake coils tightly around a lute.

You say, "About Ponlakh and Leyner" >You say, "They took the lute and I was too slow to stop them" Ryeka says, "We were all taken by surprise- I was in Leth with my young friend here when it happened" >Pentaith says, "Yes. Tell me of Aesry Surlaenis'a. An Elothean city in the land of the S'Kra." >Rianalee says, "I know that he who is best left unnamed is from a dark source." Candidus asks, "The one that has been summoning the undead?" Rianalee says, "And the winds whisper that he would have the lands go back to the old ways."

>You see Rianalee Gromentia, an Elf She has crystal green eyes, very long thick amber hair that is braided, and pale skin. She is mature for an Elf. She is holding an opal-inlaid bastard sword in her right hand and a whetstone in her left. She is wearing a small sheath, a silk journey bag, a jadeite gwethdesuan, a silver medallion hanging from a delicate chain, some black calf-high boots, a black riding skirt, a tapered black leather vest laced with silver tipped rawhide and a v-necked white linen blouse with flowing sleeves.

>Valeiria asks, "You saw that attack?" >You say, "I am sorry....I was taken off guard and had been drinkin" Talies asks, "Rianalee - how do you know that?" >Jonapth asks, "Where ye watching us?" Loria says, "Tenebraus died." Pentaith says, "He did." >Rianalee says, "Easily, Talies. I was there." Rianalee says, "Jonapth, when I work for a client, I work for that client." Rianalee says, "However, our arrangement is at an end." Valeiria asks, "And you come to us now?" >Rianalee says, "As I explained earlier, the beauty of working

both sides is that I always win."

>Firannion blinks at Rianalee. >Talies says, "Unless you end up caught in the middle, Rianalee" Rianalee says, "Assuming I can be caught there." Rianalee says, "Let's also just say that I don't think I care for Ponlakh's ancestry." >Talies asks, "Were you working for the Dragonpriests, then?" >Rianalee chuckles. Valeiria says, "Hm. I've known those who vork for the Priesthood solely as business to have honor of their own. No crime in that." Rianalee says, "The Dragon Priests are a bunch of mindless zealots." >Therrilliar says, "That is the definition of zealots....mindless" Rianalee says, "They have neither the intelligence nor the scope of vision to pull something like this." Rianalee says, "Others might." >Rianalee says, "You never understood what it is you had

down in that hole in the ground."

>You ask, "It was Faenella's Lute was it not?" Rianalee says, "You "remembered" it and you sang about it

but you never understood what it was."

Rianalee says, "Once. It has passed through many hands since then." Talies says, "We believed in it, Rianalee - but you are correct, we didn't know what it was" Candidus quietly says, "It was Peniel's lute." Firannion asks, "There was no way to find out its history, was there?" Talies asks, "She who keeps the World Dragon asleep?" >Rianalee says, "Aye. She who keeps the Dragon asleep. And those who have kept her content and comfortable while humans were still learning which end of the sword is pointy." Loria ponders. Rianalee asks, "You have learned that, have you not?" Rianalee raises an eyebrow. Firannion asks, "Who takes care of Peri'el?" >Candidus says, "And all of these ones plaguing the lands ....the Gorbesh, Emuin, The undead..." Pentaith asks, "The Ru'atin Periel?" Candidus says, "All wish to end that." >Rianalee asks, "Good question, Firannion. Who watches the watcher >Rianalee says, "I am not sure, Pentaith. My memory seems to be slipping a bit." Pentaith says, "I am sure Rensh Tishanae'a Rianalee knows more on that than I." >Candidus says, "And also the goddess that was so sorely

wounded that she could do nothing but keep the Dragon asleep."

Talies says, "Peri'el was a wonderful warrior who was terribly injured in the fight against the World Dragon..

 Now, she plays to it, to keep it quietly aslumber"

>Rianalee says, "Peri'el is the One True Hero. And you would all be well kept to remember that." Candidus says, "And how does Wren figure into all of this Rianalee? for all of these evil ones wanted her as well." Rianalee says, "If she falters, then all is lost. All." >Talies says, "She gave everything to protect us. And gives on to this day, if the legend holds true." Firannion asks, "Are you saying that the Lute will be returned to Peri'el now?" >Talies asks, "Is Wren really Faenella?" >Candidus asks, "Rianalee do you perhaps know where Wren

is being held?"

Firannion says, "I think Wren is a tool of the gods, but not one herself." >Rianalee says, "I don't believe I've said. There is a limit to how much good faith I'm willing to offer without there being mutual consideration." Rianalee says, "Do not call me a thief. I do not work for those that hide in shadows. I simply offer my unique

perspective to clients with the coin to deserve it."

Rianalee says, "You could say that." >Rianalee gets a worn and tattered book cover entitled "History of Aesry Surlaenis'a: by High

Priestess Ilerthan" from inside her journey bag.

>Firannion asks, "The theft of the Lute was the culmination

of your last assignment?"

Rianalee says, "And I have come into possession of something that might further someone's journey to the truth." >Pentaith says, "The book..." >Pentaith rubs his hands together. >Rianalee says, "Time was short and swords were sharp."

>Rianalee says, "If I had the full text, Firannion, you could count on the cost being higher." >Carrey says, "Ahh Grell.. " >Dritzfury says, "I think Grell got lost in the festival grounds a long time ago, cause I've nae seen him since" Rianalee says, "Let's consider what's on the block here." Pentaith says, "Aesry Surlaenis'a is where the Ru'atin Periel are." Firannion sarcastically says, "A torn book cover." Pentaith says, "What she has is worth any price." >Candidus asks, "And she has the rest hidden safely no doubt?" >Rianalee says, "For a price, I will turn this cover over

to a bard, since it's useless to anyone else, and allow 

you to ask five questions. If I have the knowledge, I will answer." >Rianalee stands up. >Rianalee says, "I will leave you to discuss what you might offer Rianalee says, "If you decide to accept my offer, I would suggest you gather your questions. The total is five and only five. I have a skin to protect and he that is nameless is not one I'd cross openly." >Pentaith says, "Not Grell." >Rianalee says, "Nay, not necessarily coin. I have an eye for fine things like any woman." Rianalee says, "I shall see you in a half mark." Rianalee just went out.

>Talies says, "Ryder - really quickly - a Skra named Polnakh stole the Lute from the Sewers, and Rianalee is now offering to sell us a book cover and five answers to help us recover it" >Pentaith says, "Aesry Surlaenis'a is an Elothean place...

a city, a temple, a monestary..."

Pentaith says, "It's Elothean, the name, though I don't

know the full transl.."

Candidus says, "Where the followers of Peri'el reside." >Pentaith says, "I don't know the full translation. Only parts of it." Carrey says, "ask her How the Gorbesh and Dragon Priests

are linked"

Pentaith says, "In any event, when the Dragon Priests were taking over most of the lands, Qi'Reshalia fell into their grip." Talies asks, "Qi'Reshalia?" >Pentaith says, "The Ru'atin Periel... the Sisters of Periel.. fled to Aesry Surlaenis'a." Pentaith says, "The Sisters have always been openly opposed to the Dragon Priests." >Pentaith says, "What Rianalee said tonight makes me think they're the ones that keep watch over Periel." Loria says, "One wants the dragon to sleep. One wants to wake him."

>You say, "Where is Wren" >Pentaith says, "Rianalee was speaking of Maleiron."

Rianalee just arrived. <---- Time's up  :)

>Rianalee asks, "I assume you have finished your considerations?"

You grin. >Rianalee says, "I care not who winds up with it, Firannion. My instructions were to merely make sure that

it winds up in a bard's hands."


>Rianalee says, "The bard that is chosen owes me a favor." >Rianalee smiles.

Rianalee says, "To be reclaimed at my own choosing." >Rianalee says, "I might perhaps have something additional

to sweeten such an agreement."

Rianalee gets a worn and tattered book cover entitled "History of Aesry Surlaenis'a: by High Priestess Ilerthan" from inside her journey bag. >You say, "I will meet the favor, Rianalee"

Rianalee says, "The world moves in mysterious ways. I may not be in the position to ever redeem it." Talies asks, "And Rianalee - you said that you had something to sweeten the deal?" Rianalee offers you a worn and tattered book cover entitled "History of Aesry Surlaenis'a: by High Priestess Ilerthan". Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE

to decline it.  The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

Valeiria nods. Candidus says, "indeed." >You accept Rianalee's offer and are now holding a worn

and tattered book cover entitled "History of Aesry 

Surlaenis'a: by High Priestess Ilerthan". >look cover>You see nothing unusual. Rianalee gets an onyx medallion hanging from a delicate

silver chain from inside her journey bag.

>Rianalee says, "You must all guard it well. That is as close to help as I will ever get. I know my own shortcomings." Candidus nods to Talies. >Rianalee smiles.

Rianalee asks, "Now, who shall question?" You put your medallion in your traveler's pack. >You close your traveler's pack. >Valeiria points at you. Ollyander points at you. >You say, "I will" Rianalee nods to you.

'You ask, "First....why was the lute taken from us?" 'You ask, "First....why was the lute taken from us?" Rianalee says, "The lute is the key. Its power is manifest. It holds the power to keep what once was from being again."

'You ask, "Where is the lute?" Firannion says, "What once was...the reign of the Dragon Priests." Candidus just arrived. Rianalee says, "With Ponlakh."

'You ask, "Where is the lute?" Firannion says, "What once was...the reign of the Dragon Priests." Candidus just arrived. Rianalee says, "With Ponlakh."

>Talies asks, "Well great - do we dare ask where HE is?" >Firannion says, "Wasted question, then." Ollyander says, "It is also a question answered.." 'You say, "Ok....three"

>Talies asks, "Well great - do we dare ask where HE is?" >Firannion says, "Wasted question, then." Ollyander says, "It is also a question answered.." 'You say, "Ok....three"

You ask, "Where is Wren being held?" Talies says, "There IS value in that answer" >Loria nods to Talies. You nod to Talies. You remove a delicate heart-shaped ruby necklace pierced by a tiny diamond arrow from around your neck. Firannion smiles at Ryder.

>Rianalee says, "She is no longer held. The winged messenger is free but hurt. I know not her whereabouts either. Follow those that had her." Rianalee says, "Be watchful. The winged messenger may no longer know who her friends are."

>You say, "Fourth question" Talies says, "If she CAN Olly" Firannion blinks. Garrett quietly says, "There is freedom in death also...." >Firannion says, "Dreamie's awake." Garrett frowns. You ask, "How do we reach the home of the Sisterhood, the place they dwell?" Rianalee chuckles.

>Rianalee says, "If I knew the location I would not be here with you know. I'd be rich beyond all measurement and retired." >Firannion says, "I don't have a way to contact her." You nod to Rianalee.

Rianalee says, "However, it is a long journey across the sea." <------ New province must hold the answers.....

>You ask, "Where can the rest of the book be found?" Carrey whispers to your group, "i get sisterhood is in Qi'Reshalia" Talies whispers to your group, "Yes - Pentaith - you have

a LOT of filling in to do."

Rianalee says, "There are only whispers of the great library that once stood near the Sentinels." Rianalee says, "Legend is that some of those books have been smuggled here." Rianalee says, "Nay. Not Shard. I know only of the stories. There is one who might know of its location." Rianalee says, "That befouler of all that breathes." >Rianalee says, "Candidus, I never claimed that my knowledge was total. Only that I could set you upon the path Rianalee says, "If I should come into possession of the ancient texts, you will certainly be on my short list of clients

>Rianalee says, "I shall leave you to your work with a

few last words."

Rianalee says, "Walk carefully. More than you know hangs

in the balance. Those that are stout of purpose will 

discover great wonders." >Rianalee says, "Those that are not, well..." Rianalee shrugs. Rianalee says, "Death is not always the worst thing that can happen." Rianalee says, "And those planning to track me might well find more than they can handle at the end of their journey. Do not presume on a friendship that does not exist."

>Rianalee says, "I do wish you all success. It would be inconvenient to be without bards for a few millenia."