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Specific Types

Blood Ruby

Details are unknown, but it is referenced as a type of jewel used in Lyras' staff.

Dragon's eye ruby

A ruby the color of freshly spilled blood split by a brilliant gold "eye".

Dragon's blood ruby

More information required.

Dragon's heart ruby

More information required.

Imperial Ruby

A rare kind of ruby with seven rays instead of the more common six, called an imperial ruby in tribute to the Seven Star Empire.

Midnight Ruby

The most glamorous of the deep-red rubies, the midnight ruby has a black lustre which gives the gem a velvet-like texture. Often found in ground beneath obsidian, it shows best in full daylight, where its claret personality can overcome daunting ebony overtones. This gem does not do well when paired with other stones, and works best as a brooch or pendant. It is found in good, large qualities of 2 or more carats. This gem is often offered as a talisman to ward off evil. One of the gems worked by Immokokkon and Sons.

Moonspun Ruby

A shaft of silver generally runs through the center of a moonspun ruby, giving it a distinctive appearance which many mistake for a pink topaz. The color range for this gem is anywhere from pale pink to deep rose, and the best are cut so the silver shaft resembles a crescent moon. This "flaw" of the mineral emits sharp silvery glints that "erupt" from the surrounding shade. The moonspun ruby is exceptionally rare, and never found in finished pieces of more than a half-carat. One of the gems worked by Immokokkon and Sons.

Serpent's Heart Ruby

A ruby with a single inclusion running down the center of the gem, causing it to resemble the slitted eye of a serpent.

Smoke ruby

A shade of red so dark that it is confused for black

Star Ruby

The common name for any ruby displaying the property of asterism, which is an impurity that causes the appearance of a multi-rayed star when light strikes the gem. Once part of the general treasure system, these gems are now only reliably found on Dobek Moruryn.

Starlight Ruby

Gossamer pink which glitters in deep reds and silvers, and often possesses what appears to be a star nestled near its center. One of the gems worked by Immokokkon and Sons.

Teiro's Hate Ruby

An incredibly rare ruby that has only to date been found on Andreshlew. This ruby is a deep magenta with night-black inclusions in the heart of the gem.


Color Tiny Small Medium Large Huge
Base Modifer Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Brown 720 1,225 1,441 1,441
Brown, Faceted 1,656 1,656
Carmine 1,152 2,377 3,746 3,746
Red 1,441 1,441
Red, Faceted 936 936
Red-orange 720 863
Rose 720 5,187 1,585 2,161
Scarlet 792 2,882
Star N/A N/A N/A N/A