Property:Publication article headline is

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Description: A property designed to support works of in-game journalism.
Type: String

There are currently 194 items in this property, 0 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Elpalzi Attacks Continue Against Crossing  +
'Kitchen Sink' Invader Strikes  +
Dreadful Drogorian Drama - Goblins at Northeast Gate  +
Royal Family Returns - Ice Eels Attack Travelers - Guardians Continue Attack on Zoluren  +
Drogor's Minions Descend  +
Drogorian Dreams: Visions of a Moon Mage  +
Elpalzi Lieutenant Geva - Sunfall Hub to Open - Pie-Maker Wanted  +
Xala'Shar Hideout Discovered  +
Plans for Prince's New Residence  +
A Brief Guide to Current Events in Zoluren  +
Butcher Beezell Harvests Festival-Goers  +
'Twas the Night Before Chris' Mass  +
Crossing War Report: Recent Elpalzi Assaults  +
Visions of the Future: Heralds and Elemental Sorcery  +
Drathrok's Duskruin Arena Appears and Departs  +
World Jousting Tournament: Zoluren Qualifier Results  +
Ipirhka Lakwi to Observe Guildleader Silvyrfrost  +
The Fae Attack, Heron and Wren Spotted  +
Chrysalis Spawn Sighted in Shard and Hibarnhvidar  +
The Curse of the Icebound Heart  +