Property:Requires ability

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Description: A property for declaring that the article's subject requires a certain ability to access it's powers.
Type: string

There are currently 439 items in this property, 17 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Bravery  +
Serpent's Hiss of Warning  +
Berserk Flame  +
Berserk Flame  +
Beseech the Wind to Preserve  +
Tempestuous Fury  +
Berserk Nightmare  +
Tempestous Fury  +
Berserk Grave  +
Death's Lullaby  +
Ambush Slash  +
Badger Dance  +
Berserk Everild  +
Berserk Grave  +
Death's Shriek  +
Poison Brewing  +
Kertigen's Commune  +
Banshee's Wail  +