Property:Ephemera description is

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Description: The description of an Ephemera found under EPHEMERON INFO.
Type: string

There are currently 42 items in this property, 0 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
One of the creations of Hobglup the mad artisan, the doll's eyes are wide with wooden bloodthirst.  +
Vile to behold, the omnimass defies description beyond a conglomeration of body parts melded together in disharmony. No part of this entity appears comfortable with the arrangement, and it awkwardly shuffles around, seemingly unable to agree upon a direction. Multiple eyes blink in confusion, a mouth with a large toe for a tongue grimaces around hairy teeth, and several long and twisted fingers drag the mass along as it whispers incoherently.  +
Almost unheard of to be caught in their natural form, the shapeshifter has translucent skin and cascading white tresses, while the rest of their features are eerily indistinct.  +
Wholly nondescript and devoid of detail, the ideogram floats idyllically in space. Forming and reforming its structure, it passes through phases of angular and circular configurations seemingly at random, only pausing momentarily to flex as if to commit the most recent shapes to memory. Small wisps of smoke whorl around its forms, enshrouding its perimeter and making any of its renditions impossible to capture in its entirety.  +
Unlike its silver, white, and black cousins, the rainbow unicorn is rather snide and tends to fly into explosive glitter-rages.  +
Resembling a smaller dolomar, the nymph has multiple moltings to undergo before it will reach full size. Softer bodied and weaker than the adults, the juvenile skittishly avoids anything that could be perceived as a threat.  +
A curious cross between a large dog, iguana, and temper tantrum, the rhoat arzhoylun appears at first to be little more than a comically large and toothy mouth with an oversized lolling tongue. A pair of oversized scaled horns crown the creature's head and spine, and a long whip-tail. Perched atop awkwardly large taloned feet, the quadruped scampers back and forth with quick and jerky reptilian motions, occasionally chomping its tail with glee and somersaulting around in tight circles, leaving a trailing cloud of ashy dust as it goes.  +
This was once a silver-flecked, dark grey statuette for use in rituals to the Thirteen, now come alive with all the worship it has absorbed over the years.  +
Held together by braided strands of seaweed and vine, the golem is made of bone, wood, and seashells to give it the rough appearance of a S'Kra Kor warrior with a barbed tail.  +
Sacred peafowls are beloved creations of Kerenhappuch. The red-gold markings on their tails, strikingly brilliant in both genders, are said to be the eyes of the goddess, letting Her sway the mortal souls who encounter these birds.  +
A fearsome predator of the Saendalen Sea, the shark possesses a voracious appetite and keen hunting instincts. Dangerous under the best of circumstances, they are even more aggressive when fresh blood is in the water and are drawn to its scent.  +
The Servant is the bloodless, severed hand of an unidentifiable species, lurching about on its fingertips.  +
The small monkey has large eyes ringed with white circles, giving it a constant look of surprise. Its prehensile tail is also ringed with white, and its paws, with their typically opposable thumbs, are reddish in color with white fingers. Found in the Taisidon jungles, the shh'oi paguur is infamous for its thieving ways and love of guavas.  +
Perched atop a trio of electrical pseudopods, the small, cat-sized machination tends to stroll around in search of minor labors -- screws to be tightened, cores to be recharged, stuck joints to be greased -- simple and dutiful in its efforts.  +
Shadowy and insubstantial, the haunt twists and shudders as if in excruciating pain. At times it takes on some solidity, but its vague form of a person shifts too constantly to identify the haunt's appearance.  +
For centuries, the shamans of Horse Clan have cultivated a respectful relationship with the ilk of Sulde Taala, entwining them into the fabric of Wind Elf culture.  +
Writhing chaotically, the mote is little more than a flickering mass of distorted space, trailing quickly evaporating tendrils that appear to aid in its slow movement.  +
When the wetlands to Riverhaven's east fell to the demon Maelshyve's grip, their fauna was irreversibly warped, including the earthworms.  +
Carrying a large treasure sack slung against its back, the skittish creature constantly looks back and forth in all directions, trying to keep vigilant and aware of its surroundings.  +
These animals are one of the many uncanny byproducts of the polluted waters flowing from Asketi's Mount.  +