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ItemSource isRare item
Armor:Vardite gloves interspersed with links of fracturing goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblagetrue
Armor:Vardite great helm sculpted to resemble the visage of a roaring liontreasure map, Item:Worn and tattered maptrue
Armor:Vardite greaves interspersed with links of fracturing goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblagetrue
Item:Vardite handflower centered with a soulstone oshu'mary blossomMerit Badges (4) Merit Badges (3)Merit Badges (2)true
Armor:Vardite hauberk interspersed with links of fracturing goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loottrue
Shield:Vardite kite shield painted with two crossed wands over a golden keyDroughtman's Challenge 444/End loot Droughtman's Challenge 441/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 437/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 433/End loot
Armor:Vardite mask interspersed with links of fracturing goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblagetrue
Item:Vardite mongoose icon surrounded by crisscrossing spiritwood bladeSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/End loot Su Helmas 440: Entrapped/End loottrue
Item:Vardite mouse with a coralite noseIf You Beard Ittrue
Item:Vardite signet ring etched with a bowl of macaroni and cheeseThe Book Wyrm (4)true
Item:Vardite skeleton keyDroughtman's Challenge 444/End loot Droughtman's Challenge 441/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 437/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 433/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 430/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 426/Incidental lootDroughtman's Challenge 426/End loottrue
Armor:Vardite tasset interspersed with links of fracturing goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblagetrue
Item:Vardite torsoGuildfest 416/Auction
Shield:Vardite tower shield depicting a snarling razortusk boarBacon Man's Birthday Bash 419 Auctiontrue
Armor:Vardite vambraces interspersed with links of fracturing goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblagetrue
Armor:Vardite vest interspersed with links of fracturing goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblagetrue
Item:Vardite waiku flower with delicately open petalsHouse of the Revenant Fang 433/Incidental loot House of the Revenant Fang 429/Incidental loot
Weapon:Vardite-edged meat cleaverNo Guts , No Gory (3), No Guts , No Gory (2), Item:Butcher's apron of thickly oiled leather
Weapon:Vardite-inlaid mace with an adderwood haftDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 438/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 448/Incidental loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Incidental loot
Weapon:Vardite-studded cosh carved from burled flamewoodtreasure map, Item:Worn and tattered maptrue
Weapon:Copperwood handled hatchet with a wedge-shaped kertig head
Weapon:Ironwood-hafted hand mace crowned with a spherical vardite head
Weapon:Vardite-studded cosh carved from burled flamewood
Item:Weathered ilomba chest with vardite hingesTransmutation chest Taisidon Mystery 446/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 443/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 439/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 435/A'baya Esplanadetrue
Item:Well-used vardite kettlebell stamped with the image of a dragon soaring above a worn mountain rangeDrathrok's Duskruin 435/Auction