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Bone sliverssliversHair Apparent (4)
Hair Apparent (3)
Bone-rimmed spectacles with platinum lensesspectacles
Bone-rimmed spectacles with swirling crimson lensesspectaclesNahja's Knickknacks (4)
Nahja's Knickknacks (3)
Nahja's Knickknacks (2)
Nahja's Knickknacks (1)
Bone-white witchclaw antlers affixed with desiccated greenish-grey scalesantlerItem:Raggedy enaada hex bag secured with nacre-bone toggles
Item:Patchy robes sloppily sewn from scraps of furred hide
Boobrie feather hairpinhairpinOdds 'n Ends
Bothersome seagull charmcharmHollow Eve Festival 436/Auction
Bottle green miniature dirigible with a single painted white stripedirigibleReturn to the Keep 431/Incidental loot
Bouquet of faesoul blossomsblossomsGame of Chicken 425 prizes
Game of Chicken 421 prizes
Game of Chicken
Bourde alchemist's belt badly stained with black dyebeltTies for Things (4)
Ties for Things (3)
Ties for Things (2)
Ties for Things (1)
BowtiebowtieBrisson's Haberdashery (obsolete)
Brisson's Haberdashery
Braided black stringstringPremium token raffles
Braided black twinetwineFinest Box of Gems (1)
Braided gold toe ring etched with fine spider web designsringPi'botuk Pel'arsharra
Braided leather button suspenderssuspendersRizadi's Outfitters (1)
Braided metallic twinetwineFinest Box of Gems (1)
Braided pink twinetwineFinest Box of Gems (1)
Braided platinum neithrel band wrapped with a lute stringbandMarelien's Memories (2)
Marelien's Memories (1)
All Things Bardic (2)
All Things Bardic (1)
Braided silver cloak pin inset with a polished amber longbowpinCacophony of Silver and Glass (4)
Cacophony of Silver and Glass (2)
Cacophony of Silver and Glass (1)
Braided silver friendship ring of two interlocking heartsringEmpty Settings (2)
Braided thigh quiver of fine leather adorned with silver medallionsquiverDragon's Horde
Braided toolstrap with steelsilk tiestoolstrapTies for Things (5)
Ties for Things (4)
Ties for Things (3)
Ties for Things (2)
Ties for Things (1)
Braided-silk toe ring adorned with a tiny carved shell roseringPerfect Rose (2)
Perfect Rose (1)
Brass absinthe bottle charmcharmSpider's Web (2)
Brass badge etched with a laurel and lion's claw crestbadgeEmerald Knights
Brass dragon-shaped badge etched with "Nothing a little Dragon's Breath won't cure"badgeBeppo's (2)
Brass gear charmcharmSpider's Web (2)
Brass medal affixed with a red tasselmedalMuseum of Imperial History
Brass mug trinkettrinketSpider's Web (2)
Brass pilgrim's badge shaped like a clockwork spiderbadgeMentor gifts and prizes
Brass pin that readspin
Brass pin that reads "Trust me because I am not a Thief!"pin
Brass wire-framed spectacles with oak leaf lensesspectaclesNahja's Knickknacks (4)
Brass wyvern pinpinWyvern Trials gifts and prizes
Brass-buckled black leather garter adorned with bronze studsgarterFallen Angels Clothing (2)
Bright blue morning glorygloryShard flora
House of the Gilded Longleaf (location)
Bright blue violetvioletShard flora
Ratha flora
Bright blue wildflowerwildflowerShard flora
House of the Gilded Longleaf (location)
Bright copper badge that reads "Words are deadlier than the sharpest sword"badgeBardic Barge (2)
Bardic Barge (1)
Bright fuchsia oleanderoleanderPersida's Home
Bright gold badge that reads "Bard for Hire"badgeBardic Barge (2)
Bardic Barge (1)
Bright gold topaz roseroseRusty Barnacle
River Dreamer
Bright green badge shaped like an applebadgeFall's Harvest (3)
Bright green cricket wearing a black top hatcricketMagical Minions (3)
Bright green praying mantis with red-tinged forelegsmantisThorkim Family Farm 429/Pig Maze
Bright green tel'athi cufflinks shaped like gooseberriescufflinksOrigami Envelope
Bright hyacinth blue macaw with subtle yellow-gold markingsmacawMagical Minions (3)
Magical Minions (2)
Bright jadsem blossomblossomMastik Mews
Bright magenta fuchsiafuchsiaReshalia Trade Road
Natural Beauty (3)
Bright orange jewelweed blossomblossomIlaya Taipa Council Hall
Bright orange poppy (2)poppyRatha flora