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Blooming mapha vine twined around a colorful inflorescence of moth orchidsvineFlower Faire (4)
Flower Faire (3)
Flower Faire (2)
Blooming ruby rose pinpinNorth Wind's Skimmer
Marsh Skipper
Blossoming butterfly vinevineShard flora
Blown glass hemlock blossom frosted a delicate silvery white hueblossomCacophony of Silver and Glass (4)
Cacophony of Silver and Glass (2)
Cacophony of Silver and Glass (1)
Blown-glass ElanthiaelanthiaQuest for Kanton's Dagger
Blue alkanet blossomblossomAshala'taman
Blue and gold checkered hosehoseFestive Fineries (2)
Festive Fineries (1)
Blue and white gingham apron edged in rufflesapronTraveling Cook
Blue and white striped headscarfheadscarfScarlet Tent
Hollow Eve Festival 414/Raffles
Game of Chicken
Current Attire
Blue asterasterWarrior Mage Guildhall (Mer'Kresh)
Blue clay jarjarOsgeth's (4)
Osgeth's (3)
Osgeth's (2)
Osgeth's (1)
Blue cotton sockssocks
Blue enameled button labeled "Crossing Empath"buttonEmmiline's Cottage
Blue faenrae reaver maskmaskSable's Tent (2)
Sable's (2)
Blue glitterglitterTurialo's Haven (9)
Blue linen hosehoseFestive Fineries (2)
Festive Fineries (1)
Blue linen tabard dyed with the bright green emblem of the lion of ChadatrutabardSign of the Crescent Moon (3)
Sable's Tent (2)
Sable's (2)
Blue pearlspearlsMarine Marvels (3)
Marine Marvels (1)
Blue pin shaped like a frowning facepinAltered Reactions
Blue pin shaped like a smirking facepinAltered Reactions
Blue rencate neithrel band fastened by citrine lightning bolt chainsbandBardic Journey (6)
Blue satin headband artfully decorated with white snowflakesheadbandFire and Ice (2)
Fire and Ice (1)
Blue silk butterfly wingswings
Blue silk hosehoseFestive Fineries (2)
Festive Fineries (1)
Blue silk waistcoat heavy with silver embroiderywaistcoatSzilri's Formal Clothier
Item:Large blue knapsack
Item:Large blue knapsack
Blue spidersilk rose tinted the lovely hue of Xibar's lightroseRusty Barnacle
River Dreamer
North Wind's Skimmer
Night Sky's Hair
Demosel's Lair (2)
Blue starflowerstarflowerTrader Guildhall (Hibarnhvidar)
Blue topaz North Wind banshee baublebaubleAuction Tent - Rathan Carnival
Blue topaz butterfly pin bejeweled with garnets and pearlspinFlower Gazebo (2)
Flower Gazebo (1)
Blue velvet hosehoseFestive Fineries (2)
Festive Fineries (1)
Blue woodruffwoodruffNamazata Umshi
Blue wool hosehoseFestive Fineries (2)
Festive Fineries (1)
Blue-and-white striped cotton foraging apronapronForaging Emporium (3)
Foraging Emporium (2)
Foraging Emporium (1)
Blue-eyed clouded arzumos with creamy striped fur dusted with goldarzumosMagical Minions (3)
Magical Minions (2)
Blue-grey damaryn pearls accented by sapphirespearlsMarine Marvels (3)
Marine Marvels (1)
Blue-grey hawk featherfeatherRusty Barnacle
River Dreamer
Night Sky's Hair
Marsh Skipper
Demosel's Lair (2)
Blue-grey tasseled tunic bearing a distinctive seven-pointed startunicMuseum of Imperial History
Blue-lensed spectacles with spidery red wire framesspectaclesThick as Thieves (2)
Blue-scaled basilisk with firestained uthamar and ice sapphire eyesbasiliskDroughtman's Challenge 444/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 441/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 437/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 433/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 430/Incidental loot
Blue-violet asterasterShard flora
House of the Gilded Longleaf (location)
Blue-white mistglass brooch inset with a volcano's heart citrinebroochLooty Booty (2)
Looty Booty (1)
Blue-white mistglass geshiloirageshiloiraCultured Attire (5)
Blued moonsilver cloak pin tipped with a Xibar topazpinSu Helmas: Seeds of Entropy/End loot
Su Helmas 444: Make Haste!/End loot
Su Helmas 440: Entrapped/End loot
Su Helmas 438: The Forbidden Temple/End loot
Su Helmas 434: The Forbidden Temple/End loot
Blush-pink lily with dramatic magenta stamenslilyGoods for Life (4)
Goods for Life (3)
Goods for Life (2)
Goods for Life (1)
Boar-shaped badge labeled "Everild Worshipper"badgeBeppo's Badges
and Buckles
Bogbirch-handled broom with leather-wrapped grips trimmed in rabbit furbroomSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 436/End loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/End loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/End loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439/End loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 436/End loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 432/End loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 428/End loot
Boggle-shaped electrum charmcharmBoggle Blast (5)
Boggle Blast (4)
Boggle-shaped silver charmcharmBoggle Blast (3)
Boggle Blast (2)
Boggle Blast (1)
Bold pink morning glorygloryShard flora
Bone Mender "On-duty" buttonbuttonGoods for Life (4)
Goods for Life (3)
Goods for Life (2)
Goods for Life (1)