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ItemSource isRare item
Item:Elegantly draping cloak clasped with an animite lockpick
Item:Engagement ring cradling a single pink sapphire among waves of animite
Item:Exqusite animite chalice covered in detailed etchings and inlay
Item:Extravagant animite necklace feathered with Katamba's Spires
Item:Extravagant animite necklace feathered with spires of amlothite
Item:Extravagant animite torque grasping a glacier emerald
Item:Fine animite bracelet with dangling diamond spellbook charms
Item:Fine animite necklace displaying delicate white crystals
Item:Gracefully pointed earcuff of etched animite draped with fine silver chains
Item:Granite and animite wall
Item:Hammered gold flask adorned with kertig chasing and an Imperial topaz
Item:Heavy animite wristcuff clasped with a delicate slide pin joint
Item:Heavy cambrinth armband (hodierna)
Item:Heavy cambrinth armband (misiumos)
Item:Intricately carved cambrinth yak set with a polished animite saddle
Item:Layered sapphire-white icesilk greatcloak gathered with an animite clasp
Item:Long animite hairpin with silken ribbons trailing from the end
Item:Lustrous animite ring set with a pale blue svelae
Item:Opulent engagement ring with animite prongs embracing a lavish green diamond
Item:Ornate white ironwood compendium inlaid with climbing animite vines
Item:Plain animite ring
Item:Polished animite eyebrow ring set with a small clear aevanstone
Item:Polished animite ring set with a heart-shaped sapphire
Item:Polished animite ring set with a miniature crossbow
Item:Sapphire prism affixed to a fine animite chain
Item:Series of animite chains dangling ivory pony charms
Item:Shield-shaped animite ring bearing the crest of the Paladins' Guild
Item:Simple animite cloak pin
Item:Single drop of dragon's blood crystal suspended from a slender animite pendant
Item:Small animite monocle edged with tiny jade leaves
Item:Small animite ring
Item:Small animite ring inset with a tiny black diamond spider
Item:Smooth animite gem case set with star shaped diamonds
Item:Smooth animite key on a braided watersilk cord
Item:Soft black cloak with an animite clasp displaying a diamond-studded Traders' Guild crest
Item:Squared granite plaque veined with animite
Item:Stately amaranthine bourde gown cut to reveal a dark silken kirtle beneath
Item:Striking marquisette gown elaborately adorned with beading and raven feathers
Item:Thin animite band prominently displaying an empty gem setting
Item:Thin animite bracelet set with a star ruby
Item:Tiny hand mirror decorated with animite wirework
Item:Tiny spidersilk backpack clasped with an animite Gnome
Item:Topaz icesilk dress shirt with animite fasteners
Item:Whimsical black and white marblesilk gown with raw silk texturing
Item:Wide animite armband bearing the crest of the Traders' guild
Item:Wide animite armband bearing the crest of the traders' guild
Item:Wide animite mourning band set with a large zoluren white sapphire
Knee-high galoshes covered in a fine webbing of translucent spidersilkTildi's Blooms (4) Tildi's Blooms (3)
Lamp-blackened smuggler's knife featuring a spiked animite d-guardThe Art of Attack, The Art of Attack
Layered sapphire-white icesilk greatcloak gathered with an animite clasp