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ItemSource isRare item
Item:Blue silk scarf embroidered with a silver unicorn
Item:Bouquet of Healing Heart orchids arranged in a ceramic unicorn vase
Item:Bright gold bell with an intricate porcelain unicorn handle
Item:Brightly polished wand of pale sapphire carved into a tight spiral reminiscent of a unicorn's horn
Item:Bronze armband inlaid with a cambrinth avatar
Item:Cambrinth ankle cuff inlaid with diamond unicorns to spell HODIERNA
Item:Cambrinth anklet clasped with a rearing unicorn cut from a flawless diamond
Item:Carved blue agate unicorn cameo brooch framed in gold
Item:Carved brick hearth
Item:Carved ivory gemshorn
Item:Cherry carving case with a delicate unicorn clasp of gleaming crystal
Item:Cloak depicting a proud unicorn standing in a field of jadice flowers
Item:Columned white-marble fireplace
Item:Copperwood pipe with an ivory bowl carved in the shape of a brig
Item:Cracked mother-of-pearl icon
Item:Creamy hulnik linen hooded cloak trimmed with a border of richly embroidered purple silk and the image of a silvery unicorn prancing upon a field of clover
Item:Creamy white silk tunic edged with a border of embroidered golden unicorns along the hem and sleeves
Item:Crisp white foraging apron lined with satin and painted with a unicorn over the front pocket
Item:Cut crystal chalice wrapped with silver wire
Item:Dark burgundy Elothean silk robe cinched with a triple-wrapped gold gauze sash
Item:Dark crimson canvas woodwind tube with a woven tapestry strap
Item:Dark fustian robe clasped with a ruby-eyed onyx adder eating its tail and embroidered with a fleet black unicorn
Item:Deep mahogany mortar with an herb garden carved around the base
Item:Delicate ivory necklace shaped like a racing unicorn with head thrown back in a triumphant neigh
Item:Delicate pearl-white parchment
Item:Delicate platinum unicorn amulet suspended from a heavy chain
Item:Delicate white chocolate unicorn
Item:Diamond unicorn pin
Item:Diminutive glass snow globe
Item:Dusky grey embroidered spidersilk scarf
Item:Ebon-framed painting
Item:Elaborate brocade clergy stole with various avatars hidden in the raised pattern
Item:Elaborately woven unicorn tapestry
Item:Elegantly carved necklace formed from interlocking crystal cubes
Item:Enameled brass cigarillo case clasped by a crystalline unicorn
Item:Engraved gold music box (2)
Item:Fine linen robe stitched with the symbols of the light aspects
Item:Flowing midnight-blue samite mantle with a lapis lazuli clasp
Item:Flowing white robe embroidered with a rampant unicorn
Item:Forest green suede instrument case buckled with a long tapestry shoulder-strap
Item:Glass unicorn earrings
Item:Gold medallion symbolizing dedication to Hodierna
Item:Golden silk robe trimmed with mother-of-pearl beads and decorated with an exquisite unicorn made of pearls
Item:Golden unicorn shaped nose stud
Item:Golden wire pendant twisted to form a spiral cradling a glass sphere
Item:Heather-blue satin alchemist's kit bejeweled with an ivory unicorn
Item:Heavy cloak of beige wool
Item:Hooded cloak of creamy white linen trimmed in royal blue silk
Item:Hooded mink cloak lined in fine spidersilk
Item:Ice-blue satin prayer tapestry embroidered with a hideous black unicorn