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 Potency is numberComplexity is numberPrecision is numberGrade is numberEbonus isFlare isFdecoration is
Menacing frozen-bone reaper's scythe with a sweeping blade of abyssium21022proc chanceFrost
Midnight-blue uthamar ukabi wrapped in Taisidon silkcress21021magnitudeNaturemidnight-blue
Military sledgehammer etched with the House Theren crest3Radiant
Muracite alchemist's quarterstaff engraved with lines of intersecting triangles21024proc chanceFirered
Oddly serrated dawnfire steel shamshir surrounded in a radiant golden aura42proc chanceRadiant
Opalescent spiritwood staff webbed with moonsilver21022magnitudeRadiantwhite
Pattern-welded silversteel falchion with a broadly curved blade21022magnitudeWateraqua
Petite bodice dagger with a gladiolus-shaped hilt21021proc chanceNature
Petrified spiritwood wizard's staff carved with an intricate pattern of open eyes21021activationRadianttwilight purple
Polished dark grey tursa trident brandishing menacingly serrated prongs21021proc chanceGlitter
Polished dragonwood staff with elaborate asini inlay21022magnitudeFiresunset-orange
Polished kertig kaskara with knight-shaped langets41041magnitudeElectric
Polished kertig nimsha with a serpent's head asini grip41041magnitudeFire
Polished kiralan boarding axe with an ilomba handle21022magnitudeFrostwhite
Polished silversteel throwing axe sculpted with the lines of an anguished visage21022proc chanceRazormidnight-blue
Polished windsteel cutlass with a bear-shaped pitch pearl pommel41041magnitudeElectric
Quelium bastard sword embossed with a slithering viper21022magnitudeNatureviridian
Quelium mariner's scimitar with a guard fashioned to resemble a tentacle21021proc chanceNaturesea-green
Quelium throwing spike with featherlette flights trailing from barkcloth cord21021proc chanceNatureswamp-green
Razor-edged dueling iltesh set with a spiral-cut wraithheart21021activationGlittersilver-colored
Razor-sharp icesteel hunting sword with a kadepa guard21022proc chanceFrost
Razor-sharp quelium stiletto embossed with a slithering viper21022magnitudeNatureviridian
Resplendent gentleman's walking cane of shining star-kissed kertig102magnitudeRadiantwhite
Rosewood spear with a viciously serrated head21024proc chanceFire
S'Kra Kor warrior chieftan's ceremonial wildland machete41043magnitudeRazorblack
Sapper's axe2Electric
Savage flamewood riste embedded with jagged blades of agonite21021magnitudeFireblood-red
Scarlet glaes pasabas inlaid with Eth'ral'khh symbols21021proc chanceFire
Sculpted tyrium nodachi inlaid with crimson moonsilver21021magnitudeFire
Sea-worn kiralan chain blade attached to a stormwood hilt43proc chanceElectric
Serrated Imperial spear with a diamondwood haft41041durabilityElectric
Serrated Imperial spear with an intricately carved rockwood shaft41041durabilityElectric
Serrated war sword with a blade of forgeheart iron21021magnitudeFire
Severely curved flame-shrouded shamshir set with a splendid Musparan gold sapphire2Firesunset-orange
Silversteel allarh detailed with crushed sapphire along the flared end1Electric
Silversteel assassin's blade etched with sinuous pictograms21021magnitudeRadiantghost-white
Silversteel longsword with a black diamond pommel21021proc chanceFrostblack
Sinuous agonite-bladed fan styled with burning goldfyre flames21022magnitudeFirescarlet
Sinuous telothian katana with an anjisis-capped hilt1Frost
Skeletal dire mace studded with bony knobs21021magnitudeNature
Skeletal frozen-bone hobbyhorse surmounted by a trio of smoking skulls21024magnitudeFrostOnyx
Sleek diacan cane capped with a cast-iron raven's head21021activationGlitterblack
Sleek diacan shotel with a wickedly curved blade limned in sungold21021activationGlittergold-colored
Slender hiromin bladedancer's longsword bearing a dim purple luminance21022proc chanceRazorsilver
Slender kertig blade with a cabochon Gemfire ruby pommelstone414Fire
Slender kertig blade with a cabochon glacier emerald pommelstone414Frost
Slender kertig blade with a cabochon lightning amethyst pommelstone212Electric
Slender kertig blade with an engraved electrum handguard21021durabilityElectric
Small cast-iron frying pan with a whitleather-wrapped handle21021magnitudeFiresaffron
Spiked windsteel war hammer with a carved blade-bone shaft41043proc chanceInterferenceblue-violet