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 CapacityWorn LocationSources
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with a black widow spider advancing on a webbed prey108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with a goshawk soaring high over an ash-covered city108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with a hungry vulture heavily weighing down a bare tree limb108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with a large grey shrike silhouetted darkly in front of a rising moon108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with a viper calmly viewing a vast abyss spewing forth fire108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the chilling image of a shark fin slicing through a calm sea108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the image of a coyote successfully scavenging another's prey108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the image of mischievous raccoons tumbling from a toolbox108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the powerful image of a fierce centaur geared for battle108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the sinuous semblance of an adder on the hunt108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the strutting image of a preening heron108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Onyx-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the visage of a shrew burrowing its pointy snout into an insect's nest108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Pale khiynit tail guard entangled in thorny cambrinth vines150tailGuildfest 431/Auction
Peaked abyssium crown inlaid with cambrinth stones200hair (placed)Estate Holder Mini-Fest 442/Auction
Pirouetting round-tummied imp with glowing green eyes200genericDroughtman's Challenge 426/Incidental loot
Pitted and pockmarked cambrinth moon108-Su Helmas: Seeds of Entropy/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 440: Entrapped/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 438: The Forbidden Temple/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 434: The Forbidden Temple/Incidental loot
Platinum-framed cambrinth orb108-Custorian's Creations (3)
Custorian's Creations (2)
Pointed gold crown inlaid with cambrinth stones150Owirvald Riverhaven Auction 427
Polished cambrinth orb inlaid with a gold thirteen-point star108Visions of Holiness (3)
Visions of Holiness (2)
Polished cambrinth orb inlaid with a platinum thirteen-point star108-Visions of Holiness (3)
Visions of Holiness (2)
Polished cambrinth orb inlaid with a silver thirteen-point star108-Visions of Holiness (2)
Polished cambrinth paperweight108-Breaking and Entering/Library loot
Realistic-looking heap of cambrinth dung100War and Craft (2)
War and Craft (1)
Sandskin robe decked in cambrinth suns hung from Velakan starsteel chains250Item:Khiynit rucksack pinned with a blue crystal mage
Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Raffle
Serene cambrinth seaturtle with a gleaming mother-of-pearl shell108Drogor Shrine
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with a hooded cobra raised from tightly wound coils and poised to strike108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with a unicorn resting amidst a field of sirese blossoms108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with image of a scorpion arched and awaiting the chance to strike108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the depiction of a stalwart ox guarding the Bridge of Life108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the figure of a dolphin leaping high above cresting waves108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the image of a jet-black wolf calling out to its mate108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the image of a pampered cat curled up on a fireside cushion108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the image of a ram bearing harvest and vineyard garlands on his horns108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the image of a raven perched atop a mound of gems108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the image of a small wren pecking at the strings of a harp108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the likeness of a lion in regal repose surveying his domain108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the likeness of a stalking panther set amidst the stars108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Silver-dusted cambrinth orb etched with the wild-eyed image of a charging boar108-Bunglefoot's Tent (2)
Bunglefoot's Tent (1)
Bacon Man's Birthday Bash 419/Raffles
Simple farmer's tunic beaded with cambrinth100shirt (with armor)Thorkim Family Farm 429/Pig Maze
Soot-stained cambrinth bunny wielding a slightly melted glarmencoupler108-Smaller Side of Life (3)
Smaller Side of Life (2)
Sparkling white diamondwood staff sculpted into a unicorn horn200Su Helmas 444: Make Haste!/End loot
Stormy dark cambrinth orb accented with glass droplets100Wrath of the Storm (2)
Wrath of the Storm (1)
Sturdy belt dangling thirty-nine cambrinth disks108waistDroughtman's Challenge 441/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 437/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 433/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 430/Incidental loot
Stylized cambrinth comet with a silver-glittered tail108Su Helmas: Seeds of Entropy/Incidental loot
Su Helmas: Revealed!/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 440: Entrapped/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 438: The Forbidden Temple/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 434: The Forbidden Temple/Incidental loot
Three carved cambrinth bricks secured by uthamar anchor plates200-Tieheq with the Thirteen (4)
Tieheq with the Thirteen (3)
Tightly coiled cambrinth adder200-Idon Abide the Ten (2)
Idon Abide the Ten (2)
Tiny dark-eyed dryad seated within the branches of a cherry pozumshi tree108Tildi's Blooms (4)
Tildi's Blooms (3)
Traditional Gorbesh sishav tashahai wrapped in thick ice-veined leather200-Tieheq with the Thirteen (4)
Tieheq with the Thirteen (3)
Triple-looped strand of cambrinth discs dangling a barghest fang toggle100waistHouse of the Revenant Fang 433/Shadowy Safehouse
House of the Revenant Fang 429/Shadowy Safehouse
House of the Revenant Fang 423/Shadowy Safehouse
Velakan linen turban wrapped in a twisted mass of cambrinth chains150headDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblage