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ItemSource isRare item
Item:Black and silver plaid kilt fastened by a silver lightning bolt pin
Item:Black leather vest fastened with tiny silver lightning bolts
Item:Black prayer mat stitched with a forked bolt of bluefire velvet lightning
Item:Black prayer mat stitched with a three bolts of bluefire velvet lightning
Item:Black silk cord strung with a golden bolt of forked lightning
Item:Black silk cord strung with three gold lightning bolts
Item:Black silk robe embroidered with an intricate pattern of silver lightning bolts and trimmed with a ruff of grey owl feathers
Item:Blue-violet watersilk kimono with a rich bluefire velvet under-robe
Item:Blue-violet watersilk kimono with a rich starfire velvet under-robe
Item:Bouquet of Scarlet Panther lilies arranged in a flame-etched glass vase
Item:Burgundy brocade gem pouch with a golden lightning bolt clasp
Item:Cambrinth Meraud idol
Item:Cambrinth ring etched with storm clouds and lightning bolts
Item:Collarless jet batiste shirt
Item:Cushion-cut stormfire topaz pendant on a slim platinum chain
Item:Dark grey silk gown with jagged platinum lightning bolts dangling at the low neckline
Item:Dark grey silk ribbon strung with a smoky quartz shark
Item:Dark leather grooming kit closed with a silver lightning bolt
Item:Darkened silver ring inlaid with bolts of cambrinth lightning
Item:Deep ebony prayer tapestry embroidered with a spidery web of lightning
Item:Delicate cambrinth-studded silver chain bracelet with an intricate platinum clasp
Item:Ebony spidersilk pouch fastened with a silver lightning charm
Item:Elaborate storm-grey dress fringed with iridescent blue lace
Item:Faded oval coinpiece
Item:Firestained silver band intricately engraved with whorls of storm clouds
Item:Flowing dark spidersilk robes with golden embroidery
Item:Forging hammer with a lightning bolt shaped head
Item:Gleaming gold badge etched with the phrase "The wrath of the sky is a killing bolt!"
Item:Gleaming platinum badge etched with the phrase "I call forth the lightning to vanquish my foes!"
Item:Glistening aquamarine shaped like a lightning bolt
Item:Gold Bardic Spirit Knot hairstick engraved with lightning bolts
Item:Gold Bardic Spirit Knot pendant hung from an embroidered velvet choker
Item:Gold neithrel band fastened by matching lightning bolt chains
Item:Golden lockpick shaped like a bolt of lightning
Item:Golden wedding ring enhanced with elaborate engravings
Item:Grey clay jar
Item:Grey hip pouch accented with storm clouds in crystal beading
Item:Heavy black baladrana with gold embroidery trim
Item:Heavy cambrinth armband (aniek)
Item:Heavy cambrinth armband (meraud)
Item:Inky black Tokka deck split by a sinuous bolt of lightning
Item:Inky black silk prayer cloth embroidered in golden thread with a wide-eyed horned owl
Item:Inscribed calavarite brooch
Item:Kertig rifflers shaped like jagged lightning bolts
Item:Kertig shovel with an engraved handle of frolicking sky giants
Item:Large bolt of bluefire velvet fabric
Item:Lusterous gold-bound spellbook inset with a jagged golden lightning bolt
Item:Matte silver bracelet engraved with an erupting volcano
Item:Midnight black shawl overlaid in a lacey pattern of lightning bolts with a banded firesilk hem
Item:Midnight-blue silk cloak embroidered with silver lightning bolts and clasped by a gleaming jeweled pin