Property:Hindrance is

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A property for declairing what an armor's hindrance is.

Usage Documentation

This property is assigned via the Armor Template and should not be added by hand. The page has the type Number so that comparisons can be made, such as searching for armor with hindrance less than "overwhelming".

Allowed Values:

0 - none
1 - insignificant
2 - light
2 - low
3 - low
4 - fair
5 - moderate
6 - high
7 - great
8 - overwhelming
9 - insane

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The request is being processed and may take a moment. Preparing...
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "no", "insignificant", "trivial", "light", "minor", "fair", "mild", "moderate", "noticeable", "high", "significant", "great", "extreme", "debilitating", "overwhelming", "insane" ] } }