Pick Boxes (script)
General Information
This script is a fully automated means of picking boxes. It will do the following: 1. Remove your armor and put it into a defined container. 2. Pick all boxes in a defined container (specified as a command-line variable) 3. Watch exp and pause for 10 minutes when mind locked. 4. Throw away trash found in the boxes. 5. Dismantle the boxes when finished. 6. Stops the script when injured while disarming a box (still inputting the text for the various ways boxes hurt you). 7. Puts gems found in the boxes in a gem pouch within a defined container. 8. Stores herbs found within a defined container (still inputting all the herbs). 9. Stores lockpicks found in a defined container. 10. Appraises the box before trying to disarm it.
Front end: Stormfront (should work on Wizard)
Recommended name: pick
Usage: .pick [container with boxes] Where: container = any container either worn on the person or on the ground. No need to quote container names. Example: .pick duffel bag .pick backpack
For complete information on how this script works see Pick Boxes Instructions
Change Log
For the full log see Pick Boxes Change Log History.
EDITED by Uversy (5-29-2008) -- Version 1.5 1. Addition of messaging that let's a user know the script ended due to a trap being set off and suggests that they check themselves for injuries.
Please email uversy_dr@hotmail.com if you find any more trash items this script doesn't pick up.
1. Keep adding trash items found in boxes as they are found.
- Name
- pick.xml
- Description: Pick anything. Even discards trash found in the boxes.
- (That part is always growing. Email me if you find anymore junk
- this script isn't catching.)
- Version: 1.5.1
IF_1 GOTO start ECHO *************************************************** ECHO *** You need to define a container on your person ECHO *** in which boxes that need picking are stored. ECHO *** ECHO *** USAGE: ECHO *** .pick <container> ECHO *** ECHO *** Where <container> is any bag containing boxes. ECHO *** You do not have to quote a container name. ECHO *** ECHO *** EXAMPLE: ECHO *** ECHO *** .pick duffel bag ECHO *** .pick backpack ECHO ***************************************************
GOTO exit
start: ECHO ***************************************************** ECHO *** Loop this script? ECHO *** ECHO *** 1.) YES ECHO *** 2.) NOPE ECHO *** ECHO *** Type a number from the list above and press ENTER ECHO ***************************************************** MATCH loop 1 MATCH no_loop 2 MATCHWAIT
loop: SETVARIABLE my_choice show_exp GOTO set_holding
no_loop: SETVARIABLE my_choice sleep GOTO set_holding
set_holding: ECHO ***************************************************** ECHO *** Are you wearing the %0 ? ECHO *** ECHO *** 1.) YES ECHO *** 2.) NOPE ECHO *** ECHO *** Type a number from the list above and press ENTER ECHO ***************************************************** MATCH holding 1 MATCH not_holding 2 MATCHWAIT
holding: SETVARIABLE my_bag my %0 GOTO set_picktype
not_holding: SETVARIABLE my_bag %0 GOTO set_picktype
set_picktype: ECHO ******************************************************** ECHO *** Do you want to identify and mark traps (full disarm) ECHO *** or just disarm the traps (quick disarm)? ECHO *** ECHO *** 1.) full disarm ECHO *** 2.) quick disarm ECHO *** ECHO *** Type a number from the list above and press ENTER ECHO ******************************************************** MATCH full_disarm 1 MATCH quick_disarm 2 MATCHWAIT
full_disarm: SETVARIABLE my_disarm disarm_ident GOTO set_trashbin
quick_disarm: SETVARIABLE my_disarm disarm_me GOTO set_trashbin
ECHO *****************************************************
ECHO *** Is there a trash container here?
ECHO *** 1.) bin
ECHO *** 2.) basket
ECHO *** 3.) bucket
ECHO *** 4.) receptacle
ECHO *** 5.) log
ECHO *** 6.) trash-bin or trashbin
ECHO *** 7.) hole
ECHO ***
ECHO *** 8.) nope
ECHO ***
ECHO ***
ECHO *** Type a number from the list above and press ENTER
ECHO *****************************************************
MATCH bin 1
MATCH basket 2
MATCH bucket 3
MATCH receptacle 4
MATCH receptacle 5
MATCH trash 6
MATCH hole 7
MATCH no_trashcan 8
bin: SETVARIABLE lose_trash lose_trash_2 SETVARIABLE my_bin bin GOTO set_variables
basket: SETVARIABLE lose_trash lose_trash_2 SETVARIABLE my_bin basket GOTO set_variables
bucket: SETVARIABLE lose_trash lose_trash_2 SETVARIABLE my_bin bucket GOTO set_variables
receptacle: SETVARIABLE lose_trash lose_trash_2 SETVARIABLE my_bin receptacle GOTO set_variables
log: SETVARIABLE lose_trash lose_trash_2 SETVARIABLE my_bin log GOTO set_variables
trash: SETVARIABLE lose_trash lose_trash_2 SETVARIABLE my_bin trash GOTO set_variables
hole: SETVARIABLE lose_trash lose_trash_2 SETVARIABLE my_bin hole GOTO set_variables
no_trashcan: SETVARIABLE lose_trash lose_trash_1 GOTO set_variables
set_variables: SETVARIABLE pouch_container bolt box SETVARIABLE empty_pouch_container odaj SETVARIABLE armor_storage rucksack SETVARIABLE lockpick_container boots SETVARIABLE special_gem_container duffel bag SETVARIABLE head_armor_descript black leather mask SETVARIABLE hand_armor_descript some black leather gloves SETVARIABLE body_armor_descript some soft black leathers SETVARIABLE shield_armor_descript gargoyle-hide shield SETVARIABLE head_armor mask SETVARIABLE hand_armor gloves SETVARIABLE body_armor leathers SETVARIABLE feet_armor boots SETVARIABLE shield_armor shield SETVARIABLE next_func check_armor SETVARIABLE this_bag my %armor_storage
- The below variable "easteregg" is used with the DISMANTLE verb to add some flare
- If you know one of the easter egg options for this verb, define it here.
- If nothing is defined, then the default dismantle message will be seen.
SETVARIABLE easteregg press
put sort auto head PAUSE 1 put open my %pouch_container
open_armor_storage: MATCH combo_open complicated fastenings keep it sealed. MATCH check_armor That is already open. MATCH check_armor You open your put open my %armor_storage MATCHWAIT
wear_armor: put wear my %armor GOTO open_armor_storage
check_armor: ECHO *** check_armor *** put inv armor MATCH my_head_armor %head_armor_descript MATCH my_hand_armor %hand_armor_descript MATCH my_shield_armor %shield_armor_descript MATCH my_body_armor %body_armor_descript MATCH close_armor You are wearing nothing of that sort. MATCH close_armor You have nothing of that sort. MATCHWAIT
close_armor: put close my %armor_storage GOTO check_pick
my_body_armor: ECHO *** my_body_armor *** SETVARIABLE armor %body_armor GOTO remove_armor
my_shield_armor: ECHO *** my_shield_armor *** SETVARIABLE armor %shield_armor GOTO remove_armor
my_hand_armor: ECHO *** my_hand_armor *** SETVARIABLE armor %hand_armor GOTO remove_armor
my_head_armor: ECHO *** my_head_armor *** SETVARIABLE armor %head_armor GOTO remove_armor
remove_armor: put remove my %armor
MATCH wear_armor But that's closed MATCH check_armor You put put put my %armor in my %armor_storage MATCHWAIT
check_pick: SETVARIABLE other_skill exp disarm put exp skill lockpicking MATCH %my_choice mind lock MATCH check_disarm Time MATCHWAIT
check_disarm: SETVARIABLE other_skill exp lockpicking put exp skill disarm MATCH %my_choice mind lock MATCH check_bag Time MATCHWAIT
sleep: put %other_skill ECHO ECHO ******************************************************* ECHO *** Mind Locked. Letting head rest for 10 minutes. *** ECHO ******************************************************* ECHO PAUSE 300 ECHO *************************************** ECHO *** 5 minutes until picking resumes *** ECHO *************************************** PAUSE 240 ECHO ************************************** ECHO *** 1 minute until picking resumes *** ECHO ************************************** PAUSE 60 GOTO check_pick
show_exp: ECHO ************************************** ECHO *** Not stopping if mind locked!!! *** ECHO ************************************** put %other_skill GOTO check_bag
check_bag: PAUSE 2 SETVARIABLE next_func find_box SETVARIABLE this_bag %my_bag
MATCH combo_open complicated fastenings keep it sealed. MATCH find_box That is already open. MATCH find_box You open your MATCH find_box You slowly open your MATCH find_box You open a put open %this_bag MATCHWAIT
combo_open: put poke %this_bag put yank %this_bag GOTO %next_func
find_box: COUNTER SET 1
MATCH crate crate, MATCH crate crate. MATCH crate crate and MATCH strongbox strongbox, MATCH strongbox strongbox. MATCH strongbox strongbox and MATCH tinderbox tinderbox, MATCH tinderbox tinderbox. MATCH tinderbox tinderbox and MATCH box box, MATCH box box. MATCH box box and MATCH skippet skippet, MATCH skippet skippet. MATCH skippet skippet and MATCH casket casket, MATCH casket casket. MATCH casket casket and MATCH trunk trunk, MATCH trunk trunk. MATCH trunk trunk and MATCH caddy caddy, MATCH caddy caddy. MATCH caddy caddy and MATCH chest chest, MATCH chest chest. MATCH chest chest and MATCH coffer coffer, MATCH coffer coffer. MATCH coffer coffer and MATCH exit In the MATCH exit There is nothing in there. put look in %this_bag MATCHWAIT
coffer: SAVE coffer GOTO get_box
crate: SAVE crate GOTO get_box
chest: SAVE chest GOTO get_box
strongbox: SAVE strongbox GOTO get_box
tinderbox: put get tinderbox from in %my_bag put put my tinderbox in %my_bin GOTO find_box
box: SAVE box GOTO get_box
skippet: SAVE skippet GOTO get_box
casket: SAVE casket GOTO get_box
trunk: SAVE trunk GOTO get_box
caddy: SAVE caddy GOTO get_box
get_box: put get %s from in %my_bag put close %my_bag
MATCH disarm_me Some thoughtful soul MATCH swap doesn't appear to be trapped MATCH %my_disarm appears to be trapped MATCH %my_disarm You're uncertain if MATCH open can be opened and closed put look my %s put appr my %s quick MATCHWAIT
disarm_again: put put my lockpick in my %lockpick_container GOTO %my_disarm
disarm_ident: SETVARIABLE return disarm_ident
ECHO *** disarm_ident *** put disarm my %s ident MATCH disarm_ident You hear a snap as a bronze seal MATCH disarm_ident "liquid shadows" begin to pour from it! MATCH disarm_ident fails to reveal to you what type of trap protects it. MATCH disarm_ident aren't able to discern whether it is trapped or not MATCH disarm_me Surely any fool can see that some helpful soul MATCH disarm_mark Even your memory can not be that short MATCH disarm_mark Roundtime MATCH disarm_mark You nod. MATCH wait ...wait MATCH boxExit a blinding flash explodes around you MATCH boxExit An acrid stream of sulfurous air MATCH boxExit less than successful MATCH boxExit Nothing happened. Maybe it was a dud. MATCH boxExit sharp snap MATCH boxExit There is a sudden flash of greenish light MATCH boxExit A tiny dart lodges MATCH boxExit Almost immediately, you grow dizzy MATCH boxExit A black cloud of ash and soot explodes out MATCH boxExit emits a sound like tormented souls being freed MATCH eat_jadice With a sinister swishing noise MATCHWAIT
disarm_mark: SETVARIABLE return disarm_mark
ECHO *** disarm_mark *** put disarm my %s mark MATCH swap is not trapped. MATCH disarm_ident You hear a snap as a bronze seal MATCH disarm_ident "liquid shadows" begin to pour from it! MATCH disarm_ident Are you going to mark your best guess? MATCH disarm_mark Unfortunately, your weak attempt fails to scratch the mark as desired. MATCH disarm_mark You get the distinct feeling your careless actions MATCH disarm_me With a confident grin you grab MATCH disarm_ident You nod MATCH disarm_mark your carelessness did not disarm the trap. MATCH disarm_mark You shake your head MATCH wait ...wait MATCH boxExit a blinding flash explodes around you MATCH boxExit An acrid stream of sulfurous air MATCH boxExit less than successful MATCH boxExit Nothing happened. Maybe it was a dud. MATCH boxExit sharp snap MATCH boxExit There is a sudden flash of greenish light MATCH boxExit A tiny dart lodges MATCH boxExit Almost immediately, you grow dizzy MATCH boxExit A black cloud of ash and soot explodes out MATCH boxExit emits a sound like tormented souls being freed MATCH eat_jadice With a sinister swishing noise MATCHWAIT
disarm_me: SETVARIABLE return disarm_me
ECHO *** disarm_me ***
- MATCH wait ...wait
- MATCH next_disarm Roundtime
put disarm my %s
ECHO *** GOTO next_disarm *** GOTO next_disarm
disarm_careful: SETVARIABLE return disarm_careful
ECHO *** disarm_careful ***
- MATCH wait ...wait
- MATCH next_disarm Roundtime
put disarm my %s careful
GOTO next_disarm
next_disarm: ECHO *** next_disarm *** MATCH disarm_again You hear a snap as a bronze seal MATCH disarm_again "liquid shadows" begin to pour from it! MATCH disarm_again You may wish to take another look. MATCH disarm_again You nod MATCH disarm_me You shake your head. MATCH disarm_careful You get the distinct feeling your careless actions MATCH disarm_careful If you had to guess, you would say your carelessness MATCH disarm_careful Your fumbling fails to disarm MATCH disarm_careful Your careful fumbling fails MATCH wait ...wait MATCH boxExit a blinding flash explodes around you MATCH boxExit An acrid stream of sulfurous air MATCH boxExit less than successful MATCH boxExit Nothing happened. Maybe it was a dud. MATCH boxExit sharp snap MATCH boxExit There is a sudden flash of greenish light MATCH boxExit A tiny dart lodges MATCH boxExit Almost immediately, you grow dizzy MATCH boxExit A black cloud of ash and soot explodes out MATCH boxExit emits a sound like tormented souls being freed MATCH eat_jadice With a sinister swishing noise MATCH swap Roundtime MATCHWAIT
eat_jadice: put eat jadice flower GOTO exit
swap: SETVARIABLE return swap
ECHO *** swap *** MATCH lockpick %s in your left hand MATCH do_swap %s in your right hand MATCH wait ...wait put glance MATCHWAIT
do_swap: ECHO *** do_swap *** MATCH lockpick You move MATCH wait ...wait put swap MATCHWAIT
lockpick: MATCH pick lockpick from inside your MATCH no_pick What were you referring to? put get my lockpick from my %lockpick_container MATCHWAIT
pick: ECHO *** pick *** SETVARIABLE return pick
put pick my %s MATCH exit You are in no shape to be doing that MATCH swap Find a more appropriate tool and try again! MATCH open Click! MATCH open It's not locked. MATCH open But it's wide open! MATCH %my_disarm Anticipating the worst MATCH pick No such luck. MATCH wait ...wait MATCH lockpick *SNAP*! Your pick just broke! MATCH lockpick Argh! Your pick just broke off in the lock! MATCHWAIT
wait: PAUSE 1 GOTO %return
no_pick: ECHO *** You DO NOT have any lockpicks! Go get some! *** SETVARIABLE next_func save_box SETVARIABLE this_bag %my_bag
put open %this_bag MATCH combo_open complicated fastenings keep it sealed. MATCH save_box That is already open. MATCH save_box You open your MATCH save_box You slowly open your MATCHWAIT
open: PAUSE 1 put put my lockpick in my %lockpick_container put open my %s GOTO gem
coin: put get coin from my %s GOTO gem
gem: PAUSE 1 MATCH done There is nothing in there MATCH coin coin MATCH get_diopside diopside MATCH get_crystal crystal MATCH get_topaz topaz MATCH get_amethyst amethyst MATCH get_nugget nugget MATCH get_quartz quartz MATCH get_jasper jasper MATCH get_sjatmalstones sjatmal stones MATCH get_lasmodistones lasmodi stones MATCH get_waermodistones waermodi stones MATCH get_lantholitestones lantholite stones MATCH get_runestone runestone MATCH get_bloodstone bloodstone MATCH get_stone stone MATCH get_ruby ruby MATCH get_zircon zircon MATCH get_bar silver bar MATCH get_a_gem gem MATCH get_sapphire sapphire MATCH get_malachite malachite MATCH get_diamondBand diamond band MATCH get_diamond diamond MATCH get_moonstone circle of milky moonstone MATCH get_goldstone goldstone MATCH get_sunstone sunstone MATCH get_onyx chunk of onyx MATCH get_opal opal MATCH get_bloodgem bloodgem MATCH get_bar gold bar MATCH get_pearl pearl MATCH get_card card MATCH get_crust crust MATCH get_bread bread MATCH get_brush brush MATCH get_arrowhead arrowhead MATCH get_cookie cookie MATCH get_herring herring MATCH get_pestle pestle MATCH get_tinderbox tinderbox MATCH get_grub grub MATCH get_pepper pepper MATCH get_jerky jerky MATCH get_fritter fritter MATCH get_dress dress MATCH get_lockpick lockpick MATCH get_slug slug MATCH get_pipe pipe MATCH get_trotters trotters MATCH get_yelith yelith root MATCH get_sufil sufil sap MATCH get_jadice jadice flower MATCH get_ale ale MATCH get_mouse mouse MATCH get_vest vest MATCH get_leaf leaf MATCH get_toes toes MATCH get_tobacco tobacco MATCH get_kortpotion Kort potion MATCH get_tart tart MATCH get_bodkin bodkin MATCH get_skirt skirt MATCH get_cigar cigar MATCH get_sandwich sandwich MATCH get_jam jam MATCH get_newsletter newsletter MATCH get_potpie potpie MATCH get_figurine figurine MATCH get_jelly jelly MATCH get_cake cake MATCH get_rose rose MATCH get_powder powder MATCH get_frog frog MATCH get_bottle bottle MATCH get_head head MATCH get_hat hat MATCH get_mushroom mushroom MATCH get_coat coat MATCH get_skull skull MATCH get_nectarine nectarine MATCH get_leggings leggings MATCH get_shoes shoes MATCH get_wine wine MATCH get_foot foot MATCH get_bracelet bracelet MATCH get_salmon salmon MATCH get_taffelberries taffelberries MATCH get_ham ham MATCH get_shirt shirt MATCH get_cheese cheese MATCH get_comb comb MATCH get_carrot carrot MATCH get_brandy brandy MATCH get_glue glue MATCH get_flint flint MATCH get_socks socks MATCH get_haunch haunch MATCH get_scraper scraper MATCH get_needle needle MATCH get_tomato tomato MATCH get_mortar mortar MATCH get_apple apple MATCH get_muffin muffin MATCH get_disc disc MATCH get_ithorpotion ithor potion MATCH get_handkerchief handkerchief MATCH get_knife knife MATCH get_dust dust MATCH gem What were you referring to? MATCH gem You nod. MATCH gem You drop MATCH gem You put MATCH gem Your newsletter disintegrates put look in my %s MATCHWAIT
get_diopside: SETVARIABLE gems diopside GOTO get_gem
get_crystal: SETVARIABLE gems crystal GOTO get_gem
get_topaz: SETVARIABLE gems topaz GOTO get_gem
get_amethyst: SETVARIABLE gems amethyst GOTO get_gem
get_nugget: SETVARIABLE gems nugget GOTO get_gem
get_bloodstone: SETVARIABLE gems bloodstone GOTO get_gem
get_quartz: SETVARIABLE gems quartz GOTO get_gem
get_jasper: SETVARIABLE gems jasper GOTO get_gem
get_sjatmalstones: SETVARIABLE trash sjatmal stones GOTO %lose_trash
get_lasmodistones: SETVARIABLE trash lasmodi stones GOTO %lose_trash
get_waermodistones: SETVARIABLE trash waermodi stones GOTO %lose_trash
get_lantholitestones: SETVARIABLE trash lantholite stones GOTO %lose_trash
get_runestone: SETVARIABLE trash runestone GOTO %lose_trash
get_stone: SETVARIABLE gems stone GOTO get_gem
get_ruby: SETVARIABLE gems ruby GOTO get_gem
get_zircon: SETVARIABLE gems zircon GOTO get_gem
get_bar: SETVARIABLE gems bar GOTO get_gem
get_a_gem: SETVARIABLE gems gem GOTO get_gem
get_sapphire: SETVARIABLE gems sapphire GOTO get_gem
get_malachite: SETVARIABLE gems malachite GOTO get_gem
get_diamondBand: put open my %0 put get diamond band from my %s put put my diamond band in my %0 put close my %0 GOTO gem
get_diamond: SETVARIABLE gems diamond GOTO get_gem
get_moonstone: SETVARIABLE gems moonstone GOTO get_gem
get_goldstone: SETVARIABLE gems goldstone GOTO get_gem
get_sunstone: SETVARIABLE gems sunstone GOTO get_gem
get_onyx: SETVARIABLE gems onyx GOTO get_gem
get_opal: SETVARIABLE gems opal GOTO get_gem
get_bloodgem: SETVARIABLE gems bloodgem GOTO get_gem
get_pearl: SETVARIABLE gems pearl GOTO get_gem
get_card: SETVARIABLE other card SETVARIABLE this_container %pouch_container GOTO get_other
get_bread: SETVARIABLE trash bread GOTO %lose_trash
get_brush: SETVARIABLE trash brush GOTO %lose_trash
get_arrowhead: SETVARIABLE trash arrowhead GOTO %lose_trash
get_cookie: SETVARIABLE trash cookie GOTO %lose_trash
get_herring: SETVARIABLE trash herring GOTO %lose_trash
get_pestle: SETVARIABLE trash pestle GOTO %lose_trash
get_tinderbox: SETVARIABLE trash tinderbox GOTO %lose_trash
get_grub: SETVARIABLE trash grub GOTO %lose_trash
get_pepper: SETVARIABLE trash pepper GOTO %lose_trash
get_jerky: SETVARIABLE trash jerky GOTO %lose_trash
get_fritter: SETVARIABLE trash fritter GOTO %lose_trash
get_dress: SETVARIABLE trash dress GOTO %lose_trash
get_trotters: SETVARIABLE trash trotters GOTO %lose_trash
get_vest: SETVARIABLE trash vest GOTO %lose_trash
get_lockpick: SETVARIABLE other lockpick SETVARIABLE this_container %lockpick_container GOTO get_other
get_slug: SETVARIABLE trash slug GOTO %lose_trash
get_pipe: SETVARIABLE trash pipe GOTO %lose_trash
get_yelith: SETVARIABLE other yelith root SETVARIABLE this_container cloak GOTO get_other
get_sufil: SETVARIABLE other sufil sap SETVARIABLE this_container cloak GOTO get_other
get_jadice: SETVARIABLE other jadice flower SETVARIABLE this_container cloak GOTO get_other
get_ale: SETVARIABLE trash ale GOTO %lose_trash
get_mouse: SETVARIABLE trash mouse GOTO %lose_trash
get_leaf: SETVARIABLE trash leaf GOTO %lose_trash
get_toes: SETVARIABLE trash toes GOTO %lose_trash
get_tobacco: SETVARIABLE trash tobacco GOTO %lose_trash
get_kortpotion: SETVARIABLE trash Kort potion GOTO %lose_trash
get_tart: SETVARIABLE trash tart GOTO %lose_trash
get_bodkin: SETVARIABLE trash bodkin GOTO %lose_trash
get_skirt: SETVARIABLE trash skirt GOTO %lose_trash
get_cigar: SETVARIABLE trash cigar GOTO %lose_trash
get_sandwich: SETVARIABLE trash sandwich GOTO %lose_trash
get_jam: SETVARIABLE trash jam GOTO %lose_trash
get_newsletter: SETVARIABLE trash newsletter GOTO %lose_trash
get_potpie: SETVARIABLE trash potpie GOTO %lose_trash
get_figurine: SETVARIABLE trash figurine GOTO %lose_trash
get_jelly: SETVARIABLE trash jelly GOTO %lose_trash
get_cake: SETVARIABLE trash cake GOTO %lose_trash
get_rose: SETVARIABLE trash rose GOTO %lose_trash
get_powder: SETVARIABLE trash powder GOTO %lose_trash
get_frog: SETVARIABLE trash frog GOTO %lose_trash
get_bottle: SETVARIABLE trash bottle GOTO %lose_trash
get_crust: SETVARIABLE trash crust GOTO %lose_trash
get_head: SETVARIABLE trash head GOTO %lose_trash
get_hat: SETVARIABLE trash hat GOTO %lose_trash
get_mushroom: SETVARIABLE trash mushroom GOTO %lose_trash
get_coat: SETVARIABLE trash coat GOTO %lose_trash
get_skull: SETVARIABLE trash skull GOTO %lose_trash
get_nectarine: SETVARIABLE trash nectarine GOTO %lose_trash
get_leggings: SETVARIABLE trash leggings GOTO %lose_trash
get_shoes: SETVARIABLE trash shoes GOTO %lose_trash
get_wine: SETVARIABLE trash wine GOTO %lose_trash
get_foot: SETVARIABLE trash foot GOTO %lose_trash
get_bracelet: SETVARIABLE trash bracelet GOTO %lose_trash
get_salmon: SETVARIABLE trash salmon GOTO %lose_trash
get_taffelberries: SETVARIABLE trash taffelberries GOTO %lose_trash
get_ham: SETVARIABLE trash ham GOTO %lose_trash
get_shirt: SETVARIABLE trash shirt GOTO %lose_trash
get_cheese: SETVARIABLE trash cheese GOTO %lose_trash
get_comb: SETVARIABLE trash comb GOTO %lose_trash
get_carrot: SETVARIABLE trash carrot GOTO %lose_trash
get_brandy: SETVARIABLE trash brandy GOTO %lose_trash
get_glue: SETVARIABLE trash glue GOTO %lose_trash
get_flint: SETVARIABLE trash flint GOTO %lose_trash
get_socks: SETVARIABLE trash socks GOTO %lose_trash
get_haunch: SETVARIABLE trash haunch GOTO %lose_trash
get_scraper: SETVARIABLE trash scraper GOTO %lose_trash
get_needle: SETVARIABLE trash needle GOTO %lose_trash
get_tomato: SETVARIABLE trash tomato GOTO %lose_trash
get_mortar: SETVARIABLE trash mortar GOTO %lose_trash
get_apple: SETVARIABLE trash apple GOTO %lose_trash
get_muffin: SETVARIABLE trash muffin GOTO %lose_trash
get_disc: SETVARIABLE trash disc GOTO %lose_trash
get_ithorpotion: SETVARIABLE other ithor potion SETVARIABLE this_container cloak GOTO get_other
get_handkerchief: SETVARIABLE trash handkerchief GOTO %lose_trash
get_knife: SETVARIABLE trash knife GOTO %lose_trash
get_dust: SETVARIABLE trash dust GOTO %lose_trash
lose_trash_1: SETVARIABLE next_func gem ECHO *** lose_trash_1 *** put get %trash from my %s put drop my %trash GOTO gem
lose_trash_2: SETVARIABLE next_func gem ECHO *** lose_trash_2 *** put get %trash from my %s put put my %trash in %my_bin GOTO gem
get_other: SETVARIABLE next_func gem ECHO *** get_other *** put get %other from my %s put put my %other in my %this_container GOTO gem
get_gem: SETVARIABLE next_func get_gem ECHO *** get_gem *** put get %gems from my %s put put my %gems in my pouch in my %pouch_container MATCH free_hand has been tied off MATCH free_hand You can't fit anything else MATCH special_gem too long to fit MATCH special_gem There isn't any more room MATCH gem You put your MATCH done You nod. MATCH gem You shake your head. MATCHWAIT
special_gem: SETVARIABLE next_func gem put open my %special_gem_container put put my %gems in my %special_gem_container put close my %special_gem_container GOTO %next_func
done: SETVARIABLE next_func test_pouch ECHO *** DONE *** put look in my %s MATCH free_hand You can't fit anything else MATCH do_again There is nothing in there. MATCH done You put your MATCH done You drop MATCH gem You nod. MATCHWAIT
free_hand: ECHO *** free_hand *** COUNTER SET 1 SETVARIABLE next_func test_pouch SETVARIABLE this_bag %my_bag
put put my %gems in my %s put open %my_bag MATCH combo_open complicated fastenings keep it sealed. MATCH test_pouch That is already open. MATCH test_pouch You slowly open your MATCH test_pouch You open MATCHWAIT
test_pouch: COUNTER ADD 1 put put %s in %my_bag put get pouch from my %pouch_container put close my pouch put put my pouch in my %pouch_container put get %gems from my %s in %my_bag GOTO test_%c
test_2: PAUSE 1 put put my %gems in my second pouch in my %pouch_container MATCH swap_pouch_2 You put MATCH get_pouch What were you referring to? MATCH test_3 has been tied off MATCH test_3 You can't fit anything else MATCHWAIT
test_3: PAUSE 1 put put my %gems in my third pouch in my %pouch_container MATCH swap_pouch_3 You put MATCH get_pouch What were you referring to? MATCH test_4 has been tied off MATCH test_4 You can't fit anything else MATCHWAIT
test_4: PAUSE 1 put put my %gems in my fourth pouch in my %pouch_container MATCH swap_pouch_%c You put MATCH no_pouch What were you referring to? MATCHWAIT
no_pouch: ECHO *** No more pouches! *** GOTO exit
swap_pouch_2: put get second pouch from my %pouch_container put put my pouch in my %pouch_container GOTO finish_box
swap_pouch_3: put get third pouch from my %pouch_container put put my pouch in my %pouch_container GOTO finish_box
swap_pouch_4: put get fourth pouch from my %pouch_container put put my pouch in my %pouch_container GOTO finish_box
finish_box: put get %s from in %my_bag put close %my_bag GOTO gem
get_pouch: put get pouch from my %empty_pouch_container put put my pouch in my %pouch_container put put my %gems in my pouch in my %pouch_container GOTO finish_box
do_again: ECHO *** Dismantle %s and start over script. *** SETVARIABLE return do_again
put dismantle my %s %easteregg MATCH hold_dismantle Your hands are too full for that! MATCH check_pick After a brief moment, you scoff quietly MATCH check_pick confident in your knowledge of its creation MATCH check_pick You examine MATCH disarm_again You must first disarm MATCH wait ...wait MATCHWAIT
hold_dismantle: PAUSE 10 GOTO done
save_box: put put my %s in %this_bag GOTO exit
boxExit: ECHO *********************************** ECHO *** ==WARNING== ECHO *** You set of a box trap! ECHO *** Find out how you hurt yourself! ECHO *********************************** PAUSE 5 GOTO exit
exit: put close %my_bag put get %my_bag put close my %pouch_container