Gale drake

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Gale Drake
Creature Levels:
    Overall 160
    Level Variance (-2 ⁄ +2)
    Natural Attack ?
    Weapon Attack ?
    Defense ?
    Player Estimated -
Potential overall skill: 920
Skill Cap 1000 to 1300
Skinnable Yes
Has Coins No
Has Gems No
Has Boxes No
Has Other Unknown
Uses Weapons No
Alignment No
Corporeal Yes
Construct No
Casts Spells Yes
Attack Range Melee
Stealthy No
Special Attacks Yes
Special Defenses Yes
Body Type unknown
Body Type (Alt) unknown
Body Size unknown
Premium-Only Unknown
Skinning Details
Ranks Required 1100
Max Value 26502,650 Kronars <br />2,120 Lirums <br />1,912.24 Dokoras <br />2.65 LTBpoints <br />2.65 Tickets <br />
Max Arranged 30003,000 Kronars <br />2,400 Lirums <br />2,164.8 Dokoras <br />3 LTBpoints <br />3 Tickets <br />
Manipulatable ?
Skill Required ? / ?
Teaching Cap ?

Introduced in Tuesday Tidings 106.


Small but thick scaled plates cover the drake from head to claws while thicker, angular plates descend along the creature's back. His tail swishes from side to side, leaving flickering sparks of electricity in its wake. With a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth and quill-like barbs protruding menacingly from the tip of his tail, the drake is built for survival -- either by overpowering his foes or enduring and outlasting their attacks.


Long feared by sailors that ply the eastern oceans, the crackling hiss and yowl of the gale drake's flight means certain death for all but the most prepared or evasive of seafarers. These creatures of the sky are ferocious predators, and rumors of ever larger marine life being carried away in their claws remains one of the few agreed upon, not exaggerated observations claimed by seafarers.

Charged with wind and lightning and willing to fight for any meal or infringement of their territory, the drakes are thought to be distant relatives of mountain-dwelling wyverns. They spend much of their time aloft, coasting on thermals and soaring within and between the clouds. Migrating with the seasonal monsoons, the drakes have been observed dancing and diving around waterspouts and the edges of typhoons.

Though recently settling on the Pivilho volcano, the drakes have largely left the islanders alone, seemingly preferring to hunt over water. However, repeatedly corroborated claims of seeing drakes flying while carrying fully grown oxen suggest that they are more than able to hunt terrestrial prey.

The gale drakes are known to cast the Swirling Winds, Vertigo, Mark of Arhat, Lightning Bolt, and Chain Lightning spells.

They are not known to carry loot in locked boxes.

In Depth




  • Spawn: The gale drake crashes down from above, arresting his descent with a powerful flap of his wings which he quickly furls to his sides.
  • Entrance: The gale drake swiftly bounds in, energy crackling along her tail.
  • Exit:
  • Death1: The powerful currents swirling about the gale drake cease as his lifeforce fades.
  • Death2: The arcing electricity along the gale drake's tail ceases.
  • Decay: A gentle breeze cradles the gale drake a moment before it decays and fades from view.
  • Searching: The gale drake searches around for a moment.
  • Random Grimacing suddenly, the gale drake begins to retch, and with a dramatic hork, coughs up a half-digested leg of some hooved creature. Licking her chops with her forked tongue, the gale drake considers the leg a moment before scooping it up and swallowing it again.
  • Random The gale drake inhales sharply, her throat expanding and her scales crackling with electricity, and she lets out a series of agressive hoots and trills!
  • Random The gale drake spots something nearby, and with a short hop, she pounces! Carefully opening her clawed paws, the gale drake studies her catch, momentarily surprised to discover nothing was captured. The gale drake glances around as if embarrassed.

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