Skyward Crafting (8)

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Skyward Crafting
Event Hollow Eve Festival 436
# of Rooms 5
Store Type Crafting shops, Alchemy shops, Engineering shops, Forging shops, Outfitting shops, Enchanting shops
This store only accepts Kronars

Lofty Enchantments

[Skyward Crafting, Lofty Enchantments]
Situated in the middle of the sprawling tent, a path of clouds floating upon a sky-blue backdrop leads to a billowing counter. The embroidered detail expertly obscures a bevy of multidimensional throw rugs used to create the illusion. The committed shop's workers further enhance the effect by jumping from cloud to cloud as though a careless misstep would result in certain death. You also see a billowing table with a few things on it, a rainbow counter with a few things on it, a rainbow-colored flap and a sun-weathered shelf with several things on it.
Obvious exits: north, east, south, west.

on the billowing table
Item Price Done
crystalline burin fashioned from polished diamondique 562,500   
eyeball-topped burin with a stiffened optic nerve handle 550,000   
polished copperwood burin tied to a pair of yellow feathers 187,500   
on the rainbow counter
Item Price Done
ichor-green imbuement rod fashioned from rotting bogbirch 750,000   !!
spiderweb-covered imbuement rod chiseled from cracked felstone 512,500   !!
forked imbuement rod assembled from twisted wraith-bone pieces 562,500   !!
on a sun-weathered shelf
Item Price Done
bone-white sigil tome with a printed calico cover 15,000   !!
cire-wrapped sigil tome embroidered with a monstrous maritime scene 100,000   !!
coralite-covered sigil tome etched with an aquatic scene 3,000,000   !!
walnut covered sigil tome with a light cinnamon spine cover 11,250   !!

Stormy Forge

[Skyward Crafting, Stormy Forge]
Large sooty storm clouds float overhead near the tent's peak, while the thunderous peal of hammers on metal crash about from some unseen location. Soot-stained attendants stand at the ready to help customers choose their forging wares.
You also see a grey cabinet, a cloudy shelf with several things on it, a rain-soaked dais with a couple of things on it, a dark cloudy table with a few things on it and a weathered rack with a couple of things on it.
Obvious exits: south.

In the grey cabinet
Item Price Done
flask of jaundice-yellow oil - masterfully-crafted, tremendously ineffective speed, 75 volume 18,750   
flask of silver-colored oil - finely-crafted, tremendously effective speed, 75 volume 18,750   
flask of umber oil - exceptional quality, extremely ineffective speed, 250 volume 31,250   
On the cloudy shelf
Item Price Done
triple-fluted shovel instructions 225,000   !!
blunt forging hammer instructions 312,500   !!
wedge tong instructions 250,000   !!
pliers instructions 250,000   !!
On the rain-soaked dais
Item Price Done
silversteel shovel with a pale yellow cocobolo handle 5,625,000   
tomiek shovel emblazoned with a raging hurricane 3,750,000   
On the cloudy table
Item Price Done
kelpzyte forging hammer resembling a beer mug fastened to the end of a teak handle 28,125,000   
ayabere-handled forging mallet with a militant squid inlaid across the coralite face 20,000,000   
jet-black loimic forging mallet inlaid with bone-white glaes skulls 31,250,000   
On the weathered rack
Item Price Done
wedge-tipped silversteel pickaxe topped with a coralite starfish 9,375,000   
forked tomiek pickaxe with a mistglass handle 1,500,000   

Radiant Engineering

[Skyward Crafting, Radiant Engineering]
Angled mirrors raised high against the tent's sides direct beams of torchlight about the shop floor. Carefully positioned metal, stone and bone artwork gleams under the warm glow, and helps to illuminate the wares in this section of the tent. You also see some smoke-grey hooks with a few things on it, a glossy-red bench with a few things on it, a sunglow-orange dais with a couple of things on it, a brilliant yellow cabinet, a puffy rack with a couple of things on it and a cloudy shelf with several things on it.
Obvious exits: west.

On the smoke-grey hooks
Item Price Done
charcoal-grey stain - exceptional quality, extremely ineffective speed, 250 count 31,250   
saffron stain - masterfully crafted, tremendously ineffective speed, 75 count 18,570   
pale-brown stain - finely crafted, tremendously effective speed, 75 count 18,570   
On the glossy-red bench
Item Price Done
hazy-grey wood glue - practically worthless quality, completely ineffective speed, 250 count 31,250   
deep-orange wood glue - masterfully quality, tremendously ineffective speed, 75 count 18,570   
sunny-yellow wood glue - finely quality, tremendously effective speed, 75 count 18,570   
"The glue on this bench has wildly varying degrees of quality and uses"
On the sunglow-orange dais
Item Price Done
nacre-handled drawknife with a thin kertig blade 4,375,000   
serrated drawknife fashioned with coralite tentacle grips 3,125,000   
In the yellow cabinet
Item Price Done
jar of glistening polish - finely crafted, tremendously effective speed, 75 count 18,750   
jar of pock-marked polish - masterfully crafted, tremendously ineffective speed, 75 count 18,750   
jar of lumpy polish - exceptional quality, extremely ineffective speed, 250 count 31,250   
On the puffy rack
Item Price Done
dwarven iron bone saw with swept back handles 525,000   
kelpzyte bone saw with a smudged smiley face painted across the blade's flat 25,000,000   
On the cloudy shelf
Item Price Done
aldamdin tinker's tools with polished alerce handles 6,250,000   
textured clamps 18,750   
angled yellow clamps 18,750   
thick orange clamps 18,750   
brilliant orange wood shaper with an amber handle 9,375   
dull puce wood shaper fashioned to resemble a large earthworm 500,000   
aldamdin awl with a gilded anjisis handle 3,750,000   
loimic rifflers with burnished aldamdin handles 25,000,000   

Torrential Alchemy

[Skyward Crafting, Torrential Alchemy]
An assortment of pungent odors and sweet smells dance about this area of the shop. Above, a dense canopy of fog blocks view of the tent's peak and all around echoes the drip-drop sound of rain falling down. The fog lessens into a steamy mist coiling down the shop's walls and hovering just above the floor. You also see a velvet rack with several things on it, a table carved to resemble a roiling cloud bank with a few things on it, a steaming dais with a couple of things on it and a blown-glass stand marbled with blue streaks with a couple of things on it.
Obvious exits: north.

on the velvet rack
Item Price Done
small brass Wayerd pyramid engraved with the sketch of a trapped zombie groom 125,000   
small brass Wayerd pyramid engraved with the sketch of a lonely zombie bride 150,000   
small brass Wayerd pyramid etched with a dark spirit spying on some adventurers 15,000   
small brass Wayerd pyramid engraved with a ghastly scarecrow stalking its prey 15,000   
on the table
Item Price Done
gourd-shaped pestle with a warty green surface 40,000   
mixing stick fashioned from a petrified chicken leg 40,000   
a smooth belzune mixing stick carved to resemble a long newt tail 625,000   
on the steaming dais
Item Price Done
bowl formed of overlapping spider webs carved from opaque quartzite 8,625   
voilyne bowl ringed with carved grave worms 775,000   
on the blown-glass stand
Item Price Done
some forked mixing stick instructions 275,000   No
some diagonal-wire sieve instructions 250,000   No

Billowing Tailoring

[Skyward Crafting, Billowing Tailoring]
All around the room whips a steady breeze. The wind grows in intensity as it whirls up alongside the tent walls towards the tent's peak where an elaborate mobile of the Immortals spins about. Ignoring the scene above, several attendants adorned with streaming ribbons dance about, helping shoppers. You also see a mist-grey curio with a couple of things on it, a billowing table with a wedge-tipped hide scraper with a scintillating gloomglass handle on it, a pearlescent cabinet, a blue shelf engraved with a scene of soaring gryphons with a few things on it and a cobalt stand with some lightning bolt shaped scissors fashioned from kelpzyte shards on it.
Obvious exits: east.

On the mist-grey curio
Item Price Done
bronze-hued razaksel yardstick marked with repeating icesteel rivets 600,000   
dragonwood yardstick covered with an embossed scale pattern 562,500   
On the billowing table
Item Price Done
wedge-tipped hide scraper with a scintillating gloomglass handle 425,000   
In the pearlescent cabinet
Item Price Done
flask of indigo tanning lotion - finely crafted, tremendously effective speed, 75 count 18,750   
flask of scarlet tanning lotion - masterfully crafted, tremendously ineffective speed, 75 count 18,750   
bottle of beige tanning lotion - exceptional quality, extremely ineffective speed, 250 count 31,250   
On the blue shelf
Item Price Done
raspberry-red pins - finely-crafted, tremendously effective speed, 75 count 18,750   
lavender pins - masterfully-crafted, tremendously ineffective speed, 75 count 18,750   
teal pins - exceptional quality, extremely ineffective speed, 250 count 31,250   
On the cobalt stand
Item Price Done
lightning bolt shaped scissors fashioned from kelpzyte shards 11,250,000   

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