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HE447Gift (script)

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HE447Gift (script)
Category Utility
Front-end Genie
Author Morvetan

Script for customizing the Hollow Eve 447 gift received from Mishle

(Select All)
##Decription: HE Mishli Gift Customization Tool
##Updated: 11/03/2023
##Usage: Type # response in command line, If you already know your selections type out all arugments when calling script ex: .he447gift 2 2 5 9 1 2 5 7 4
##Notes: Run in [Saidakyp of Andreshlew, Lobby]
##		Must have already received gift, and holding in right hand to have Mishli customize from selections.
##11/3/2023 - Added auto finish confirmation
##11/2/2023 - Typo correction

	var style1 null
	var metal null
	var jewelry null
	var modification1 null
	var material null
	var depiction null
	var style2 null
	var pest null
	var modification2 null
	var arrayStyle1 null|(blank)|achromatic|ashy|battered|beaded|beribboned|blemished|blotched|blotchy|cheap|chipped|classic|colorful|dapper|dingy|dirty|discolored|disfigured|drab|elaborate|elegant|exquisite|eye-catching|feathered|filthy|florid|gaudy|glitter-dusted|grimy|intricate|lumpy|marred|ornate|ostentatious|prismatic|radiant|scratched|smudged|somber|speckled|sullied|timeless|uneven|whimsical
	var arrayMetal null|(blank)|aldamdin|audrualm|bronze|copper|coralite|covellite|gold|haralun|iron|kelpzyte|kertig|loimic|lumium|mistglass|niello|oravir|orichalcum|pewter|platinum|silver|silversteel|tin|tomiek|tyrium|windsteel
	var arrayJewelry null|band|cuff|bangle|manacle|bracelet|wristcuff|claw|ring|thumbguard|toe-ring|collar|necklace|pendant|medallion|earcuff|hoop|stud|earring|ankle-chain|ankle-cuff|anklet|armlet|armband|arm-cuff|nose-spike|nose-stud|nose-ring|circlet|crown|diadem|headband|tiara|brooch|trinket
	var arrayModification1 null|accented with|adorned with|arrayed with|bearing|bedecked with|bedraggled with|covered with|dangling|displaying|edged with|embellished with|fastened with|featuring|festooned with|flaunting|graced with|hung with|layered in|ornamented by|showcasing|supporting|studded with|trimmed with|trailing|with|woven with
	var arrayMaterial null|abalone|aformosia|aldamalm|alerce|amber|ammolite|avodire|bamboo|ban-minahle|black amber|blackwood|bloodwood|bocote|bogbirch|bone|brochai|chitin|cogwood|coral|dafora pearl|damaryn pearl|damilyo pearl|darkspine|diamondwood|dragonfire amber|dragonwood|fana brochai|fang pearl|felwood|flame maple|geshi pearl|gocen tuilis|goldwood|grimwood|haon|Hav'roth's ambrosia|heartstone|hemlock|huljik|idopun pearl|ilomba|iniskim|ironwood|ivory|jet|kapok|Katamba's spire|lelori|macawood|mahogany|mikkhalbamar|mistwood|modwir|moon coral|moon pearl|moonshell|mother-of-pearl|nedoren brochai|ox-blood coral|pearl|peregan|pine|pitch pearl|purpleheart|remeka|sand lirum|sanrisi|seed pearl|shaal|silverbirch|smokewood|sun coral|sycamore|tabor|talan pearl|tamarak|tamboti|vedda|witchclaw|wooden|wyndwood|zoetia
	var arrayDepiction null|Adan'f warrior|adder|albatross|arbelog|badger|banshee|basilisk|bat|bear|beaver|black widow spier|blood drop|blood wolf|boobrie|boar|butterfly|cat|centaur|chimera|clenched fist|cobra|cockatrice|cow|coyote|crab|crocodile|crouching lion|crouching mountain lion|crouching tiger|crow|death squirrel|dog|dolphin|donkey|dove|dragon skull|dragonfly|dryad|eagle|ermine|ferret|firecat|flying dragon|forager ghoul|fox|gargoyle|ghost|ghoul|giant|goat|goblin|goldfish|goshawk|grasshopper|gremlin|gryphon|hawk|hedgehog|heron|honeybee|jackal|jaguar|kelpie|kingsnake|kraken|lava drake|leaping fish|leopard|leucro|lion|lobster|lynx|magpie|mermaid|mongoose|monkey|mountain lion|mummy|nightingale|nyad|octopus|ogre|orc|owl|ox|paguur|panther|parrot|peacock|peccary|pelican|pheasant|phoenix|rabbit|raccoon|ram|raven|retan dolomar|rimewolf|roaring lion|rooster|salamander|salmon|scorpion|seahorse|seal|shark|shrew|shrike|skeleton|skunk|snail|snarling wolf|snowbeast|spider|sprite|squirrel|stag|stork|storm goose|sun vulture|swallow|swamp troll|swan|terror bird|thistle|tiger|toadstool|troll|turkey|turtle|unicorn|velver|viper|vulture|weasel|welkin|whale|wight|wolf|wolverine|woodpecker|wood troll|wraith|wren|yak|yeehar|zombie               
	var arrayStyle2 null|(blank)|beastly|bloated|bulky|carved|charred|cracked|deformed|dust-covered|elongated|emaciated|enormous|faceted|fractured|glittered|glossy|hulking|lifelike|luminous|mottled|nebulous|nightmarish|oily|oversized|petite|phantasmal|polished|pristine|radiant|scorched|shadow-wrapped|shadowy|sleek|slender|soot-stained|speckled|spotted|swollen|translucent|undersized|vaporous|warped
	var arrayPest null|bee|beetle|cricket|damselfly|dragonfly|earwig|fly|glowbug|grasshopper|hornet|horsefly|katydid|ladybug|locust|mosquito|moth|roach|termite|wasp|waterbug
	var arrayModification2 null|crested with wiry antennae|dripping a viscous fluid|enshrouded by radiant moonsilver cladding|flitting among a glittery mist|patterned with hourglass-shaped splotches|pulsing with phosphorescent light|swirling within a dense fog|with a banded thorax|with fluttering opalescent wings|with monstrously barbed legs|with opalescent mesh wings|with unnaturally large bared fangs|with viciously horned wings

	if_9 goto SKIP
	if_1 then
		echo Too few arguments (Requires 9) try again
	goto STYLE1

	echo 1) (blank)                2) achromatic             3) ashy                   4) battered             
	echo 5) beaded                 6) beribboned             7) blemished              8) blotched             
	echo 9) blotchy               10) cheap                 11) chipped               12) classic              
	echo 13) colorful              14) dapper                15) dingy                 16) dirty                
	echo 17) discolored            18) disfigured            19) drab                  20) elaborate            
	echo 21) elegant               22) exquisite             23) eye-catching          24) feathered            
	echo 25) filthy                26) florid                27) gaudy                 28) glitter-dusted       
	echo 29) grimy                 30) intricate             31) lumpy                 32) marred               
	echo 33) ornate                34) ostentatious          35) prismatic             36) radiant              
	echo 37) scratched             38) smudged               39) somber                40) speckled             
	echo 41) sullied               42) timeless              43) uneven                44) whimsical  	
	waitforre ^(\d+)
	var style1 $1
	if ((%style1 < 1) || (%style1 > 44)) then
		put #echo
		put #echo Red *** Select a valid # ***
		put #echo
		goto STYLE1
	goto METAL
	echo 1) (blank)                2) aldamdin               3) audrualm               4) bronze               
	echo 5) copper                 6) coralite               7) covellite              8) gold                 
	echo 9) haralun               10) iron                  11) kelpzyte              12) kertig               
	echo 13) loimic                14) lumium                15) mistglass             16) niello               
	echo 17) oravir                18) orichalcum            19) pewter                20) platinum             
	echo 21) silver                22) silversteel           23) tin                   24) tomiek               
	echo 25) tyrium                26) windsteel  
	waitforre ^(\d+)
	var metal $1
	if ((%metal < 1) || (%metal > 26)) then
		put #echo
		put #echo Red *** Select a valid # ***
		put #echo
		goto METAL
	echo 1) band                   2) cuff                   3) bangle                 4) manacle              
	echo 5) bracelet               6) wristcuff              7) claw                   8) ring                 
	echo 9) thumbguard            10) toe-ring              11) collar                12) necklace             
	echo 13) pendant               14) medallion             15) earcuff               16) hoop                 
	echo 17) stud                  18) earring               19) ankle-chain           20) ankle-cuff           
	echo 21) anklet                22) armlet                23) armband               24) arm-cuff             
	echo 25) nose-spike            26) nose-stud             27) nose-ring             28) circlet              
	echo 29) crown                 30) diadem                31) headband              32) tiara                
	echo 33) brooch                34) trinket 
	waitforre ^(\d+)
	var jewelry $1
	if ((%jewelery < 1) || (%jewelry > 34)) then
		put #echo
		put #echo Red *** Select a valid # ***
		put #echo
		goto JEWELRY
	echo 1) accented with          2) adorned with           3) arrayed with           4) bearing              
	echo 5) bedecked with          6) bedraggled with        7) covered with           8) dangling             
	echo 9) displaying            10) edged with            11) embellished with      12) fastened with        
	echo 13) featuring             14) festooned with        15) flaunting             16) graced with          
	echo 17) hung with             18) layered in            19) ornamented by         20) showcasing           
	echo 21) supporting            22) studded with          23) trimmed with          24) trailing             
	echo 25) with                  26) woven with
	waitforre ^(\d+)
	var modification1 $1
	if ((%modification1 < 1) || (%modification1 > 26)) then
		put #echo
		put #echo Red *** Select a valid # ***
		put #echo

	echo 1) abalone                2) aformosia              3) aldamalm               4) alerce               
	echo 5) amber                  6) ammolite               7) avodire                8) bamboo               
	echo 9) ban-minahle           10) black amber           11) blackwood             12) bloodwood            
	echo 13) bocote                14) bogbirch              15) bone                  16) brochai              
	echo 17) chitin                18) cogwood               19) coral                 20) dafora pearl         
	echo 21) damaryn pearl         22) damilyo pearl         23) darkspine             24) diamondwood          
	echo 25) dragonfire amber      26) dragonwood            27) fana brochai          28) fang pearl           
	echo 29) felwood               30) flame maple           31) geshi pearl           32) gocen tuilis         
	echo 33) goldwood              34) grimwood              35) haon                  36) Hav'roth's ambrosia  
	echo 37) heartstone            38) hemlock               39) huljik                40) idopun pearl         
	echo 41) ilomba                42) iniskim               43) ironwood              44) ivory                
	echo 45) jet                   46) kapok                 47) Katamba's spire       48) lelori               
	echo 49) macawood              50) mahogany              51) mikkhalbamar          52) mistwood             
	echo 53) modwir                54) moon coral            55) moon pearl            56) moonshell            
	echo 57) mother-of-pearl       58) nedoren brochai       59) ox-blood coral        60) pearl                
	echo 61) peregan               62) pine                  63) pitch pearl           64) purpleheart          
	echo 65) remeka                66) sand lirum            67) sanrisi               68) seed pearl           
	echo 69) shaal                 70) silverbirch           71) smokewood             72) sun coral            
	echo 73) sycamore              74) tabor                 75) talan pearl           76) tamarak              
	echo 77) tamboti               78) vedda                 79) witchclaw             80) wooden               
	echo 81) wyndwood              82) zoetia  
	waitforre ^(\d+)
	var material $1
	if ((%material < 1) || (%material > 82)) then
		put #echo
		put #echo Red *** Select a valid # ***
		put #echo

	echo 1) Adan'f warrior         2) adder                  3) albatross              4) arbelog              
	echo 5) badger                 6) banshee                7) basilisk               8) bat                  
	echo 9) bear                  10) beaver                11) black widow spier     12) blood drop           
	echo 13) blood wolf            14) boobrie               15) boar                  16) butterfly            
	echo 17) cat                   18) centaur               19) chimera               20) clenched fist        
	echo 21) cobra                 22) cockatrice            23) cow                   24) coyote               
	echo 25) crab                  26) crocodile             27) crouching lion        28) crouching mountain lion 
	echo 29) crouching tiger       30) crow                  31) death squirrel        32) dog                  
	echo 33) dolphin               34) donkey                35) dove                  36) dragon skull         
	echo 37) dragonfly             38) dryad                 39) eagle                 40) ermine               
	echo 41) ferret                42) firecat               43) flying dragon         44) forager ghoul        
	echo 45) fox                   46) gargoyle              47) ghost                 48) ghoul                
	echo 49) giant                 50) goat                  51) goblin                52) goldfish             
	echo 53) goshawk               54) grasshopper           55) gremlin               56) gryphon              
	echo 57) hawk                  58) hedgehog              59) heron                 60) honeybee             
	echo 61) jackal                62) jaguar                63) kelpie                64) kingsnake            
	echo 65) kraken                66) lava drake            67) leaping fish          68) leopard              
	echo 69) leucro                70) lion                  71) lobster               72) lynx                 
	echo 73) magpie                74) mermaid               75) mongoose              76) monkey               
	echo 77) mountain lion         78) mummy                 79) nightingale           80) nyad                 
	echo 81) octopus               82) ogre                  83) orc                   84) owl                  
	echo 85) ox                    86) paguur                87) panther               88) parrot               
	echo 89) peacock               90) peccary               91) pelican               92) pheasant             
	echo 93) phoenix               94) rabbit                95) raccoon               96) ram                  
	echo 97) raven                 98) retan dolomar         99) rimewolf             100) roaring lion         
	echo 101) rooster              102) salamander           103) salmon               104) scorpion             
	echo 105) seahorse             106) seal                 107) shark                108) shrew                
	echo 109) shrike               110) skeleton             111) skunk                112) snail                
	echo 113) snarling wolf        114) snowbeast            115) spider               116) sprite               
	echo 117) squirrel             118) stag                 119) stork                120) storm goose          
	echo 121) sun vulture          122) swallow              123) swamp troll          124) swan                 
	echo 125) terror bird          126) thistle              127) tiger                128) toadstool            
	echo 129) troll                130) turkey               131) turtle               132) unicorn              
	echo 133) velver               134) viper                135) vulture              136) weasel               
	echo 137) welkin               138) whale                139) wight                140) wolf                 
	echo 141) wolverine            142) woodpecker           143) wood troll           144) wraith               
	echo 145) wren                 146) yak                  147) yeehar               148) zombie 	
	waitforre ^(\d+)
	var depiction $1
	if ((%depiction < 1) || (%depiction > 148)) then
		put #echo
		put #echo Red *** Select a valid # ***
		put #echo
	goto STYLE2	
	echo 1) (blank)                2) beastly                3) bloated                4) bulky                
	echo 5) carved                 6) charred                7) cracked                8) deformed             
	echo 9) dust-covered          10) elongated             11) emaciated             12) enormous             
	echo 13) faceted               14) fractured             15) glittered             16) glossy               
	echo 17) hulking               18) lifelike              19) luminous              20) mottled              
	echo 21) nebulous              22) nightmarish           23) oily                  24) oversized            
	echo 25) petite                26) phantasmal            27) polished              28) pristine             
	echo 29) radiant               30) scorched              31) shadow-wrapped        32) shadowy              
	echo 33) sleek                 34) slender               35) soot-stained          36) speckled             
	echo 37) spotted               38) swollen               39) translucent           40) undersized           
	echo 41) vaporous              42) warped   
	waitforre ^(\d+)
	var style2 $1
	if ((%style2 < 1) || (%style2 > 148)) then
		put #echo
		put #echo Red *** Select a valid # ***
		put #echo
		goto STYLE2
	goto PEST		

	echo 1) bee                    2) beetle                 3) cricket                4) damselfly            
	echo 5) dragonfly              6) earwig                 7) fly                    8) glowbug              
	echo 9) grasshopper           10) hornet                11) horsefly              12) katydid              
	echo 13) ladybug               14) locust                15) mosquito              16) moth                 
	echo 17) roach                 18) termite               19) wasp                  20) waterbug 
	waitforre ^(\d+)
	var pest $1
	if ((%pest < 1) || (%pest > 148)) then
		put #echo
		put #echo Red *** Select a valid # ***
		put #echo
		goto PEST

	echo 1) crested with wiry antennae                       2) dripping a viscous fluid                       
	echo 3) enshrouded by radiant moonsilver cladding        4) flitting among a glittery mist                 
	echo 5) patterned with hourglass-shaped splotches        6) pulsing with phosphorescent light              
	echo 7) swirling within a dense fog                      8) with a banded thorax                           
	echo 9) with fluttering opalescent wings                10) with monstrously barbed legs                   
	echo 11) with opalescent mesh wings                      12) with unnaturally large bared fangs             
	echo 13) with viciously horned wings
	waitforre ^(\d+)
	var modification2 $1
	if ((%modification2 < 1) || (%modification2 > 148)) then
		put #echo
		put #echo Red *** Select a valid # ***
		put #echo
	goto FINISH

	echo Selected Gift: %arrayStyle1(%style1) %arrayMetal(%metal) %arrayJewelry(%jewlery) %arrayModification1(%modification1) %arrayMaterial(%material) %arrayDepiction(%depiction) %arrayStyle2(%style2) %arrayPest(%pest) %arrayModification2(%modification2)
	echo Confirm and have Mishli create 1) Yes     2) No
	waitforre ^(\d+)
	if ($1 < 1) or ($1 > 2) then
		put #echo Red *** Select a valid # ***
	if ($1 = 2) then goto DECLARATIONS
	goto MISHLI

	var style1 %1
	var metal %2
	var jewelry %3
	var modification1 %4
	var material %5
	var depiction %6
	var style2 %7
	var pest %8
	var modification2 %9

	gosub ASK Mishli for choose style1 %style1
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose style1 %style1
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose metal %metal
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose metal %metal
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose jewelry %jewelry
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose jewelry %jewelry
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose modification1 %modification1
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose modification1 %modification1
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose material %material
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose material %material
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose depiction %depiction
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose depiction %depiction
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose style2 %style2
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose style2 %style2
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose pest %pest
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose pest %pest
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose modification2 %modification2
	gosub ASK Mishli for choose modification2 %modification2
        gosub ASK Mishli about finish
        gosub ASK Mishli about finish
	goto EXIT


	matchre RETURN ^(.+)?\.\.\.wait .+|^Sorry
	matchre RETURN ^You are still stunned\.
	matchre RETURN ^You should stand up first\.
	matchre RETURN ^You can't do that while entangled in a web\.
	send ask $0
	matchwait 0.5	

	var return $0
	if matchre("%return", "^(.+)?\.\.\.wait .+|^Sorry") then
		gosub $lastcommand
	if matchre("%return", "^You are still stunned\.") then
		pause 0.5
		if ($stunned = ) then
			waiteval ($stunned = 0)
			gosub $lastcommand
		gosub $lastcommand
	if matchre("%return", "^You can't do that while entangled in a web") then
		if ($webbed = ) then waiteval $webbed = 0
		gosub $lastcommand
	if matchre("%return", "^You don't seem to be able to move to do that") then
		if contains("$prompt" , "I") then pause 20
		gosub $lastcommand
	if matchre("%return", "^You should stand up first\.|^You can't do that from your position\.|^You can't quite manage to kick while kneeling\.|^You really should be standing to play\.|^You are .+ cannot manage to stand\.|^The weight of all your possessions prevents you from standing\.|^As you stand,") then
		var lastCommand $lastcommand
		send stand
		gosub %lastCommand