Allye/Performances/Creepy Doll Series

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The Creepy Doll series is an ongoing series of acts wherein Allye and Almarius terrify delight the general population with eerily matching doll costumes and vaguely threatening songs and stories.

Image: 350 pixels

Murder Doll Duet

Event Name: Unknown Event
Event Instance: Prime
Real Date: Unknown Date
Game Date of Event: Unknown Date
Point of View: Allye
You see Little Howler Almarius Kendialahle, Candy Apple of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Gnome Bard.

Almarius's features are hidden behind a beautiful porcelain mask painted with wide blue eyes and an expressive red mouth. Spider-like cracks form thin veins along her forehead and eyes, the fractures becoming larger and more malevolent as they move across the cheek. Small pieces of china have fallen away to reveal black voids that lead to a brutally gaping hole along her jaw. She is in good shape.

She is wearing a raggedly torn winterweave corset stained with dark blood at the shoulders, a shredded snowflake tulle skirt marred by bloody handprints at the hem and a pair of dainty woolen shoes tied with white silk ribbons.

You see Moon Warrior Allye Karayilma, a Prydaen. Allye's features are hidden behind a beautiful porcelain mask painted with wide blue eyes and an expressive red mouth. Spider-like cracks form thin veins along her forehead and eyes, the fractures becoming larger and more malevolent as they move across the cheek. Small pieces of china have fallen away to reveal black voids that lead to a brutally gaping hole along her jaw. She is in good shape.

She is wearing a raggedly torn winterweave corset stained with dark blood at the shoulders, a shredded snowflake tulle skirt marred by bloody handprints at the hem and a pair of dainty woolen shoes tied with white silk ribbons.


(Allye stutters to the center of the room with sharp, unnatural movements. She reaches into her carpetbag to pull out a music box, and with twitching fingers she winds the box's key.)

(Allye's music box slowly creaks open, seemingly of its own volition. A ragged, spinning ballerina figurine is revealed as tines within the box begin to brush against the inner mechanisms. A haunting melody creeps through the air, the tinny notes ringing out with a jarring discordance.)

Allye smiles darkly, the eerie twist of her features barely visible beneath the cracks of her porcelain mask.

(Almarius slowly shuffles out towards Allye, her feet pointed in opposite directions. Each step appears to get heavier before she crumples into a heap on the ground. Scraping her hands along the floor, she makes out a soft "mmuuhh" sound as she pushes herself to her feet again.)

Almarius suddenly starts jerking around and flailing her arms wildly.

(Almarius staggers to her knees, she continues to try to find her voice, soft M's and O's sounds muffled by her mask. Picking herself up again, her body continues to spasm awkwardly in a dance.)

(Allye's music box advances its uncanny tune. She sets the box on the ground, nearly falling over as she struggles to right herself once more. She takes rough, lurching steps towards Almarius and joins her flailing dance.)

Almarius sings in a sopranino voice:

   "We didn't want this, we never asked it to occur,
   Living our lives one moment, the next all a blur!
   That mad toymaker, he made us this way,
   He stole us and shrunk us, and now he will pay!"

Allye waves her hands about wildly, whirling them through space like a demented windmill.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "He trapped us and turned us, and set us in pose,
   Our porcelain faces, our lace, frills, and bows.
   The finest collection he thought he could make,
   But soon he will find it was all a mistake."

(Almarius quickly turns on her heels and faces up to Nilme with a slow, sinister tilt of her head and unblinking eyes she asks, "M...mmm...mama?")

(Almarius stares at Nilme emotionlessly. Without breaking her gaze, she takes a series of shambling steps back towards Allye, and the pair launch into the chorus together.)

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "That's it, we are done! It's time we broke through!
   Mere playthings he made us, but now he will rue.
   We'll tear him apart, and if you dissent,
   Then watch out, watch out,
   We'll come for you next!"

(Allye approaches Kaedan with an unsteady, convulsing gait as the ominous refrain trails into the next verse.)

Allye reaches for Kaedan's right eye, but he instinctively flinches back from her.

Almarius sings in a sopranino voice:

   "We'll stare glassy-eyed as we wait in his shop,
   And he won't suspect that we're not merely props,
   Until the doomed night we enact retribution,
   He'll learn then, for him, there is no absolution."

(Almarius finally turns her gaze from Nilme and shuffles into a shambling dance around her partner, awkward steps and movements marring her act.)

Almarius's doll mask asks, "Maaammm...a??" You notice Almarius's lips move slightly.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "And what will you do as our vengeance draws near?
   Will you stand in our way? Will you cower in fear?
   Or per- pER- p-pER-perrr

(Allye seems to lose wind mid-verse, collapsing in upon herself. She droops down from the waist, her motionless arms dangling loosely from her bowed torso.)

(Almarius stumbles toward Allye in a panicked clamber of clumsy limbs. She stands on her tiptoes and reaches into the air over the hunched figure's corset, pantomiming a tortuous winding motion as if turning a large key jutting out from her back.)

(Allye rises slowly once more to her full height, staring out at the gathered crowd with a chilling, unblinking gaze. Unaccompanied, the music box continues playing its odd, dissonant tune. After an unnervingly long moment, she begins her verse again.)

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

   "And what will you do as our vengeance draws near?
   Will you stand in our way? Will you cower in fear?
   Or perhaps you will realize, perhaps you will see,
   In the end, we'll be no more monstrous than he."

Almarius waves her hands about wildly, whirling them through space like a demented windmill.

Almarius sings in a sopranino voice:

   "The cracks in our porcelain, the darkness within,
   The slaughterous violence about to begin.
   He did this, he did this, blame him and not us,
   When all finds its end in blood, ash, and dust."

(Allye falls back into lock-step with Almarius, and the pair twirl in a disjointed circle. Their song reaches its final chorus, and they raise their voices together once more.)

Almarius sings in a sopranino voice:

   "That's it, we are done! It's time we broke through!
   Mere playthings he made us, but now he will rue.
   We'll tear him apart, and if you dissent,
   Then watch out, watch out,
   We'll come for you next!"

(Almarius jerks her body, twisting into abnormal angles as the final moppet threat is issued.)

(Allye sends a jolt of her leg toward the music box, kicking its lid with enough force that it shuts with a crisp snap. The eerie, metallic music abruptly ceases.)

(Almarius arrhythmicly raises her arm up, her finger wiggling trying to find the strength to raise, she gestures randomly into an empty space. A harrowing noise emits from her mask "Mmmaaaww..." Her voice trails off as her upper body suddenly slumps forward in a bow.)

As Allye begins a sophisticated genuflection, she suddenly topples forwards, her equipment flopping over her shoulders as she face plants into the floor.

As Almarius begins a sophisticated genuflection, she suddenly topples forwards, her equipment flopping over her shoulders as she face plants into the floor.

Primrose Doll Duet

You see Little Howler Almarius Kendialahle, Candy Apple of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Gnome Bard.
Almarius' eyes are large, extravagantly lashed and glassy, their unblinking brightness reminiscent of a doll's unnerving clarity.  Rosy, cherubic cheeks are stained with rouge in the form of perfect circles that frame pretty pink pouting lips.  A chain of braided primrose curls above her temples on either side, trailing down each cheek to the curve of her dimpled chin.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a petite porcelain primrose, an indigo batiste gown trimmed in black lace, some black lace long gloves, some pristine white thigh-high stockings decorated with black bows and some polished black leather shoes.

You are Moon Warrior Allye Karayilma, Treasurer of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Prydaen. Allye's eyes are large, extravagantly lashed and glassy, their unblinking brightness reminiscent of a doll's unnerving clarity. Rosy, cherubic cheeks are stained with rouge in the form of perfect circles that frame pretty pink pouting lips. A chain of braided primrose curls above her temples on either side, trailing down each cheek to the curve of her dimpled chin. She is in good shape.
She is wearing a petite porcelain primrose, an indigo batiste gown trimmed in black lace, some black lace long gloves, some pristine white thigh-high stockings decorated with black bows and some polished black leather shoes.

Almarius brightly exclaims, "Hi, I'm Primrose!"
Allye brightly exclaims, "Hi, I'm Primrose!"
Lashes lowered modestly, Almarius gives a flirtatious smile as she sinks into a graceful curtsy.
Lashes lowered modestly, Allye gives a flirtatious smile as she sinks into a graceful curtsy.
(Almarius slowly reaches her hand up to cover her mouth, her shoulders rising and falling in playful laughter. Facing Allye, Almarius gives a gentle smile and a slight nod towards her partner before adjusting her gloves.)
Almarius sweetly sings in a sopranino voice:
"Pretty, pretty Primrose. So shiny and dear! Her wide, guileless eyes, brightened by cheer. Pretty, pretty Primrose. She's ready to play! Your bestest best friend, today and always."

(Allye also giggles demurely, her hand covering her mouth and muffling a delicate shimmer of a laugh. She gives a small tug to one of her long lace gloves as it begins to slip, turning to Almarius with a soft, matching smile.)
Allye sweetly sings in a soprano voice:
"Pretty, pretty Primrose. So shiny and dear! Her wide, guileless eyes, brightened by cheer. Pretty, pretty Primrose. She's ready to play! Your bestest best friend, today and always."

(Almarius's wide gaze lands upon a pair of black leather shoes lying at her feet, and she plops down onto the ground, staring at them helplessly.)
(Allye bounces over to Almarius and kneels before her, gingerly putting on the shoes for her.)
(Almarius's smile broadens as she stands and finds that the shoes are slightly too large, wobbling a bit as her toes wiggle within.)
Almarius cheerfully sings in a sopranino voice:
"Bend me and pose me however you like, Pick out my shoes, and then lace them tight. Remove my hats to brush out my curls. You can even give me a big ole' twirl!"

With a big smile, Almarius begins to spin around. She turns faster and faster before losing her balance and stumbling into Vixonia. Almarius quickly wobbles to her feet, cheeks pink with embarrassment.
Almarius blinks at Vixonia.
Almarius blinks at Vixonia.
A delighted smile illuminates Allye's features as her gaze falls upon Vixonia.
(Allye seems to notice Vixonia at the same time as Almarius, her lips falling open into a tiny "o" as she stares in wonder at the beautiful Prydaen woman.)
(Almarius tilts her head coquettishly at Vixonia as her perfectly pouting lips stretch into a bright grin. Her voice joins Allye's to exclaim in cheerful unison, "Would you like to be my friend?")
Almarius glances at Allye.
Allye glances at Almarius.
Allye clears her throat.
Allye over-joyously sings in a soprano voice:
"I'll love you forever, then I'll love you some more. Just promise that I'm the only one you'll adore. You can look all about, but you'd best just believe, You'll never find another friend quite like me!"

(Allye totters toward Vixonia, nudging Alma out of the way with her hip. She spreads her arms out with a beaming smile, as if seeking a hug. One hand flies back to knock Alma's curls slightly out of place... unintentionally, probably.)
(Almarius stumbles back a few steps before catching herself. She looks up at Allye's back with her unblinking gaze, and she sashays past her rival's reach to stand before Vixonia. With a sudden jerk of her head, she bumps Allye with a hard thump and sings out with her voice a little louder.)
Almarius sings in a sopranino voice:
"Pretty, pretty Primrose. So shiny and dear! Happy at last, now that I have you so near. Pretty, pretty Primrose. I'm ready to play! We're bestest best friends, today and always."

Allye frowns at Alma, her hands on her hips and her lips curled in a fierce pout. She flounces to Vixonia's opposite side, hugging her arm and gazing up at her with an adoring grin.
Allye sings in a soprano voice:
"Pretty, pretty Primrose. So shiny and dear! Happy at last, now that I have you so near. Pretty, pretty Primrose. I'm ready to play! We're bestest best friends, today and always."

(Almarius flashes a glare at Allye, scurrying in between her and Vixonia's legs. Alma's hips push on Allye's knee, trying to keep her off. She hugs tightly and looks up in awe at her new bestest friend.)
(Allye clutches Vixonia's hand, refusing to let go despite Almarius' jostling.)
(Allye dips into a neat curtsy. Her vast eyes never blink as she turns back to gaze at her new best friend.)
(Almarius slowly crouches down and with a sudden burst of energy, she leaps up to grip Vixonia's hand and drag her hand down to Gnome level. With a gleeful grin, Almarius proceeds to fall into a deep curtsy, never letting her best friend's hand go.)
Lashes lowered modestly, Almarius gives a flirtatious smile as she sinks into a graceful curtsy.
Lashes lowered modestly, Allye gives a flirtatious smile as she sinks into a graceful curtsy.
Allye gazes fondly at Vixonia.
Almarius glances at Allye.
(Allye leans on Vixonia, dropping her head down onto her friend's shoulder. She giggles to herself, her perfectly placed curls trembling with her mirth.)
(Almarius's emotionless face stares up at Allye, her eyes darting back and forth between her and Vixonia. Her hands twitch tightly before relaxing again.)
(Almarius, after finishing cheering for THE Cythra, moves back to Vixonia's side and nuzzles into her leg. She gives a quick smug look at Allye, before giggling to herself and snuggling into her best friend.)
(Allye stands eerily still, staring at Almarius and Vixonia, her unblinking eyes and plastered smile frozen in place. A dark shadow passes over her gaze for just a moment, filling them with an abyssal black color. Almost immediately, they return to their original vivid turquoise, and the shift is so quick that it seems impossible to know if they ever changed at all.)
Almarius says, "Hi, I'm Primrose! I want to sing some more about my best friend."
Allye gazes at Vixonia in wonder.
Allye blinks at Almarius.
Allye exclaims, "Wait, me too! And me too!"
Almarius pointedly ignores Allye.
(Almarius spins on the heels of her black leather shoes, using the soft squeaks to help ignore Allye. She looks up towards Vixonia with a bright beaming face. Her affable voice fills the room as she sings towards her bestest friend.)
Almarius sings in a sopranino voice:
"Oh Pretty Pretty Elven Lady can't you see? Just how wonderful that you and I can be! We can have all the costumes and cupcakes, Bestest of all with me, they'll even be fur free."

(Allye's perfectly pretty features twist in a grotesque rage. She throws herself between Almarius and Vixonia, nearly shouting her next verse at the Gnome.)
Allye shrilly sings in a soprano voice:
"Oh no, my goodness, but I thought that you knew! Fur is the best because my best friend has fur too! Don't insult my friend, or you'll have to deal with me! She likes me more anyway, I stand taller than her knee!"

(Almarius's face twists in a fury that the mask can no longer contain. Her arms jerk around, flailing and gesturing towards Allye.)
Almarius sings in a sopranino voice:
"Best friend shows her elegance and grace While certain other people here need more space. Your notes are off-rhythm, they're shaky and flat, Probably because you can't even snap!"

Allye shakes her fist at Almarius!
(Allye, rather than beginning another verse, gasps in utter indignation.)
Allye defiantly exclaims, "I can too snap!"
Allye produces a muffled snap with the pads of her furry fingers.
Allye produces a muffled snap with the pads of her furry fingers.
Allye frowns.
(Allye clenches her hands into fists and bends down toward Almarius to emit a long, loud, shrieking scream of wordless rage.)
(Almarius opens her mouth in turn and an ear shattering screech abruptly fills the air. Noticing Allye wincing and holding her ears, Alma kicks at Allye's shoes causing faint scuffing marks to form along the top. Not finished with her attacks, Alma deftly moves her hands and unties the bows on Allye's stockings.)
(Allye stares down in disbelief as the bows on her stockings unravel and the pale fabric accordions down to her ankles. She lets loose another scream of outrage and lunges forward, her claws directed at Almarius' face! She fortunately misses her mark, instead ripping the porcelain mask off of her impromptu sparring partner, who reaches up to grab it before it can fall and shatter on the floor.)
Almarius removes her porcelain primrose, revealing her face.
Almarius blinks.
Almarius blinks.
Almarius acts puzzled.
(Almarius stumbles back looking up at her Too Mom. Her eyes widen with surprise as she frantically moves about, dodging swings and jabs. She jumps and scurries backwards, putting a lot of distance between herself and her primrose counterpart.)
(Almarius tilts her head in a thoughtful manner, clearly trying to remember something. With a look of sudden realization dawning on her face, Alma quickly swipes at Allye's mask when she lunges at her again.)
(Allye snatches her mask from mid-air as it drops, seeming to snap out of some trance as she does so.)
Allye removes her porcelain primrose, revealing her face.
Allye quirks both ears outward for a moment, letting out a startled hiss.
Allye looks over the area with an appraising gaze.
Allye hesitantly says, "Um..."
(Almarius grabs Allye's hand and they both glance at each other, eyes slightly panicked and round as saucers. They nod to one another and, in unison, curtsy.)
(Allye doesn't let go of Almarius' hand as they rush off of the staging area and back into the crowd, both looking quite sheepish.)

Ventriloquist Dummy Story

Event Name: Tavern Troupe's Night of Frights Storytelling Contest
Event Instance: Prime
Real Date: 2022-10-26
Game Date of Event: 443-05-33
Point of View: Allye
(Allye sits down at the center of the area, tying a set of wire strings to loops that are sewn onto her clothing. The long cords are affixed at their opposite ends to a pair of wooden planks, the apparent means for controlling a Prydaen-sized marionette.)

Almarius hums an innocent tune.

Elurora quietly says, "Oh no, it's the dolls."

Elurora scoots over a little closer to Finnris.

Jaelia grins.

Eurynomile nods emphatically at Elurora.

Vixonia is giggling at you.

Eurynomile covers her eyes with her hand.

Penrhyn gasps at you!

Elurora covers her eyes with her hand.

Eurynomile hums to herself.

Finnris nods to Elurora.

(Allye suddenly crumples in upon herself, hunching her back and shoulders as her head lolls to one side. She sits motionless, and her eyes stare out eerily, wide and glassy.)

Selame takes a bite of the tart.

Cythra moves over to guard Eurynomile.

Elurora quietly says to Finnris, "Tell me when it's over."

Jaelia says, "Love some spooky stories. Glad I have no dolls. Glad I have no Children either."

Sukidesu says, "....oh."

Finnris covers his ears with his hands.

Kaedan just arrived.

Selame scoots over a little closer to Morderac.

Eurynomile beams in loving admiration at Cythra!

Eurynomile praises Cythra.

Shaylynne grins at Elurora.

Cythra grins.

Eurynomile says to Cythra, "You the doll destroyers."

(Almarius skips across the room, pushing a rather tall stool toward Allye. An obnoxiously high pitched screech fills the air as the legs of the furniture scrape across the floor. She takes a step back and grins, nodding in satisfaction.)

Eurynomile beams in loving admiration at Cythra!

Penrhyn curiously asks, "Is this a bonus performance?"

Eurynomile smooches Cythra all over her face.

Penrhyn grins ear-to-ear.

Cythra laughs at Eurynomile.

Elurora nods at Penrhyn, obviously agreeing with her views.

Eurynomile nods emphatically at Penrhyn.

Shaylynne nods to Penrhyn.

Eurynomile giggles.

Shaelisa giggles at Almarius.

(Almarius looks at the stool before her, and a determined aura surrounds her as she begins her climb to the top. About midway through, her foot slips off! A soft "Whoopsies" emanates from her direction, but she continues.)

Sarcio ponders.

Eurynomile beams at Kaedan!

Cythra asks Penrhyn, "Depends on point of view?"

Iryta giggles at Almarius.

Carronade observes Almarius with fascination.

Penrhyn laughs!

Ishimmer chuckles.

Penrhyn lets out a hearty cheer for Almarius!

Jaibriel smiles.

Eurynomile is giggling at you.

(Almarius climbs over the edge of the stair to stand atop its seat as she eventually reaches the top.)

Cythra giggles at Almarius.

(Almarius, giggling to herself, nods and curtsies in an awkward motion, somehow managing to avoid toppling off of her stool.)

Eurynomile adds to Almarius's praises.

(Almarius looks down at her side and notices the wooden boards with strings attached. Picking them up, she stands on her tippy toes to increase her height as much as possible.)

Morderac leaps to his feet!

Eurynomile grins.

Jycanth smiles at Iryta.

(Almarius jostles the pieces of wire, causing them to tighten and draw Allye's arm in a rough motion. The Prydaen waves a jerky "Hello" to everyone.)

Cythra says, "Good luck with that."

Iryta beams at Jycanth!

Eurynomile holds a single finger up to her closed lips and gives her head a slight shake while leveling a firm stare at Cythra.

Nilme flashes a wide grin.

Cythra waves to you.

Eurynomile giggles at Cythra.

Vixonia waves to you.

Almarius cheerfully says, "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone! I'm ever sooooo glad that you could join us. See, I've been having a problem lately, and I could use your advice."

Useff waves.

Shaelisa waves to you.

Eurynomile gazes at Almarius.

Penrhyn gets a sleepy dragon puppet with a silly grin on its face from inside her storyteller's satchel.

You exclaim, "Yes, lots and lots of troubles!" Odd, you don't remember saying that. You notice Almarius's lips move slightly.

Iryta giggles.

Almarius seriously exclaims, "Things have gotten kind of scary, to be honest. Luckily, I've had my bestest buddy here to help keep me safe!"

You exclaim, "Your very bestest buddy for sure!" Odd, you don't remember saying that. You notice Almarius's lips move slightly.

You twitch.

Cythra giggles.

Finnris glances at you.

Cythra twitches.

Eurynomile grins.

Selame chuckles.

Jycanth grins.

(Almarius continues on, not appearing to notice the minute movement her marionette has made, seemingly of its own accord.)

Almarius says, "Hmmmmmmm..."

Almarius's toe bells chime quietly as she thoughtfully taps her foot.

Eurynomile frets.

A sleepy dragon puppet with a silly grin on its face asks, "What can we do, Almarius?"

Almarius exclaims, "It all started a bunches of nights ago! I was just practicing my songs and stories trying to get the story's timing perfect! Buuuuuuuut, as I looked down all my lollis from my lollipop bag were missing!"

Almarius flails her arms about.

Shaelisa gasps!

Eurynomile gasps!

Shaelisa shrieks in panic, trembling and flailing on the ground!

Cythra exclaims, "Not again!"

Elurora blinks at Shaelisa.

Almarius unhappily exclaims, "Can you imagine such a horrific incident?! It's soooo not fair!"

Shaelisa sits up.

Eurynomile giggles.

Almarius begins pouting.

You exclaim, "Absolute worstest thing that could happen to anyone evah!" Odd, you don't remember saying that. You notice Almarius's lips move slightly.

Iryta coughs.

Shaelisa quietly says, "Not fair."

Jycanth chuckles.

Elurora giggles.

Almarius optimistically exclaims, "Ohhh wait! The emergency tart pouch! That has to have my emergency supply! Let me look!"

Eurynomile nods emphatically.

Jycanth scoots over a little closer to Iryta.

Eurynomile giggles.

Almarius rummages through a bright pink tart pouch.

(Almarius crouches down, setting the puppet's controls down by her feet. She frantically begins rummaging through her tart pouch with a determined look in her eye.)

(Allye's eyes swivel slowly to glance sidelong toward Almarius, as the Gnome turns away.)

Eurynomile grins at Almarius.

Shaylynne seems to be trying to tell you something with her eyes.

Cythra says, "Is emergencys color even."

Iryta looks at Nilme and blushes.

A sleepy dragon puppet with a silly grin on its face says, "Gosh, I hope she finds some...."

Eurynomile grins.

Almarius rummages through a bright pink tart pouch.

Finnris shifts his weight.

Eurynomile gasps!

(Elurora nods to the dragon puppet.)

(Almarius stands back up, with a joyless expression on her face. Collecting the wire and wood, Almarius snaps her fingers, clearly upset with her lack of findings.)

Almarius exclaims, "Fiddlesticks! They're still gone!"

A sleepy dragon puppet with a silly grin on its face exclaims, "Nooo!"

(Almarius glances down at her hands, blinking and realizing she got completely distracted she looks back towards her marionette buddy.)

Eurynomile gasps!

(Allye's eyes snap back to the front as her puppeteer's gaze falls upon her once more. A sinister sneer curls now at the corners of her lips, but Almarius doesn't seem to realize.)

Penrhyn laughs!

Almarius clears her throat.

Penrhyn glances at you.

Almarius sheepishly exclaims, "Umm, that's not all the strange and weird things! Nuh uh!"

Cythra glances at Eurynomile.

Eurynomile frets.

Almarius exclaims, "At my house it gets sooooo much worse! All my costumes are out and thrown around! The piles of blankets on my bed are just gone! Dollies scattered everywhere! Annnnd worse of all! My moms wanted me to pick everything up by myself!"

Eurynomile leans back against Cythra with a loving smile.

Almarius screams!

Almarius pants.

Iryta smiles at Nilme, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Elurora gawks at Almarius.

Finnris looks at Almarius, obviously trying not to grin.

Shaelisa gasps at Shaylynne!

Cythra blinks.

Eurynomile giggles at Almarius.

Shaylynne grins at Shaelisa.

Cythra's ears droop for a moment.

You notice Penrhyn's lips move slightly just before she makes a sleepy dragon puppet with a silly grin on its face talk. A sleepy dragon puppet with a silly grin on its face exclaims, "We can help, we can help!"

You exclaim, "Not by yourself! You'll have me here!" Odd, you don't remember saying that. You notice Almarius's lips move slightly.

Selame holds her hand up before her mouth and begins to cough, her shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!

Almarius happily exclaims, "You're sooooo right! My bestest friend is always here to help me during the worstest of times!"

Elurora whispers something to Finnris.

Cythra beams in loving admiration at Eurynomile!

Elurora gives Finnris a slight nod.

Elurora glances at you.

(Almarius tugs on the strings, causing Allye's arm to pull towards her and give her a friendly pat on the back. Almarius nods to herself, proud that she was able to make such a great and loyal friend!)

You twitch a bit and grin like a madman.

Finnris nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Penrhyn tilts her ears forward playfully.

Almarius matter-of-factly says, "The strangest things start happening there! While I'm being my bestest daughter self, that's where all the extra spooky stuff happens."

Iryta beams at Nilme!

Cythra giggles.

Almarius says, "The blankets were in the dresser, and I was going to remove the runaway bedding, but then I heard it! Faint whispers..."

Eurynomile frets.

Elurora gazes at Almarius.

Penrhyn meows, her voice resonating.

Cythra asks, "Give us a hug?"

Elurora giggles at Cythra.

Eurynomile giggles at Cythra.

Cythra hums to herself.

Almarius nervously says, "I couldn't understand what they saying, but I glanced at my dolls and they weren't saying anything."

Penrhyn falls to the ground laughing hysterically!

Penrhyn snorts, loudly.

Selame laughs at Cythra.

Penrhyn laughs!

Nilme quietly asks Useff, "Why are there always dolls?"

Shaylynne whispers something to Shaelisa.

Shaylynne nods to Shaelisa.

Shaylynne rubs her back.

Almarius nervously exclaims, "I asked who evah was trying to be supah spooky to me to stop please, because I'm not good with spooky at all. I get so scared and nervous, and I'd cry if it's too bad, and that's really embarrassing!"

Penrhyn sits up.

Shaelisa nods to Shaylynne.

Shaelisa nods to Shaylynne.

Eurynomile nods at Nilme, obviously agreeing with her views.

Almarius sniffles.

Almarius fidgets nervously.

Eurynomile grins.

Penrhyn leaps to her feet!

Penrhyn snuggles up to Sarcio.

Cythra rubs Almarius gently, massaging her muscles.

Eurynomile nods at Almarius, obviously agreeing with her views.

Eurynomile rubs Almarius gently, massaging her muscles.

(Almarius rubs her hands together nervously, obviously distressed over her retelling of the story.)

Eurynomile nods to Cythra.

Eurynomile laughs!

Azume starts to say something but sounds as if her lips are sewn together!

Elurora furrows her brow.

The faces on your bowtie pause their chaotic motion to grin in unison.

You say, "That's right! We have a rule in our house, that if things get too spooky, you ask for everyone to stop, and we do! Cause it's no fair for anyone not to have fun." Odd, you don't remember saying that. You notice Almarius's lips move slightly.

Nilme gazes at Azume.

Eurynomile blinks.

Eurynomile smiles at Azume.

Elurora grins at you.

Eurynomile shivers.

Shaylynne grins at you.

Almarius smiles and looks at her partner, nodding enthusiastically!

Selame shudders.

Almarius nervously exclaims, "Sooo, I asked everyone to stop, but it only continued to escalate! Far worse than I could evah imagine!"

A sleepy dragon puppet with a silly grin on its face exclaims, "Where's the spooky? I'll bite 'em for ya!"

Azume shivers.

Elurora giggles.

The faces on your bowtie pause their chaotic motion to frown in unison.

(Penrhyn's puppet snaps its jaws emphatically.)

Allye frowns too, and her wide, white eyes narrow a fraction as she glances at Almarius in open animosity.

Eurynomile giggles.

Eurynomile blinks at you.

Eurynomile frets.

Almarius hopelessly says, "I turned from my dolls to look over my bed where my teddy bears reside, maybe they were being unbearable. But, instead of their happy mischievous grins..."

Eurynomile giggles at Almarius.

Sarcio hugs Penrhyn, who wraps her arms around Sarcio with a warm smile.

Penrhyn hugs Sarcio, who wraps his arms around Penrhyn with a warm smile.

(Almarius looks down slightly, clenching her fists tightly by her side and trying to hold back tears before continuing on.)

Vixonia continues to chant the infectious strains of Faenella's Grace, seeming to lose herself in the very rhythms she produces.

Sarcio cradles Penrhyn in his arms, their lips meeting in a tender kiss.

A sudden silence causes the air to ring as Cythra's song builds to a steep crescendo and abruptly stops. Taking a deep breath, she allows a few low notes that reprise her enchante to flow as she strives to capture the serenity that marked the first notes of the song.

Almarius painfully exclaims, "They were there... J.. Just. Just that all of them were shredded apart!"

Eurynomile blinks.

Sonatina studies the faces around her.

Elurora blinks at Almarius.

Vixonia gasps!

Finnris glances at Almarius.

Selame gasps!

Cythra blinks.

Vixonia exclaims, "That's just mean!"

Shaelisa gasps!

Almarius exclaims, "Claw marks ripped through teddy bear chests, and their fluffy, cuddly, insides wet and looked gnawed and chewed on. With so much of the stuffing missing too!"

Ishimmer chuckles.

Eurynomile asks, "They baerly theres?"

Nilme says to Useff, "These stories are rough on stuffed animals."

Eurynomile begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Useff nods at Nilme, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora nods at Nilme, obviously agreeing with her views.

Cythra bares her sharp electrum fangs and snarls menacingly. Her eyes suddenly glow with a deep violet tint.

Almarius eerily exclaims, "It was the most malicious and horrific scene I've evah laid my eyes on!"

Eurynomile giggles at Nilme.

Finnris grunts at Nilme.

Ishimmer gazes at his claws.

Finnris nods to Nilme.

Cythra giggles at Eurynomile.

Iryta grins at Cythra, her dimples flashing into view.

Useff says, "Not a good night to be a doll."

(Almarius's eyes tear up, and she nibbles her bottom lip trying not to cry.)

Elurora giggles at Useff.

Nilme nods at Useff, obviously agreeing with his views.

Eurynomile looks at Almarius and sighs.

Nilme rubs Almarius gently, massaging her muscles.

The faces on your bowtie pause their chaotic motion to mouth the words "It was yummy, so so yummy. Yes, delicious, and we would do it again," in unison.

Finnris glances at you.

Elurora squints at you.

Almarius fidgets nervously.

Eurynomile gasps at you!

Almarius loudly exclaims, "THERE!?! THAT'S IT!!! YOU HEARD IT, RIGHT?! THE WHISPERING!"

Almarius maniacally exclaims, "Where is it coming from?! Someone tell me please!"

Eurynomile nods in agreement.

Selame nods to Almarius.

Cythra angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Almarius.

You exclaim, "Yes... Please! Someone help us find the source!" Odd, you don't remember saying that. You notice Almarius's lips move slightly.

Carronade makes a barking noise.

Finnris grunts at Almarius.

Carronade shivers with fear.

Finnris points at you.

Shaylynne grins at Finnris.

Eurynomile giggles at Finnris.

Ishimmer chuckles.

Eurynomile lets out a hearty cheer for Finnris!

(Allye turns her malevolent gaze upon the gathered crowd. Her mouth stretches impossibly wide to reveal far too many sharp teeth, bared in a vicious grin.)

Eurynomile laughs!

Elurora giggles at Finnris.

You grin coldly at Finnris.

Useff blinks.

Nilme scoots over a little closer to Useff.

Elurora moves over to guard Finnris.

Finnris motions to duck and hides his face.

Eurynomile says, "It's me" Odd, Eurynomile's lips didn't seem to move. You notice Cythra's lips move slightly.

Shaylynne points at Allye, nods her head and then points at Allye.

Elurora glances at you.

(Almarius turns slightly and catches a glimpse of Allye's pointed gaze and malicious expression.)

Ishimmer chuckles.

Azume glances at Eurynomile.

Eurynomile babbles incoherently.

Iryta ponders.

Iryta scoots over a little closer to Jycanth.

Almarius blinks.

Eurynomile asks, "Am i wearinf a crappies foil hat?"

Iryta shivers as she snuggles beside Jycanth.

Finnris beams at Elurora!

Shaylynne stands near Finnris.

Eurynomile begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Iryta grins at Eurynomile, her dimples flashing into view.

Finnris beams at Shaylynne!

Almarius smiles slowly.

Cythra rubs Eurynomile gently, massaging her muscles.

Almarius darkly says, "Silly, you're not supposed to spoil the surprise, yet. But, oh well..."

Elurora glances at Almarius.

Finnris glances at Almarius.

Finnris widens his eyes like a lunatic.

Elurora quietly says, "Utoh."

Penrhyn glances at you.

Finnris makes a grunting noise.

(Almarius jumps from the stool and throws down her marionette's strings. The thin wooden planks clatter to the ground noisily, their attached cords tangling in an unfortunate mess.)

Finnris points at Almarius.

Eurynomile blinks.

(Allye slumps slightly but catches herself, straightening back up and standing on her own with slow, rigid motions.)

Azume's left ear begins to twitch in what appears to be a nervous reaction.

Shaelisa gasps at Almarius!

Ears tilted forward, Ishimmer curls his tail around Vixonia's waist loosely.

Almarius gets a leathery mask from inside her watersilk narwhal.

Selame cowers away from Almarius!

Almarius wears her leathery mask, hiding her face from view.

Shaylynne blinks at Almarius.

Finnris points at Almarius and then nods his head.

Shaylynne covers her eyes with her hand.

Selame covers her eyes with her hand.

Eurynomile exclaims, "Masks now!"

Eurynomile begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Vixonia quirks her ears outward in surprise.

(Allye's shadow casts over the little Gnome before her, and they both turn to face the gathered crowd with identical, menacingly sharp-toothed smiles.)

Finnris whimpers softly.

Eurynomile blinks.

Almarius matter-of-factly exclaims, "The end!"

Nilme gasps!

Almarius gives an awkward curtsy, nearly falling over!

Cythra says, "Whoa."

You curtsy gracefully.

Unicorn Glitter Chaos