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Vaddon Whorlo
Status Active
Race Kaldar
Gender Male
Guild Paladin
Instance Prime

Early Life and Education

From what the monks told him, Vaddon was born on a farm in a year of great drought. As the farms around the Whorlo family’s dwindled, dried up, and were abandoned, his parents decided to abandon theirs as well. Sending their children to relatives and friends abroad, they were left with the youngest, now not even a year old. They ended up leaving him with the church and a generous tithe, hoping to establish a new farm and return soon to retrieve him.

Months passed, and then years. Vaddon grew up among monks, priests, traveling friars, and the other orphans. While many of the children gravitated toward the scholarly learning, some part of him believed the story that he was told about his parents eventually returning to claim him. Vaddon desperately yearned for that day and wanted to be ready to work the farm. He took on physically demanding jobs to prepare for the hard life of a farmer. Initially he worked in the temple gardens helping the Gardener Eaadrich. His work ethic and strength was quickly noticed and eventually he began working with the Undertaker Khurek to bury the bodies of the recently deceased.

Khurek, took to him and began mentoring him. He began telling Vaddon stories of his great inquisition against the Necromancers, battles of good versus evil, and the might of holy paladins and clerics. Khurek had been a fierce warrior himself before injustice brought on his retirement to the temple cemetery. So while the other children read and studied, Vaddon began to yearn how to hold a blade. With his head full of stories about the glory of battle and fighting to rid the lands of the evil brought forth by the dark ones his path became clear.

Thus, he eventually joined the Paladin guild and has been walking the paladin’s path. Vaddon has been learning and growing, picking up what he can and practicing tirelessly to prepare to carry on the work of Khurek and others.


Information coming soon.


Information coming soon.


Sharing of stories of battles fought, lessons learned and other musings.


Information coming soon.

First Invasion

Information coming soon.