Dantia/Logs/20220427 Log

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[10:01:03 PM] [Personal] Your mind hears XXXX thinking, "Suspicious figure in Riverhaven, what's that about?"

[10:21:38 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Wow, that is a gigantic dirt construct standing in front of the Municipal Pier in Riverhaven."

[10:22:02 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "It seems dangerous to let something like tha wander around"

[10:23:44 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "I think I can't in good conscious leave this thing here."

[10:24:39 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Oh, it collapsed into the earth."

[10:25:25 PM] [General] Your mind hears Tirost thinking, "You're disappointed. Admit it."

[10:25:27 PM] [General] Your mind hears Anuril thinking, "Did you 'encourage' it, Halipa?"

[10:25:29 PM] [General] Your mind hears Zalinyar thinking, "if it's related to that zombie goblin be careful. that was the biggest zobie goblin I ever did see!"

[10:25:57 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "A little, maybe, Tirost.  But all's well that ends well, I guess?  Just as happy to avoid a fight."

[10:27:11 PM] [General] Your mind hears Zehira thinking, "and I still need tea, what a world"

[10:28:22 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "It's a tough one, no mistake."

<travel time>

[10:28:49 PM] >east
[10:28:49 PM] You go east.
[10:28:49 PM] [Riverhaven, Town Hall Road]
[10:28:49 PM] The finest Inn of the region dwells here, near the center of town.  The Pierless Inn as locals know it, rises some three stories in stone and timberwork.  Perhaps as much business is done here as in the Guildhall nearby and certainly in much more cordial circumstances.  Both public and private dining can be had as well as a huge common room.  Sleeping accommodations range from the simple but clean to several elegant suites worthy of a Master Trader.
[10:28:49 PM] You also see a Riverhaven Warden and the Municipal Pier.
[10:28:49 PM] Also here: Brother Harsh, Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:28:49 PM] Obvious paths: northeast, east, west, northwest.
[10:28:49 PM] Room Exits: go pier, go inn

[10:28:53 PM] >squint Madi
[10:28:53 PM] You squint at Madigan.

[10:28:58 PM] >say }Madi If you tell me the Temple, I go into the temple.
[10:28:58 PM] You say to Madigan, "If you tell me the Temple, I go into the temple."

[10:28:59 PM] >grunt
[10:28:59 PM] You make a grunting noise.

[10:29:01 PM] >join madi
[10:29:01 PM] Madigan is already following Mazrian!
[10:29:01 PM] You join Mazrian's group.

[10:29:04 PM] Madigan says, "Mazrian was standing here."

[10:29:05 PM] Madigan smiles.

[10:29:09 PM] Madigan moves into position to block attacks against you!

[10:29:12 PM] Brother Harsh hobbles east.

[10:29:13 PM] >say I was not looking here. I was looking in the Temple.
[10:29:13 PM] You say, "I was not looking here. I was looking in the Temple."

[10:29:20 PM] Mazrian says, "Well, the construct was here."

[10:29:23 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:29:25 PM] Madigan says, "XO's fault."

[10:29:26 PM] Harsh quietly says, "He's that way."

[10:29:27 PM] >chuckle
[10:29:27 PM] You chuckle.

[10:29:28 PM] Harsh points east.

[10:29:30 PM] Harsh scans the area briefly.

[10:29:30 PM] Mazrian says, "Loitering in a menacing fashion."

[10:29:33 PM] Mazrian scans the area briefly.

[10:29:34 PM] >peer e
[10:29:34 PM] You peer east and see ...
[10:29:34 PM] [Riverhaven, River Road East]
[10:29:34 PM] The river road passes among a jumble of small private warehouses and wharfage east of the town's center.  Numerous small offices and even a few well-kept homes line the northern side of the road.  Watchmen abound here, each in the livery of some trading house or shipping company.  They keep a cool eye on loiterers and those who seem to have no noticeable business.
[10:29:34 PM] You also see the Carousel Square and an oak-gabled shop.
[10:29:34 PM] Obvious paths: east, west.
[10:29:34 PM] Room Exits: go pier, go inn

[10:29:37 PM] >perc health
[10:29:37 PM] You close your eyes, drawing all your thoughts inward, and then slowly reach out to sense the life essences of those around you...
[10:29:37 PM] You sense:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of Harsh.
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of Madigan.
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of Mazrian.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (NE) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (W) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of Daedrin.
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a tall Human peddler.
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a uniformed representative.
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a young alchemist student.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (E, E) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:29:37 PM]     A malicious presence screeching in the far dark corner of your mind causes you to quickly open your eyes!
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (NW, NE) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a Halfling sailor.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (W, W, NW, NW) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of Eggleston.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (NW, NE, NE, NE) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (NW, NE, NE, NE, N) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of an old S'Kra woman.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (W, W, NW, NW, NW, NW) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a young fishmonger.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (NW, N, N, N, N, N) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of Forest Warden Dupre.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (W, W, W, W, W, W, W) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of smelly cat.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (W, W, NW, NW, E, E, N) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of Undarum.
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (W, W, NW, NW, NW, NW, NW) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of old Maisie.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (W, W, NW, NW, E, E, N, N) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (NW, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, W) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of the paladin Sir Robyn.
[10:29:37 PM] You sense (E, E, E, E, E, E, N, N, N, N, N) from your current position:
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:29:37 PM]     The presence of a freckled young acolyte.
[10:29:37 PM] Roundtime: 3 seconds

[10:29:43 PM] >whisper group Two e
[10:29:43 PM] You whisper to Madigan and Mazrian, Two e

[10:29:43 PM] A suspicious figure walks into the area.

[10:29:47 PM] Harsh points at a suspicious figure.

[10:29:48 PM] A suspicious figure walks west.

[10:29:48 PM] Mazrian says, "There is indeed a suspicious figure loitering to the east."

[10:29:49 PM] Mazrian ponders.

[10:29:53 PM] You notice as a grey cat prances into the area.
[10:29:53 PM] The grey cat begins to watch the goings on carefully.

[10:29:54 PM] Mazrian says, "Let's...oh, well, hey."

[10:29:55 PM] Madigan says, "Suspicious indeed."

[10:29:58 PM] Mazrian nods in agreement.

[10:29:58 PM] >peer w
[10:29:58 PM] You peer west and see ...
[10:29:58 PM] [Riverhaven, Town Square]
[10:29:58 PM] This square sits in the space between the Town Hall and the municipal pier.  It is a large park with the graceful gardens of the Temple set within well-tended lawns.  Here and there, benches for the public's use are set out under shady trees, and you can often find an old retired merchant or river captain taking his ease and watching the passing tide of people.
[10:29:58 PM] You also see a suspicious figure, a tall Human peddler, a simple burin, a uniformed representative, a young alchemist student, a news stand, a festive meeting portal, a simple bench, the Temple and a mud-splattered chest.
[10:29:58 PM] Obvious paths: north, east, west.
[10:29:58 PM] Room Exits: go pier, go inn

[10:29:58 PM] Mazrian scans the area briefly.

[10:30:19 PM] You follow Mazrian west.
[10:30:19 PM] [Riverhaven, Town Square]
[10:30:19 PM] This square sits in the space between the Town Hall and the municipal pier.  It is a large park with the graceful gardens of the Temple set within well-tended lawns.  Here and there, benches for the public's use are set out under shady trees, and you can often find an old retired merchant or river captain taking his ease and watching the passing tide of people.
[10:30:19 PM] You also see a suspicious figure, a tall Human peddler, a simple burin, a uniformed representative, a young alchemist student, a news stand, a festive meeting portal, a simple bench, the Temple and a mud-splattered chest.
[10:30:19 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:30:19 PM] Obvious paths: north, east, west.
[10:30:19 PM] Room Exits: go temple, go hall

[10:30:20 PM] A suspicious figure walks west.

[10:30:20 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:30:23 PM] Mazrian says, "Hello, sir."

[10:30:24 PM] Mazrian nods.

[10:30:28 PM] >perc health
[10:30:28 PM] You close your eyes, drawing all your thoughts inward, and then slowly reach out to sense the life essences of those around you...
[10:30:28 PM] You sense:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of Harsh.
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of Madigan.
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of Mazrian.
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a tall Human peddler.
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a uniformed representative.
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a young alchemist student.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (E) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (W) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     A malicious presence screeching in the far dark corner of your mind causes you to quickly open your eyes!
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (N, NE) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a Halfling sailor.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (W, NW, NW) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of Eggleston.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (N, NE, NE, NE) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (W, NW, NW, NW) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (N, NE, NE, NE, N) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of an old S'Kra woman.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (E, E, E, E, E) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (W, NW, NW, NW, NW) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a young fishmonger.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, N, N) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of Forest Warden Dupre.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (W, W, W, W, W, W) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of smelly cat.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (W, NW, NW, E, E, N) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of Undarum.
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:30:28 PM] You sense (W, W, W, W, W, W, W) from your current position:
[10:30:28 PM]     The presence of old Maisie.
[10:30:28 PM] Roundtime: 3 seconds

[10:30:34 PM] >peer w
[10:30:34 PM] You peer west and see ...
[10:30:34 PM] [Riverhaven, Town Hall Road]
[10:30:34 PM] The road skirts both the Town Square and the Trader's Guild as it passes through the center of town.  The tall signal tower of City Hall rises like the spire of some Temple.  The nearby Municipal Pier is a hotbed of activity with ships coming and going and knots of Traders huddled deep in conclave over the latest prices.  The elegant facade of the Guildhall beams down on these activities with a proprietary air.
[10:30:34 PM] You also see a suspicious figure, some double doors leading to the guild-owned stable and a wide alley.
[10:30:34 PM] Obvious paths: northeast, east, west, northwest.
[10:30:34 PM] Room Exits: go temple, go hall

[10:30:36 PM] >point w
[10:30:36 PM] You point west.

[10:30:37 PM] A suspicious figure walks into the area.

[10:30:41 PM] >look figu
[10:30:41 PM] You see a suspicious figure.
[10:30:41 PM] The suspicious figure is in good shape.
[10:30:41 PM] It is wearing a target shield, a linen cloak, a bone mask, a chain shirt, some cloth pants.
[10:30:41 PM] It is carrying nothing!

[10:30:44 PM] A suspicious figure walks east.

[10:30:47 PM] Brother Harsh hobbles east.

[10:30:49 PM] [General] Your mind hears Tirost thinking, "In the unavoidable fights, Mazrian, I've been glad when you're there to make them end well."

[10:30:50 PM] Madigan says, "Well, let's kill the bugger."

[10:30:51 PM] >whisper group I can sense necromantic taint all over that figure.
[10:30:52 PM] You whisper to Madigan and Mazrian, I can sense necromantic taint all over that figure.

[10:30:53 PM] Mazrian says, "Well, he's certainly running."

[10:30:54 PM] Mazrian ponders.

[10:31:01 PM] You follow Mazrian east.
[10:31:01 PM] [Riverhaven, Town Hall Road]
[10:31:01 PM] The finest Inn of the region dwells here, near the center of town.  The Pierless Inn as locals know it, rises some three stories in stone and timberwork.  Perhaps as much business is done here as in the Guildhall nearby and certainly in much more cordial circumstances.  Both public and private dining can be had as well as a huge common room.  Sleeping accommodations range from the simple but clean to several elegant suites worthy of a Master Trader.
[10:31:01 PM] You also see a Riverhaven Warden and the Municipal Pier.
[10:31:01 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:31:01 PM] Obvious paths: northeast, east, west, northwest.
[10:31:01 PM] Room Exits: go pier, go inn

[10:31:03 PM] You follow Mazrian east.
[10:31:03 PM] [Riverhaven, River Road East]
[10:31:03 PM] The river road passes among a jumble of small private warehouses and wharfage east of the town's center.  Numerous small offices and even a few well-kept homes line the northern side of the road.  Watchmen abound here, each in the livery of some trading house or shipping company.  They keep a cool eye on loiterers and those who seem to have no noticeable business.
[10:31:03 PM] You also see the Carousel Square and an oak-gabled shop.
[10:31:03 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:31:03 PM] Obvious paths: east, west.
[10:31:03 PM] Room Exits: go carousel square, go shop

[10:31:04 PM] You follow Mazrian east.
[10:31:04 PM] [Riverhaven, River Road East]
[10:31:04 PM] The reek of fish hangs heavy in the air as you pass among several small fish-processing plants.  Racks of salted fillets lie in neat rows, waiting their turn in the smokehouses.  The area is a magnet for half the cats in the Province it seems, and you can barely move without treading on a tail or tripping over some speeding tabby making off with a mullet as prize.
[10:31:04 PM] You also see a suspicious figure and the Riverhaven meeting hall.
[10:31:04 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan, Mazrian and Brother Harsh.
[10:31:04 PM] Obvious paths: east, west.

[10:31:07 PM] Madigan begins to advance on a suspicious figure.

[10:31:10 PM] The suspicious figure begins to advance on Madigan.

[10:31:13 PM] The suspicious figure asks, "Oi, ye fallowerin me?"

[10:31:13 PM] Madigan smiles.

[10:31:14 PM] Madigan closes to pole weapon range on a suspicious figure.
[10:31:14 PM] Madigan stops a suspicious figure from advancing any farther.

[10:31:17 PM] Madigan closes to melee range on a suspicious figure.

[10:31:18 PM] A suspicious figure walks east.

[10:31:19 PM] >cast figure
[10:31:19 PM] You hold out your arms, then bring them down evenly.
[10:31:19 PM] The soothing wave sweeps over the area to encompass anything engaged in combat with you.
[10:31:19 PM] Your actions quickly stir up a ruckus around you, as annoyed citizens quickly move out of the way.  One mentions to his friend that he's off to report you for disturbing the peace.
[10:31:19 PM] Roundtime: 3 sec.

[10:31:22 PM] >grunt
[10:31:22 PM] You make a grunting noise.

[10:31:22 PM] Mazrian says, "You seem suspicious, sir."

[10:31:25 PM] >point e
[10:31:26 PM] You point east.

[10:31:27 PM] >prep nb 30
[10:31:27 PM] With meditative movements you prepare your body for the Nissa's Binding spell.

[10:31:31 PM] You follow Mazrian east.
[10:31:31 PM] [Riverhaven, River Road East]
[10:31:31 PM] Night workmen wash down and tidy up the entire area as they prepare for business in the morning.  The scent of rotting fish lingers in the air even though there's not a scale or tail to be seen.  
[10:31:31 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:31:31 PM] Obvious paths: east, west.

[10:31:33 PM] You follow Mazrian east.
[10:31:33 PM] [Riverhaven, River Road East]
[10:31:33 PM] Set smack amidst the smokehouses and drying racks of the fishing industry is the Saltfisher Inn, run by a local family, it is the one bright spot in this drear commercial area.  The center of social life for the workingfolk of the area, the tavern makes a noble effort to have good food and drink on call at all hours.
[10:31:33 PM] You also see some rickety steps.
[10:31:33 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:31:33 PM] Obvious paths: north, east, west.
[10:31:33 PM] Room Exits: cli step

[10:31:33 PM] >peer e
[10:31:33 PM] You peer east and see ...
[10:31:33 PM] [Riverhaven, River Road East]
[10:31:33 PM] The store-yards of Natron, the local Salt-seller, rise along the north side of the road.  Huge piles of sea salt, brought up the weary miles by barge, lie protected under canvas covers to keep off the rain. The riverbank has been despoiled by the briny run-off and little survives there.  Even the pier is eaten away by the salt. The wood looks ready to crumble at a touch.
[10:31:33 PM] You also see a suspicious figure, a Riverhaven Warden and a gate leading to the pier and another storage yard to the south.
[10:31:33 PM] Obvious paths: north, east, west.

[10:31:34 PM] You follow Mazrian east.
[10:31:34 PM] [Riverhaven, River Road East]
[10:31:34 PM] The store-yards of Natron, the local Salt-seller, rise along the north side of the road.  Huge piles of sea salt, brought up the weary miles by barge, lie protected under canvas covers to keep off the rain. The riverbank has been despoiled by the briny run-off and little survives there.  Even the pier is eaten away by the salt. The wood looks ready to crumble at a touch.
[10:31:34 PM] You also see a suspicious figure, a Riverhaven Warden and a gate leading to the pier and another storage yard to the south.
[10:31:34 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:31:34 PM] Obvious paths: north, east, west.
[10:31:34 PM] Room Exits: go gate

[10:31:36 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:31:36 PM] >cast figure
[10:31:36 PM] You hold out your arms, then bring them down evenly.
[10:31:36 PM] The soothing wave sweeps over the area to encompass anything engaged in combat with you.
[10:31:36 PM] You sense the pattern pass harmlessly through a suspicious figure.
[10:31:36 PM] Your actions quickly stir up a ruckus around you, as annoyed citizens quickly move out of the way.  One mentions to his friend that he's off to report you for disturbing the peace.
[10:31:36 PM] Roundtime: 3 sec.

[10:31:39 PM] Mazrian gestures at a suspicious figure.
[10:31:39 PM] A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath a suspicious figure.
[10:31:39 PM] The suspicious figure seems unaffected by the ice around its feet.

[10:31:40 PM] >grumble
[10:31:40 PM] You grumble.

[10:31:45 PM] >adv fig
[10:31:45 PM] You begin to advance on a suspicious figure.

[10:31:45 PM] A suspicious figure walks west.

[10:31:46 PM] Mazrian asks, "Huh...many limbed?"

[10:31:50 PM] You follow Mazrian west.
[10:31:50 PM] [Riverhaven, River Road East]
[10:31:50 PM] Set smack amidst the smokehouses and drying racks of the fishing industry is the Saltfisher Inn, run by a local family, it is the one bright spot in this drear commercial area.  The center of social life for the workingfolk of the area, the tavern makes a noble effort to have good food and drink on call at all hours.
[10:31:50 PM] You also see a Riverhaven Warden and some rickety steps.
[10:31:50 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:31:50 PM] Obvious paths: north, east, west.
[10:31:50 PM] Room Exits: cli step

[10:31:51 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:31:51 PM] You follow Mazrian west.
[10:31:52 PM] [Riverhaven, River Road East]
[10:31:52 PM] Night workmen wash down and tidy up the entire area as they prepare for business in the morning.  The scent of rotting fish lingers in the air even though there's not a scale or tail to be seen.
[10:31:52 PM] You also see a suspicious figure.
[10:31:52 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:31:52 PM] Obvious paths: east, west.

[10:31:52 PM] >adv fig
[10:31:52 PM] You begin to advance on a suspicious figure.

[10:31:53 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:31:55 PM] Madigan begins to advance on a suspicious figure.

[10:31:55 PM] A suspicious figure walks west.

[10:31:57 PM] Brother Harsh hobbles west.

[10:31:57 PM] You follow Mazrian west.
[10:31:57 PM] [Riverhaven, River Road East]
[10:31:57 PM] The reek of fish hangs heavy in the air as you pass among several small fish-processing plants.  Racks of salted fillets lie in neat rows, waiting their turn in the smokehouses.  The area is a magnet for half the cats in the Province it seems, and you can barely move without treading on a tail or tripping over some speeding tabby making off with a mullet as prize.
[10:31:57 PM] You also see a suspicious figure and the Riverhaven meeting hall.
[10:31:57 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan, Mazrian and Brother Harsh.
[10:31:57 PM] Obvious paths: east, west.
[10:31:57 PM] Room Number: 407

[10:31:58 PM] The suspicious figure begins to advance on Madigan.

[10:31:59 PM] >tackle figure
[10:31:59 PM] You aren't close enough to attack.
[10:31:59 PM] You begin to advance on a suspicious figure.

[10:31:59 PM] A suspicious figure walks west.

[10:32:00 PM] >tackle figure
[10:32:00 PM] I could not find what you were referring to.

[10:32:01 PM] You follow Mazrian west.
[10:32:01 PM] [Riverhaven, River Road East]
[10:32:01 PM] The river road passes among a jumble of small private warehouses and wharfage east of the town's center.  Numerous small offices and even a few well-kept homes line the northern side of the road.  Watchmen abound here, each in the livery of some trading house or shipping company.  They keep a cool eye on loiterers and those who seem to have no noticeable business.
[10:32:01 PM] You also see a suspicious figure, the Carousel Square and an oak-gabled shop.
[10:32:01 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:32:01 PM] Obvious paths: east, west.
[10:32:01 PM] Room Exits: go carousel square, go shop

[10:32:01 PM] >tackle figure
[10:32:02 PM] You aren't close enough to attack.
[10:32:02 PM] You begin to advance on a suspicious figure.

[10:32:02 PM] Madigan closes to pole weapon range on a suspicious figure.
[10:32:02 PM] Madigan stops a suspicious figure from advancing any farther.

[10:32:02 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:32:02 PM] Mazrian gestures at a suspicious figure.
[10:32:02 PM] A flash of electrical light issues from Mazrian's hands!

[10:32:03 PM] Harsh gestures at a suspicious figure.
[10:32:03 PM] He suddenly reels back, looking queasy.

[10:32:05 PM] Madigan closes to melee range on a suspicious figure.

[10:32:05 PM] Mazrian says, "Hmm."

[10:32:06 PM] A suspicious figure walks west.

[10:32:08 PM] Harsh quietly says, "No soul."

[10:32:08 PM] You follow Mazrian west.
[10:32:08 PM] [Riverhaven, Town Hall Road]
[10:32:08 PM] The finest Inn of the region dwells here, near the center of town.  The Pierless Inn as locals know it, rises some three stories in stone and timberwork.  Perhaps as much business is done here as in the Guildhall nearby and certainly in much more cordial circumstances.  Both public and private dining can be had as well as a huge common room.  Sleeping accommodations range from the simple but clean to several elegant suites worthy of a Master Trader.
[10:32:08 PM] You also see a suspicious figure and the Municipal Pier.
[10:32:08 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:32:08 PM] Obvious paths: northeast, east, west, northwest.
[10:32:09 PM] Room Exits: go pier, go inn

[10:32:09 PM] You close to pole weapon range on a suspicious figure.

[10:32:09 PM] >tackle figure
[10:32:09 PM] You aren't close enough to attack.
[10:32:09 PM] You are already advancing on a suspicious figure.

[10:32:10 PM] In a weak and directionless display of aggression, a suspicious figure charges forward and slams its shoulder at Madigan.  Madigan dodges.  

[10:32:10 PM] A suspicious figure walks northwest.

[10:32:11 PM] >tackle figure
[10:32:11 PM] I could not find what you were referring to.

[10:32:12 PM] You have lost sight of your target, so you stop advancing.

[10:32:13 PM] You follow Mazrian northwest.
[10:32:14 PM] [Riverhaven, Town Hall Road]
[10:32:14 PM] This short arc of roadway connects the eastern and western halves of town.  The smooth style of the Town hall is echoed in the curving roadway, paved with granite stones flecked with brighter bits of crystal.  Heavy traffic of all sorts converges here at the mercantile and social center of Riverhaven.
[10:32:14 PM] You also see a rotten fishhead, the Trader Market building and the Riverhaven Market Plaza.
[10:32:14 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:32:14 PM] Obvious paths: north, northeast, southeast, south, southwest.
[10:32:14 PM] Room Exits: go plaza, go building

[10:32:17 PM] Mazrian scans the area briefly.

[10:32:17 PM] >perc health
[10:32:18 PM] You close your eyes, drawing all your thoughts inward, and then slowly reach out to sense the life essences of those around you...
[10:32:18 PM] You sense:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of Madigan.
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of Mazrian.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (NE) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a Halfling sailor.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (S) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of Harsh.
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a uniformed representative.
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a young alchemist student.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (SW) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a tall Human peddler.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (N, N) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     A malicious presence screeching in the far dark corner of your mind causes you to quickly open your eyes!
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (SE, E) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (SW, NW, NW) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of Eggleston.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (SW, NW, NW, NW) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a young fishmonger.
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, N) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of Forest Warden Dupre.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (NE, NE, NE, N, N) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of an old S'Kra woman.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (NE, NE, NE, S, S) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (SE, E, E, E, E) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (SW, W, W, W, W) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of smelly cat.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (SW, NW, NW, NW, E) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (SW, NW, NW, E, E, N) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of Undarum.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (NE, NE, NE, NE, NE, NE, NE) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (SW, W, W, W, W, W, W) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of old Maisie.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (SW, NW, NW, E, E, N, N) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (SE, E, E, E, E, E, E, N, N, N) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, W, SW, SE) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of the paladin Sir Robyn.
[10:32:18 PM] You sense (NE, NE, NE, NE, NE, NE, NE, SE, SE, SE, SE) from your current position:
[10:32:18 PM]     The presence of a freckled young acolyte.
[10:32:18 PM] Roundtime: 3 seconds

[10:32:23 PM] >say Two north
[10:32:23 PM] You say, "Two north."

[10:32:26 PM] You follow Mazrian north.
[10:32:26 PM] [Riverhaven, Theren Way]
[10:32:26 PM] Running straight as an arrow, Theren Way leads from Town Hall to the Gate of Nobles at the north end of town.  Heavy stone paving makes smooth road for the heavily-laden wagons and other traffic that throngs it all hours.  Houses of the well-to-do line both sides with large gardens.  This is the heart of a prosperous, well-ordered community and the frequent patrols of armed men prefer to keep it that way.  On the west side of the road stands the office of the Provincial Administrator of Orders.  
[10:32:26 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:32:26 PM] Obvious paths: north, south.

[10:32:26 PM] You follow Mazrian north.
[10:32:26 PM] [Riverhaven, Theren Way]
[10:32:26 PM] The sturdy, almost stolid facade of the Bank of Riverhaven faces the busy roadway along the west side of the street.  A wide portico of ultramarine-hued marble ranges along the front of this massive building.  Open at all times for the convenience of Traders and other merchants, the bank has a constant stream of patrons passing through its wide portals.  
[10:32:26 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:32:26 PM] Obvious paths: north, south.
[10:32:26 PM] Room Exits: go bank

[10:32:28 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:32:28 PM] You follow Mazrian north.
[10:32:28 PM] [Riverhaven, Theren Way]
[10:32:28 PM] Close-set but elegant row-houses line the street along both sides.  Many of the dwellings give out a cheerful glow of warm light through curtained windows.  Someone, somewhere, is playing a haunting ballad on a dulcimer, and elsewhere you hear the muted conversation and laughter of a party.  Lamps set on high poles shed a soft light over the street as the occasional late traveler passes you.  Faint wisps of fog ghost along the ground from the direction of the riverfront.
[10:32:28 PM] You also see a suspicious figure, an oak-shingled stone block house, a cozy cedar frame cottage, an oak-shingled red brick dwelling, a trim brown brick house, a cozy white block home and a cedar-trimmed grey block abode.
[10:32:28 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:32:28 PM] Obvious paths: north, south.

[10:32:28 PM] >tackle figure
[10:32:28 PM] You aren't close enough to attack.
[10:32:28 PM] You begin to advance on a suspicious figure.

[10:32:28 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:32:29 PM] Mazrian gestures at a suspicious figure.
[10:32:29 PM] A low, pure note chimes from the ground below.
[10:32:29 PM] The ground around a suspicious figure begins to churn violently as dozens of large hands fashioned from living stone surge into view!
[10:32:29 PM] The hands swarm over a suspicious figure's body, gripping its extremities and impairing it ability to dodge!

[10:32:29 PM] Madigan gestures at a suspicious figure.
[10:32:30 PM] A brilliant stream of pure white light jumps toward a suspicious figure from Madigan, which warps into a spiraling force as it slams into it!

[10:32:32 PM] A suspicious figure walks north.

[10:32:35 PM] Madigan shrugs.

[10:32:37 PM] You follow Mazrian south.
[10:32:37 PM] [Riverhaven, Theren Way]
[10:32:37 PM] The sturdy, almost stolid facade of the Bank of Riverhaven faces the busy roadway along the west side of the street.  A wide portico of ultramarine-hued marble ranges along the front of this massive building.  Open at all times for the convenience of Traders and other merchants, the bank has a constant stream of patrons passing through its wide portals.  
[10:32:37 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:32:37 PM] Obvious paths: north, south.
[10:32:37 PM] Room Exits: go bank

[10:32:38 PM] You follow Mazrian north.
[10:32:38 PM] [Riverhaven, Theren Way]
[10:32:38 PM] Close-set but elegant row-houses line the street along both sides.  Many of the dwellings give out a cheerful glow of warm light through curtained windows.  Someone, somewhere, is playing a haunting ballad on a dulcimer, and elsewhere you hear the muted conversation and laughter of a party.  Lamps set on high poles shed a soft light over the street as the occasional late traveler passes you.  Faint wisps of fog ghost along the ground from the direction of the riverfront.
[10:32:38 PM] You also see a grey cat, an oak-shingled stone block house, a cozy cedar frame cottage, an oak-shingled red brick dwelling, a trim brown brick house, a cozy white block home and a cedar-trimmed grey block abode.
[10:32:38 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan, Mazrian and Brother Harsh.
[10:32:38 PM] Obvious paths: north, south.

[10:32:38 PM] You follow Mazrian north.
[10:32:38 PM] [Riverhaven, Theren Way]
[10:32:38 PM] To the north, the high wooden palisade of the town wall looms.  Nearer, small shops and stores do a brisk business.  From one of the large storefronts with many open windows comes the sound of music, a gentle voice sings a song in a language unknown to you.  The words strike you as ones of wonder, surprise and delight.  The sounds bring a smile to your face even if you cannot actually fathom their meaning.
[10:32:38 PM] You also see a suspicious figure, the Bard shop and the Riverhaven Enchanting Society hall.
[10:32:38 PM] Also here: Sir Madigan and Mazrian.
[10:32:38 PM] Obvious paths: north, south.
[10:32:38 PM] Room Exits: go shop, go hall

[10:32:38 PM] >say Can we throw weapons at it?
[10:32:38 PM] You ask, "Can we throw weapons at it?"

[10:32:39 PM] The suspicious figure begins to advance on you!
[10:32:39 PM] The suspicious figure is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.

[10:32:39 PM] Mazrian begins to focus intently on a suspicious figure.

[10:32:40 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:32:41 PM] Mazrian begins to advance on a suspicious figure.

[10:32:42 PM] >adv fig
[10:32:42 PM] You begin to advance on a suspicious figure.

[10:32:42 PM] Harsh begins to focus intently on a suspicious figure.

[10:32:42 PM] Mazrian inhales sharply, then violently spits a bolt of churning flame toward a suspicious figure!
[10:32:42 PM] Fire whooshes over and around the suspicious figure's head, stifling the pained sounds that accompany its partial immolation.

[10:32:43 PM] Harsh gestures at a suspicious figure.
[10:32:43 PM] A soft crackle briefly comes from Harsh's direction.

[10:32:44 PM] >tackle figure
[10:32:44 PM] You aren't close enough to attack.
[10:32:44 PM] You are already advancing on a suspicious figure.

[10:32:44 PM] Mazrian makes a sharp overhand slapping motion at a suspicious figure.
[10:32:44 PM] The suspicious figure is struck by a violent wind that lands an earth-shaking strike to its back!
[10:32:44 PM] A suspicious figure crumples to the ground, and desperately tries to stand up again.  However, his wounds prove too severe, and he relaxes after a moment, his body going still.
[10:32:44 PM] The hands release their grip on a suspicious figure's corpse and fall to the ground, reverting to piles of earth that slowly crumble away.
[10:32:44 PM] A suspicious figure walks north.

[10:32:45 PM] >tackle figure
[10:32:45 PM] I could not find what you were referring to.

[10:32:47 PM] Brother Harsh hobbles north.

[10:32:48 PM] Appearing to have lost sight of his target, Mazrian stops advancing.

[10:32:48 PM] Mazrian frowns.

[10:32:49 PM] You have lost sight of your target, so you stop advancing.

[10:32:50 PM] Madigan chuckles.

[10:32:55 PM] Mazrian asks, "I wonder who that was?"

[10:32:57 PM] >peer n
[10:32:57 PM] You peer north and see ...
[10:32:57 PM] [Riverhaven, Crescent Way]
[10:32:57 PM] Theren Way crosses here, a busy road leading into the heart of town.  A low stone wall, painted a gentle cream color, marks off the grounds of the Empath Guild to the north.  The soothing smell of healing herbs washes away the odors of the town, leaving your mind feeling free and at ease with itself.  The dirt and squalor of this back-road vanish into well-kept stone pavers and neatly trimmed hedges along both sides.
[10:32:57 PM] You also see Forest Warden Dupre and a tall oak building.
[10:32:57 PM] Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.
[10:32:57 PM] Room Exits: go shop, go hall

[10:32:57 PM] Mazrian glances at Madigan.

[10:33:00 PM] Mazrian looks at Madigan and shrugs.

[10:33:06 PM] >perc health
[10:33:06 PM] You close your eyes, drawing all your thoughts inward, and then slowly reach out to sense the life essences of those around you...
[10:33:06 PM] You sense:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of Madigan.
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of Mazrian.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of Forest Warden Dupre.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, W, SW) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a young fishmonger.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of Harsh.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, E) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, SE) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of Eggleston.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, E, SE, SE, SW) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of an old S'Kra woman.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, E, NE) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, NE) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a Halfling sailor.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, S) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a uniformed representative.
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a young alchemist student.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, SW) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a tall Human peddler.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, SE, E) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, SE, SE, SE) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, W, SW, SE) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of the paladin Sir Robyn.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, E, NE, E, S) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of Undarum.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, E, SE, SE, SW, S, S, S) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, S, S, S, S, S, W) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of smelly cat.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, SE, SE, SE, SE, SE, SE) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, SE, SE, SE, SE, SE, SE, S) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of a freckled young acolyte.
[10:33:06 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, S, S, S, S, S, W, W, W) from your current position:
[10:33:06 PM]     The presence of old Maisie.
[10:33:06 PM] Roundtime: 3 seconds

[10:33:13 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:33:16 PM] Harsh quietly says, "It is dead."

[10:33:18 PM] >nod
[10:33:18 PM] You nod.

[10:33:20 PM] Harsh quietly says, "And walking away."

[10:33:22 PM] Harsh shrugs.

[10:33:22 PM] >touch harsh
[10:33:22 PM] You lay your hand on Harsh's arm.
[10:33:22 PM] You sense a successful empathic link has been forged between you and Harsh.
[10:33:22 PM] You feel the burning fire of pain and suffering building slowly as you instinctively draw out the truth behind Harsh's injuries.

[10:33:22 PM] Harsh's injuries include...
[10:33:22 PM] Wounds to the SKIN:
[10:33:22 PM]   Fresh Internal:  slightly tender -- insignificant
[10:33:22 PM] Harsh has normal vitality.

[10:33:24 PM] >take hars everything quick
[10:33:24 PM] You lay your hand on Harsh's arm.
[10:33:24 PM] You feel the transfer beginning as a cold stillness settles in the center of your being and you steel yourself for the impending explosion of pain.

[10:33:27 PM] >touch madi
[10:33:27 PM] You rest your hand on Madigan's arm with a soft smile.
[10:33:28 PM] You sense a successful empathic link has been forged between you and Madigan.
[10:33:28 PM] You feel the burning fire of pain and suffering building slowly as you instinctively draw out the truth behind Madigan's injuries.

[10:33:28 PM] Madigan's injuries include...
[10:33:28 PM] ... no injuries to speak of.
[10:33:28 PM] Madigan has normal vitality.
[10:33:28 PM] You sense nothing wrong with Madigan.

[10:33:29 PM] >touch maz
[10:33:29 PM] You rest your hand on Mazrian's arm with a soft smile.
[10:33:29 PM] You sense a successful empathic link has been forged between you and Mazrian.
[10:33:29 PM] You feel the burning fire of pain and suffering building slowly as you instinctively draw out the truth behind Mazrian's injuries.

[10:33:29 PM] Mazrian's injuries include...
[10:33:29 PM] Wounds to the HEAD:
[10:33:29 PM]   Fresh External:  cuts and bruises about the head -- minor
[10:33:29 PM]   Fresh Internal:  a bruised head -- minor
[10:33:29 PM] Wounds to the RIGHT ARM:
[10:33:29 PM]   Fresh External:  light scratches -- insignificant
[10:33:29 PM]   Fresh Internal:  slightly tender -- insignificant
[10:33:29 PM] Wounds to the RIGHT LEG:
[10:33:29 PM]   Fresh External:  light scratches -- insignificant
[10:33:29 PM]   Fresh Internal:  slightly tender -- insignificant
[10:33:29 PM] Wounds to the SKIN:
[10:33:29 PM]   Fresh Internal:  some minor twitching -- minor
[10:33:29 PM] Mazrian has normal vitality.

[10:33:30 PM] Mazrian nods.

[10:33:31 PM] Mazrian scans the area briefly.

[10:33:33 PM] You sense that Harsh's internal skin wounds are fully healed.
[10:33:33 PM] You sense that Harsh's internal skin scars are fully healed.

[10:33:33 PM] >link maz u
[10:33:33 PM] Stretching your senses along the link with Mazrian, you slowly lose the boundary between him and yourself, until you feel his body as if it were your own.  Your empathic senses stretch out, forming a link so intense that your breathing slows almost to a stop.  Abruptly, the boundary between you and Mazrian dissolves completely, and for a few dizzying moments you seem to occupy the same flesh.  You concentrate, drawing your shared pain and suffering toward yourself, attempting to imbue Mazrian with some of your holistic well being.
[10:33:33 PM] Your nerves sing with pain as you draw Mazrian's wounds from his body into your own.
[10:33:33 PM] The feeling of unity with Mazrian gradually ebbs away.

[10:33:34 PM] Mazrian asks, "Er, where to?"

[10:33:39 PM] A nearly painful prickling sensation surges through you as your protective healing matrix focuses on the worst hurts to your body.
[10:33:39 PM] The internal wounds on your nerves appear completely healed.
[10:33:39 PM] The internal scars on your nerves appear completely healed.
[10:33:39 PM] The external wounds on your head appear completely healed.
[10:33:39 PM] The internal wounds on your head appear completely healed.

[10:33:41 PM] >say I do not sense it anywhere.
[10:33:41 PM] You say, "I do not sense it anywhere."

[10:33:42 PM] >perc health
[10:33:42 PM] You close your eyes, drawing all your thoughts inward, and then slowly reach out to sense the life essences of those around you...
[10:33:42 PM] You sense:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of Harsh.
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of Madigan.
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of Mazrian.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of Forest Warden Dupre.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, W, SW) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a young fishmonger.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, SE) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of Eggleston.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, E, SE, SE, SW) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of an old S'Kra woman.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, S, S) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, NE) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a Halfling sailor.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, S) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a uniformed representative.
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a young alchemist student.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, SW) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a tall Human peddler.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, W, SW) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of the paladin Sir Robyn.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, E, SE, SE, SW, S, S) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, E, NE, E, S) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of Undarum.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, SE, E, E) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, E, SE, SE, SW, S, S, S) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, SE, SE, SE, SE, SE) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, S, S, S, S, S, W) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of smelly cat.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, SE, SE, SE, SE, SE, SE, S) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of a freckled young acolyte.
[10:33:42 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, S, S, S, S, S, W, W, W) from your current position:
[10:33:42 PM]     The presence of old Maisie.
[10:33:42 PM] Roundtime: 3 seconds

[10:33:49 PM] Harsh quietly says, "It died by the north gate."

[10:33:50 PM] Harsh shrugs.

[10:33:51 PM] Harsh quietly says, "I think."

[10:33:59 PM] A nearly painful prickling sensation surges through you as your protective healing matrix focuses on the worst hurts to your body.
[10:33:59 PM] The external scars on your head appear completely healed.
[10:33:59 PM] The internal scars on your head appear completely healed.
[10:33:59 PM] The external wounds on your right arm appear completely healed.
[10:33:59 PM] The internal wounds on your right arm appear completely healed.

[10:34:01 PM] Brother Harsh hobbles north.

[10:34:06 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "We have been chasing a suspicious figure around Riverhaven after the immense construct sighting."

[10:34:16 PM] >smile maz
[10:34:16 PM] You smile at Mazrian.

[10:34:19 PM] A nearly painful prickling sensation surges through you as your protective healing matrix focuses on the worst hurts to your body.
[10:34:19 PM] The external scars on your right arm appear completely healed.
[10:34:19 PM] The internal scars on your right arm appear completely healed.
[10:34:19 PM] The external wounds on your right leg appear completely healed.
[10:34:19 PM] The internal wounds on your right leg appear completely healed.

[10:34:25 PM] >health
[10:34:25 PM] Your body feels at full strength.
[10:34:25 PM] Your spirit feels full of life.
[10:34:25 PM] You have a few nearly invisible scars along the right leg.
[10:34:25 PM] You have no significant injuries. 

[10:34:27 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Has the ODS been appraised of this?"

[10:34:33 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:34:34 PM] Brother Harsh runs north.

[10:34:35 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:34:38 PM] Madigan slowly says, "Gads."

[10:34:39 PM] A nearly painful prickling sensation surges through you as your protective healing matrix focuses on the worst hurts to your body.
[10:34:39 PM] The external scars on your right leg appear completely healed.
[10:34:39 PM] The internal scars on your right leg appear completely healed.

[10:34:52 PM] Harsh quietly says, "So i tried to soul sickness it and my skin crawled at it's lack of life force."

[10:34:58 PM] Mazrian nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

[10:34:59 PM] >nod harsh
[10:34:59 PM] You nod to Harsh.

[10:35:02 PM] [General] Your mind hears Zehira thinking, "did the figure speak or did you all just decide to slaughter it as usual"

[10:35:05 PM] Mazrian says, "It threw off all of my debilitation, too."

[10:35:08 PM] >say Yes, I could sense it's necromantic taint easily.
[10:35:08 PM] You say, "Yes, I could sense it's necromantic taint easily."

[10:35:13 PM] Harsh quietly says, "And it said, yikes."

[10:35:18 PM] Harsh quietly says, "Nobody says yikes."

[10:35:24 PM] Harsh quietly says, "Unless they a necromancer."

[10:35:28 PM] Harsh smirks.

[10:35:31 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "It was necromatic to the senses of our Empath.  It didn't stick around to answer questions."
[10:35:50 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Very suspicious, to a glance."
[10:36:03 PM] [General] Your mind hears Zehira thinking, "but did you ask any or did you again just slaughter so you could feel superior"

[10:36:18 PM] >perc health
[10:36:18 PM] You close your eyes, drawing all your thoughts inward, and then slowly reach out to sense the life essences of those around you...
[10:36:18 PM] You sense:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of Harsh.
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of Madigan.
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of Mazrian.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of Forest Warden Dupre.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, W, SW) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a young fishmonger.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, E) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, SE) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of Eggleston.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, SE, SE) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a tall Human peddler.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, S, S) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, NE) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a Halfling sailor.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, S) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a uniformed representative.
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a young alchemist student.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, W, SW) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of the paladin Sir Robyn.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, E, SE, SE, SW, S, S) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of an old S'Kra woman.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, E, NE, E, S) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of Undarum.
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, SE, E, E) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (S, S, S, S, SE, E, E, E) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, E, SE, SE, SW, S, S, S, E) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, S, S, S, S, S, W, W) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of smelly cat.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, N, N, N, SE, SE, SE, SE, SE, SE, S) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a freckled young acolyte.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, E, SE, SE, SW, S, S, S, E, E, N) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of a Riverhaven Warden.
[10:36:18 PM] You sense (N, W, SW, S, S, S, S, S, W, W, W) from your current position:
[10:36:18 PM]     The presence of old Maisie.
[10:36:18 PM] Roundtime: 3 seconds

[10:36:29 PM] >say Nothing else sensed.
[10:36:29 PM] You say, "Nothing else sensed."

[10:36:29 PM] >smile
[10:36:30 PM] You smile.

[10:36:30 PM] health
[10:36:30 PM] Your body feels at full strength.
[10:36:30 PM] Your spirit feels full of life.
[10:36:30 PM] You have no significant injuries. 

[10:36:34 PM] Harsh shrugs.

[10:36:34 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "I'm left feeling much more confused than superior."

[10:36:48 PM] Brother Harsh hobbles south.

[10:36:50 PM] [General] Your mind hears Apollys thinking, "I wholly support the slaughter of any necromancer for any reason. It should be an automatic association. Water, water. Food, good. Necromancer, slaughter. Foolproof system."

[10:37:19 PM] [General] Your mind hears Zehira thinking, "a little bird told me there is a zombie somewhere in Therengia. Good Luck finding it!"

[10:37:19 PM] Madigan grins at Mazrian.

[10:38:10 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Well, at any rate, Riverhaven seems as safe as it ever was."

[10:38:31 PM] [General] Your mind hears Zehira thinking, "are you sure"

[10:38:58 PM] >say I think it's time to call this hunt to an end.
[10:38:58 PM] You say, "I think it's time to call this hunt to an end."

[10:38:58 PM] >smile
[10:38:59 PM] You smile.

[10:39:10 PM] [General] Your mind hears Zalinyar thinking, "the voice we heard from the shadows spoke in pyrdaenese, so we couldn't tell what it was yowling on about Maz. That was right before the zombie goblin showed up"

[10:39:12 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:39:12 PM] Brother Harsh runs north.

[10:39:18 PM] Madigan raises an eyebrow in your direction.

[10:39:42 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Sure enough to go back to what I was doing.  The security of Riverhaven isn't really my area.  I imagine the competent authority will respond in its own time."

[10:39:44 PM] Brother Harsh just arrived.

[10:39:45 PM] Brother Harsh hobbles south.

[10:39:45 PM] The grey cat purrs, "Well, now that that's dealt with, the students are asking about where the next academy will be held."

[10:39:51 PM] Mazrian rubs his head.

[10:39:54 PM] Mazrian chuckles.

[10:40:04 PM] Mazrian says, "The cat-herder already got a clue from me."

[10:40:04 PM] [General] Your mind hears Zalinyar thinking, "and yes, I informed ODS and Northern Watch both of the incident."

[10:40:15 PM] The grey cat purrs, "Maybe you could give some clues to the other instructors, sir."

[10:40:29 PM] [General] Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Mm, I'm in the Northern Watch.  Mission accomplished, then."

[10:40:47 PM] Mazrian says, "You're the graduate class."

[10:40:48 PM] Mazrian blinks.

[10:40:55 PM] Several horn blasts resonate in warning from the distance.  You believe they came from Riverhaven's East Gate.

[10:40:57 PM] Mazrian says, "You should be twice as wiley as the new ones."

[10:41:03 PM] The grey cat purrs, "Hah."

[10:41:35 PM] Madigan whispers to your group, "Alright, let's make a circuit and call it a night here."

[10:41:47 PM] Mazrian designates Madigan as the new leader of the group.

[10:41:47 PM] Mazrian nods.

[10:42:36 PM] >say Orcs at the east gate.
[10:42:36 PM] You say, Orcs at the east gate.

[10:42:42 PM] Madigan says, "Well, that is something then."

[10:42:45 PM] Madigan says, "Moving."