Minor Physical Protection

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Minor Physical Protection
Abbreviation: MPP
Prerequisites: -
Signature: No
Spell Slots: 1
Mana Type: Holy magic
Spell Type: standard / warding
Difficulty: basic
Prep (min/max): 1 / 100
Skill Range (min/max): 10 / 600
Valid Spell Target: Self
Duration (min/max): 10 minutes / 40 minutes
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: Minor Physical Protection is the first in a suite of potent spells designed to preserve those who walk upon the path of the gods. This introductory Warding spell will decrease the power of incoming strikes against the caster.
Effect: Percentage damage reduction.
Example Messaging: Casting/Refresh: You are bathed in a soft silver glow for a moment.

Ending: The soft silver glow fades from around you.

Devices/Tattoos: Bone elf shaman's rattle decorated with colorful beaded feathers on leather thongs, Bright silver inkpot, Item:Bone elf shaman's rattle decorated with colorful beaded feathers on leather thongs
