
From Elanthipedia
Revision as of 02:05, 25 July 2016 by ISHARON (talk | contribs)
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Thank you for contributing to Elanthipedia. I've noticed that you have been doing multiple edits to the same page within a short period of time, where each edit consists of only minor changes.

When you edit a wiki article, please try to consolidate your edits as much as possible. When you are creating a new page or modifying an existing page, try to minimize how many revisions you need to do in order to complete your work. (Using the "Show preview" feature at the bottom of the editor allows you to see how your edits look without having to save changes to the page.)

Consolidating your edits reduces the strain on Elanthipedia's server, as editing and saving a page uses far more memory and bandwidth than simply viewing or previewing a page. Editing the same page multiple times also creates extra work for administrators, as they must review each edit separately.

If you find a mistake or two and need to go back and edit, that's fine; it happens to everyone. However, if you find yourself having to edit the same page multiple times within a few hours, please consider holding off on submitting your changes until you are ready to post a more complete revision. (If you're afraid of losing your work, consider saving your work in notepad or a text editor.)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask an administrator. Thank you.