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Mystylaine Caerleon
Status Active
Race Elf
Gender Female
Guild Empath
Instance Prime

Mysty has a heart-shaped face with pouting lips, pointed ears and silver-flecked violet eyes. Lavender-streaked blue-black hair that is long and wavy, and is worn in a simple, loose style. She has smooth skin and a lithe figure. She is an adult.

She has a tattoo of a white rose encircled by a blood-stained thorny vine on your wrist.

She is wearing a platinum kyanite gwethdesuan, a silver earcuff with looped chains dangling orchids, some sparkling diamond heart-shaped earrings, a glittering quartz nose stud, a slender gold necklace made from a chain of interlocking hearts, a pair of pure white wings that resemble those of a flying dove, a good-sized charcoal-grey jumping spider, a snow white brocade corset trimmed with silvery lace, a soft black beaded-deerskin haversack, a sleeveless gown of shimmering white gossamer with a plunging neckline, a series of blue gold armbands lit by rainbow sapphires and indicolite & tourmalines, a silk faille wrist purse cinched with gossamer ribbons, a slender gold bracelet made from delicate interlocking hearts, a sparkling bracelet set with heart-shaped diamonds, a plain signet ring bearing the Estate Holder's crest, a delicate platinum ring adorned with a diamond butterfly, a jangling golden hip-chain set with carved ivory roses, a shimmering silvery white silk dance veil, a delicate ankle bracelet hung with healing herb charms carved from cambrinth and a pair of slender heeled slippers covered in white silk.

'The Beginning…..'

Making her way as quickly and carefully as she can, a willowy elven woman moves silently through the swap that surrounds the mountain side encampment of the clan on three sides. Whispering a prayer of thanks to Tamsine that she was finally able to find an opening to escape from nearly two years of capture, Sylthana continues to the forest in the distance as fast as her very pregnant body will allow. Staying vigilant and moving mostly at night, to avoid soldiers on both sides, cursing the war that put her in this situation, Sylthana continues to make her way steadily back to her smoi (husband) Erren and clan on the plains where the clans fall village lies. Arriving just before dawn Sylthana finally reaches her clan , weak and exhausted she collapses after whistling out her greeting for the sentries….. Awakening hours later in her bed, home for the first time in just over two years she sees her smoi Erren, and young daughter Shiriann at her bedside. Clutching his hand and hugging her daughter as the child falls across her, Sylthana tells of her capture, confinement, and her current condition. Exhausted again she drifts back in to blackness … Weeks later, she again finds herself back in bed, this time caught in the thrones of labor. Hours later as dawn colors the sky the first wails of a newborn fill the air. After swaddling the new born Erren lays the little girl on his helie’s (wife’s) chest and vows to raise her as his own. Smiling at Sylthana he asks “what should we name her?” Gazing down at her daughter, her fingers graze across the tiny forehead and, brushing wisps of raven locks already showing lavender highlights, Sylthana runs her fingers down a delicate cheek. As she watches, the baby opens her eyes, a startling silver flecked violet that seems for a moment to glow with an inner fire… Glancing up at her smoi, she smiles and says “we have Altan Gul…” her gaze shifts to her daughter Shiriann as she peers curiously into the room “yes, I was talking about you, come meet your new sister…”. As Shiri cautiously approaches her parents she asks “what is her name Gemia (mother)?” Glancing questioningly at her smoi she is about to ask his thoughts again when a tiny sparrow lands on the window sill and begins to sing…. “We will call her Licuti Cimi… Mystylaine to those not of the clan.”

'War Reaches Home......'

Mere days after her fifth birthday, Mystylaine was startled from her play in the fields surrounding the clan's fall home by the thunder of hoof beats as many of the clan's warriors near the village, riding hard . Bows slung over their shoulders, swords at their sides, they dismounted and ran into the village yelling urgently. The voices of the warriors carried on the winds but the words had no meaning for her young mind…

Moments after the warriors ran by, Mysty watched in curious confusion as people began running out of their homes, weapons in hand. Turning her gaze to her own small home she watched as her parents came running out followed by her sister. Her Towis ran weapons in hand to join the other warriors, her Gemia kneeled down and put her hands on Shiri's shoulders she said something to her, glancing at Mysty as she rose.

Motioning towards where her youngest daughter was still standing in the tall grasses she gave Shiri a nudge before taking off at a run to join the rest of adults. Running towards her, blonde hair blowing wildly in the wind, her sister Shiri skidded to a stop in front of her. Grasping her arm tightly she exclaimed “come Mysty we must hide, they are coming!”

Not understanding the urgency she tried to pull back, “What is coming Shiri?” she asked, her violet eyes fearful. “The war has reached us, we must hide Mysty…..NOW!!” she cried as she dragged her little sister towards the tree line on the opposite side of the village from where the clan warriors and defenders were gathering......

'Life Forever Changed......'

It seemed an eternity, hiding in the woods where her older sister Shiri had dragged her. Tucked tightly under some fallen trees, she huddled in fear against Shiri as the sounds of battle began to reach them. Growing in intensity the sounds of battle raged, the clash of blades ringing through the air, yells, battle cries, the screams of horses all rending the air in a terrible symphony. Darkness fell, unnatural in its suddenness, like the gods had snuffed out the very sun. Daring to peer out through the branches she glanced up at the sky. Dark and foreboding, eerie and almost evil feeling the sky rolled with dark clouds cracking with electricity, sudden bolts leaping out and flashing down, followed by crashing booms as it hit the ground, adding to the roar of the battle. Silence…sudden and complete silence. Sitting and waiting, expecting the terrible noises to start again as suddenly as it had stopped, for anlaen they sat..waiting…until suddenly her sister began pushing her out of their hiding spot. “Move Mysty, I think it’s over…” Shiri whispered as she gave her another shove. Crawling out she stood on wobbling legs and gazed around, seeing only the forest and the sky about, now normal from what she could see in the late afternoon. Moving cautiously and quietly at first, they crept towards the tree line, once there the sight stopped them both in their tracks. The village was gone….great plumes of black smoke rose darkening the sky. The houses burned, collapsed or collapsing, sending showers of sparks upward, beautiful in a way like red fireflies, distracting her young mind momentarily. With a cry of horror, Shiri took off at a run towards the devastation, leaving her alone…. Trailing after her sister, she reached the remains of the village. Broken bodies, of her clan and the opposing forces were everywhere amongst the destruction. The air hard to breathe with all the smoke burning her lungs and the cloying smell of burned flesh and blood. Walking in a daze she finds her sister and clings to her…. Sounds once again fill her ears beyond the crackle of the burning village, voices…faint but growing louder and the whiny of horses… “More…there are two more over here!” a male voice called out as forms began to take shape through the smoky haze… As the man stopped in front of them, she had to tip her head back and look up to fully see him. Dressed in full plate the man was massive, and not an Elf….”Why are you so tall?” she asked as she peered up at him. “Because we Kaldars are made this way little Elf” he replied as he scooped her up and led her and her sister towards the others that had not walked the Starry Road… Her parents, two that were taken by the Starry Road were ceremoniously buried with honor along with the rest of the fallen by the remaining members of her clan and the other Wind Elf clans from the area. Those left with no living family were sent to the orphanage in Crossing, run by clerics. Mysty and her sister were two of these luckless orphans, wards now of the province.. victims of the Gorbesh and Sorrow Wars….