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"Eu" happens to be the Prydaen word for "nature" -- and thus, as a deity, Eu is the entirety of the natural world, far beyond the scope of mortal apprehension. Eu is never referred to as He, She or It -- always as Eu -- and never appears to mortals.


The Faiyka, a disc crafted of white gold which bears three narrow rays in bas relief.

Other Aspects

Altar Locations

Proper Offerings

  • A blossom which grew by Eu's command.

The Triquetra Chronicles, Volume 1

Known most commonly as Nature, Eu holds dominion over the elements and all forms of plant life. An enigma at best, Eu is unfathomable to the mortal mind in scope, the embodiment of nature's entirety. Eu is never referred to as He, She or It -- always as Eu -- and never appears to mortals. Thought by some to be the procreator of Demrris and Tenemlor in conjunction with the universe, Eu presides over all which they do not. Of especial concern within the mortal realm are the Priests, who watch over all Prydaen in Eu's direct stead. Eu is the turf beneath our feet, the wind in our faces and the rain that quenches our thirst. Most strongly linked with Eu are shades of green, though all colors in nature are within Eu's sway. Eu's symbol is the faiyka, a disc crafted of white gold which bears three narrow rays in bas relief.

See Also