Trader gem selling bonus

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Revision as of 16:52, 23 April 2017 by SCHULTZS3 (talk | contribs) (Added formulae and tables charting the bonus)
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The Trader bonus is used to increase the coin gained from when the Trader personally sells gems or skins, whether individually or in open, closed, or tied gem pouches. This bonus is based upon a Trader's Charisma, as well as their Trading and Appraisal skill.

Some may unlock this ability around 12th circle, but for others it may be later, depending on how they train (generally requires 20 Charisma prior to 20th Circle.) At 20th circle you can sell pouches regardless of Charisma.


1. When a Player Character attempts to sell a gem or skin to an NPC buyer, the base appraisal value seen with Appraisal is the starting base value of the item.

2. This is then modified by the player's Trading bonus. Non-Traders have a 0% Trading bonus. Traders have an inherent bonus that raises their base setting higher than 0%.

3. This is then further modified by +/- 10% in discrete 1% increments (accurate to at least 2 decimal places, such as 122.00xxxx%), easily confirmable with single gems/hides, or tied gem pouches. (In untied gem pouches, EACH gem gets a separate offer, so the % bonus is not a clean discreet percentage. But it can be useful for making a rough guess to a Trader's bonus with little work of finding the precise bonus level, particularly if the gems are of fairly uniform value, as an untied gem pouch is 70 offerings rolled into one.

For an example, presume a hypothetical tied gem pouch worth precisely 100,000 kronar (10 plat kronar) when appraised certainly and exactly. When a non-Trader has an NPC gembuyer make an offer on it, they will see a range from 90-110% of the appraisal, that is, offers from 90000 to 110000 kronar, in increments of 1000 kronar (9 plat, 9.1 plat, etc., up to 11 plat).

According to the table of data below, a Trader with 60 Charisma, 394 Trading, and 331 Appraisal has a bonus of 40%, and a bonus of 50% when under the effects of Speculate Finesse bonus. This Trader, with the same pouch, would see offers ranging from 13 to 15 plat in 1000 kronar increments (30% to 50%). If that Trader uses Spec Finesse when selling, the offers can range from 14 plat to as high as 16 plat. (+/- 10% from a 50% base)

NPC buyers also subject a flat cap of 60% to selling. Anecdotal evidence appears that Traders with skill beyond this can hit the cap more often, but it is unknown how it works precisely.


The formula for the Trader bonus for selling is known to be a complicated function, the exact formula of which has not been determined.

What is known is that it is a piecewise function of some sort (that is, the formula changes across the range of variables), making it difficult to pin down a precise formula.

To that end though, a table follows containing data collected by the player of Naniaki over several years. Plus more characters of his, plus help from Navesi and hopefully others.

The formula is (Trading+Appraisal)*Charisma = X. X is to be compared to the following table to see where your bonus is.

When using Speculate Finesse, you must first use your modified Charisma, and then add (Circle/10), rounded down.


  • The first Table includes all information. That includes backtracking from Spec Finesse values higher than 50%, which might include some error.
  • The second table does not include Speculate Finesse values higher than 50%.
Error (Min-previous Max) Known Minimum Points Known Maximum Points Bonus
200 0
10 210 410 1
10 420 620 2
10 630 830 3
10 840 1040 4
20 1060 1240 5
20 1260 1340 6
9520 10444 25
402 10846 12789 26
2239 15028 15028 27
34 15062 17238 28
68 17306 19448 29
34 19482 21201 30
573 21774 23493 31
573 24066 25785 32
573 26358 28077 33
285 28362 30369 34
573 30942 32355 35
495 32850 34440 36
615 35055 36223 37
977 37200 39300 38
60 39360 41520 39
240 41760 43500 40
555 44055 45780 41
233 46013 48060 42
900 48960 50160 43
800 50960 51940 44
980 52920 53760 45
1120 54880 56840 46
400 57240 58800 47
480 59280 60600 48
1020 61620 62975 49
865 63840 50
Error (Min-previous Max) Known Minimum Points Known Maximum Points Bonus
200 0
10 210 410 1
10 420 620 2
10 630 830 3
10 840 1040 4
20 1060 1240 5
20 1260 1340 6
9520 10444 25
402 10846 12789 26
2239 15028 15028 27
34 15062 17238 28
68 17306 19448 29
34 19482 21201 30
573 21774 23493 31
573 24066 25785 32
573 26358 28077 33
285 28362 30369 34
573 30942 32355 35
495 32850 34440 36
615 35055 36223 37
977 37200 39300 38
60 39360 41520 39
240 41760 43500 40
555 44055 45780 41
233 46013 48060 42
900 48960 50160 43
800 50960 51940 44
1820 53760 53760 45
57240 58800 47
480 59280 60600 48
1020 61620 62975 49
865 63840 50

Old Raw Data

  • Trading Bonus Values 50% and higher are truncated to 50% due to no practical way to determine when one hits a new bonus percentage beyond 50% (barring impractical statistical analysis).
  • Bolded values are where it is known that the Trader bonus rolled over to the next highest value at that exact stat/rank increase.
Date Spec Finesse Bonus Bonus Circle Charisma Trading Appraisal
27 43 34 224 218
28 43 34 224 219
28 43 34 238 269
29 43 34 238 271
29 43 34 280 272
29 43 34 296 273
29 43 34 299 273
30 43 34 300 273
30 56 37 300 273
31 56 38 300 273
31 56 41 300 273
32 56 42 300 273
32 56 45 300 273
33 56 46 300 273
33 56 49 300 273
34 56 50 300 273
34 56 53 300 273
35 56 54 300 273
35 60 54 320 278
36 60 55 320 278
36 61 56 326 289
37 61 57 326 289
37 61 60 329 290
38 61 60 329 291
38 61 60 329 290
45 38 61 60 332 293
46 38 61 60 336 295
46 38 63 60 347 308
46 39 63 60 347 309
46 39 63 60 350 312
47 39 63 60 353 313
47 39 67 60 369 323
02/21/11 48 40 67 60 371 325
03/08/11 49 40 70 60 384 328
03/24/11 50 40 71 60 394 331
05/12/11 50 41 75 60 418 345
06/24/11 50 42 78 60 436 365
07/05/11 50 43 79 60 443 373
07/14/11 50 43 79 60 447 378
07/26/11 50 43 80 60 450 386
11/23/11 50 45 84 60 482 414
12/30/11 50 47 90 60 520 434
01/26/12 50 47 90 60 535 445
02/10/12 50 48 90 60 540 448
02/20/12 50 48 90 60 548 453
03/10/12 50 48 95 60 555 455
03/31/12 50 49 96 60 568 459
04/15/12 50 50 98 60 581 483