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Overall description of magical glamours TK.


Outfits are a magical glamour that works in a very similar way to item hiders. However, instead of just hiding your existing items, it will also take on the appearance of items that you do want to show, without needing to actually wear them! This does NOT harm the original item in any way, and an item can be glamoured to more than one outfit at once. Up to fifteen items can be applied to a fully unlocked outfit, and there are three kinds: Normal clothing and trinkets, jewelry, and armor.


  • Outfits hide everything you're wearing except what is in the outfit.
    • You can still use the 'always show' mechanics to make a hidden item you're wearing visible again, though. NOTE: For F2P folks, an outfit will still show the stored item appearances, but will not hide the other things you are wearing.
  • Unlike black shadowsilk cloaks or moonsilver pendants, these do not hide or change your features in any way.
  • Outfits are generally worn, but you do need at least one item saved to the outfit in order to wear it. You can't wear an empty outfit.
  • Outfits show your item appearances in the order that you stored them. You can make sure you store them in an order that you like by using TURN to select which of your spaces you save each item appearance to.
  • The main reason to have jewelry and armor outfits is that you can wear one shimmering outfit, one jewelry outfit, and one armor outfit all at the same time, so if you have an outfit in mind that has more than the allotted slots in it, you can create it. However, you cannot wear two of the same kind of outfit together.


I assume moonsilver pendants are another type of glamour and could use a summary.