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Boxes *KS* (script)
Boxes *KS* (script) | |
Category | Survival,Locksmithing |
Front-end | StormFront |
Author | Kashna |
What This Script Does
This is an extremely comprehensive disarming and lockpicking script. In total it will:
- Verify if you want to stop when mind locked or to open all boxes in the relevant container.
- Verify within which container you are keeping your locked boxes.
- Verify which container you wish to use to stash your armor while opening boxes.
- Remove all armor.
- Identify the traps and disarm them according to their difficulty.
- Prompt you if the difficulty is crazy high.
- Identify the lock and pick it according to difficulty.
- If either disarming or picking is unsuccessful after three attempts, it switches to “carefully”.
- After picking the lock, it automatically loots the box, then dismantles it.
- Depending on your EXP response above, it will either check EXP or not... and if not locked, begin on the next box.
- If you change the setting to "yes", it will also harvest traps (only doing this before looting if a new trap is found, otherwise it waits until after the box is picked and looted to finish).
- When the container is empty, or you’re mind locked, it will then re-equip all armor.
One cool thing about this script is that, despite how comprehensive it is, it still works for the basic stuff, too. If you are already holding the box in your hand, it will choose to work on that box instead of what's in your designated container. :-)
It can also pick up a box at whatever stage of disarm/picking that you happen to have left off with it.
Special Notes
This script makes heavy use of variables to make everything happen. It also uses several prompts to get pertinent information from you. I highly recommend that if you intend to always input the same responses, edit the script. There are directions on how to do so within the foreward of the script (the section denoted by use of the # sign).
I highly recommend that upon installing the script for any particular character, that you delete the prompts altogether and replace them with the exact “setvariable” value that you wish to use. This will make the script automatically use your specific containers without ever asking for them again. Just take care to note the sequence of labels. You can readily maintain the flow via use of “setvariable” and “goto”. For the initial setting prompts, a simple "goto XYZ" placed immediately above the prompt itself will short-circuit it and install your own personal settings each time you start it up.
If the script hangs while looting, it's an easy fix. In the shortterm - just loot the item and look inside the box once more. In the longterm - add a new match line to take that particular piece of loot into account down below the LootBox label. For gems you'll need to add a MATCH line such as "match Agate agate", and a section underneath that such as:
- Agate:
- setvariable G agate
- goto StowGem
If you have any particular feedback, I would love to hear it on the TALK page!
Boxes Script
(Select All)# Many variables are used within this script. # %s is called up by the SAVE command and used to unequip and later re-equip armor # %s is also used in the middle of the script to determine HOW to disarm/pick (quick/careful/etc) # %Z is used to designate the container where your armor is to be stashed while opening boxes # %B is used to designate the box currently being worked on # %P is used to designate the container within which the locked boxes are kept # %X saves your setting to check EXP or not, after each box is opened # %H saves your setting to harvest the trap or not. # # You may wish to set a container within which you keep your lockpick. # This is found under the label “PutAwayLockpick”. # The script assumes you are using a case or a ring, # but will work with or without those things. # # Within the looting portion of the script you may designate specific containers # for various kinds of objects (random things, gems, herbs, etc). # You may change how you loot these objects within the bottom-most portion # of this script. # # It is critical, however, that you have utilized the STORE verb. # If you haven’t already, please set the container for “STORE GEM” # That is the only setting that is critical to this script. # # To skip the first few prompts, just place a number sign (#) before every # portion of the relevant prompt and subsections. Then delete the # before # the relevant variable stated below. # # StoreGemWarning – no variable setting required. # # ----- EXPVerification ----- add a “yes” or “no” after the X below. # setvariable X # # ----- PackCheck ----- add the container your boxes are in after the P below. # setvariable P # ---------------- for PackCheck you will also have to # out all of the # ---------------- specific “BoxBack”, etc, portions as well, otherwise they will # ---------------- overwrite whatever you set. # # ----- ArmorStash ----- add the container that you want to put your armor in # setvariable Z # #------ DismantleHarvest --- determines if, after picking the lock, you wish to harvest #---------------------------------- the trap or not. Must be set manually at the beginning #---------------------------------- of the script. Options are NO or YES # setvariable H HarvestSetting: setvariable H no goto StoreGemWarning StoreGemWarning: echo echo ************************************* echo echo *** If you have not yet set a container for *** echo *** STORE GEM, echo please do so now. *** echo echo *** after having done so, delete this *** echo *** announcement at your convenience *** echo ************************************* echo pause 1 ExpVerification: echo echo ******************************************* echo echo *** Is this for EXP or should I open ALL boxes? *** echo *** (Type EXP or ALL to answer) *** echo echo ******************************************* echo match CheckEXPConfirm EXP match CheckEXPConfirm exp match CheckEXPConfirm Exp match CheckEXPDeny ALL match CheckEXPDeny all match CheckEXPDeny All matchwait CheckEXPConfirm: setvariable X yes goto PackCheck CheckEXPDeny: setvariable X no goto PackCheck PackCheck: pause 1 echo echo **************************************** echo echo *** To set which container to check for boxes *** echo *** please “LOOK IN <CONTAINER>” now *** echo echo **************************************** echo match BoxBack backpack you match BoxCarryall carryall you match BoxGamebag gamebag you match BoxHarness harness you match BoxHaversack haversack you match BoxKnapsack knapsack you match BoxPack pack you match BoxPouch pouch you match BoxSack sack you match BoxSatchel satchel you match BoxTote tote you match BoxBag bag you matchwait BoxBack: setvariable P backpack goto ArmorStash BoxBag: setvariable P bag goto ArmorStash BoxCarryall: setvariable P carryall goto ArmorStash BoxGamebag: setvariable P gamebag goto ArmorStash BoxHarness: setvariable P harness goto ArmorStash BoxHaversack: setvariable P haversack goto ArmorStash BoxKnapsack: setvariable P knapsack goto ArmorStash BoxPack: setvariable P pack goto ArmorStash BoxPouch: setvariable P pouch goto ArmorStash BoxSack: setvariable P sack goto ArmorStash BoxSatchel: setvariable P satchel goto ArmorStash BoxTote: setvariable P tote goto ArmorStash ArmorStash: pause 1 echo echo ******************************************* echo echo *** To set which container to stash your armor in *** echo *** please “LOOK IN <CONTAINER>” now *** echo echo ******************************************* echo match ArmorBack backpack you match ArmorCarryall carryall you match ArmorGamebag gamebag you match ArmorHarness harness you match ArmorHaversack haversack you match ArmorKnapsack knapsack you match ArmorPack pack you match ArmorPouch pouch you match ArmorSack sack you match ArmorSatchel satchel you match ArmorTote tote you match ArmorBag bag you matchwait ArmorBack: setvariable Z backpack goto RemArmor ArmorBag: setvariable Z bag goto RemArmor ArmorCarryall: setvariable Z carryall goto RemArmor ArmorGamebag: setvariable Z gamebag goto RemArmor ArmorHarness: setvariable Z harness goto RemArmor ArmorHaversack: setvariable Z haversack goto RemArmor ArmorKnapsack: setvariable Z knap goto RemArmor ArmorPack: setvariable Z pack goto RemArmor ArmorPouch: setvariable Z pouch goto RemArmor ArmorSack: setvariable Z sack goto RemArmor ArmorSatchel: setvariable Z satchel goto RemArmor ArmorTote: setvariable Z tote goto RemArmor RemArmor: pause 1 put inv armor match RemGlove gloves match RemGaunt gauntlet match RemSleeves sleeves match RemVamb vambraces match RemCap cap match RemHelm helm match RemBala balaclav match RemArmet armet match RemMorion morion match RemBascinet bascinet match RemBarbute barbute match RemMask mask match RemCowl cowl match RemHood hood match RemBackplate backplate match RemFauld fauld match RemBreastplate breastplate match RemCuirass cuirass match RemPlate field plate match RemPlate half plate match RemPlate full plate match RemPlate fluted plate match RemTabard tabard match RemAvent aventail match RemMant mantle match RemTasset tasset match RemShield shield match RemTarge targe match RemSipar sipar match RemBuckler buckler match RemAegis aegis match RemVest vest match RemLorica lorica match RemShirt shirt match RemJerkin jerkin match RemCoat coat match RemLeath leathers match RemHaub hauberk match RemRobe robe match RemGreav greaves match RemLeatherArmor leather armor match GlanceForBox wearing anything like matchwait Remove: put remove my %s put put my %s in my %Z goto RemArmor # HEAD, EYE and NECK armor designations for removal RemHelm: save helm goto Remove RemBala: save balac goto Remove RemArmet: save armet goto Remove RemHood: save hood goto Remove RemMorion: save morion goto Remove RemBascinet: save bascinet goto Remove RemBarbute: save barbute goto Remove RemMask: save mask goto Remove RemCowl: save cowl goto Remove RemTasset: save tasset goto Remove RemMant: save mantl goto Remove RemAvent: save aventail goto Remove # CHEST, BACK, and ABDOMEN armor designated for removal RemBackplate: save backplate goto Remove RemTabard: save tabard goto Remove RemFauld: save fauld goto Remove RemBreastplate: save breastplate goto Remove RemCuirass: save cuirass goto Remove RemPlate: save field plate goto Remove RemRobe: save robe goto Remove RemLeatherArmor: save armor goto Remove RemLorica: save lorica goto Remove RemVest: save vest goto Remove RemShirt: save shirt goto Remove RemCoat: save coat goto Remove RemJerkin: save jerkin goto Remove RemLeath: save leathers goto Remove RemHaub: save hauberk goto Remove # SHIELDS designated for removal RemSipar: save sipar goto Remove RemBuckler: save buckler goto Remove RemAegis: save aegis goto Remove RemShield: save shield goto Remove RemTarge: save targe goto Remove # HAND and ARM armor designated for removal RemSleeves: save sleeves goto Remove RemGlove: save glove goto Remove RemGaunt: save gaunt goto Remove RemVamb: save vambr goto Remove #LEG armor designated for removal RemGreav: save greav goto Remove GlanceForBox: pause 1 put glance match TrunkGlance trunk match ChestGlance chest match StrongboxGlance strongbox match CrateGlance crate match CofferGlance coffer match CasketGlance casket match CaddyGlance caddy match SkippetGlance skippet match BoxGlance box match LookForBox empty hands matchwait TrunkGlance: setvariable B trunk goto DisarmIdent ChestGlance: setvariable B chest goto DisarmIdent StrongboxGlance: setvariable B strongbox goto DisarmIdent CrateGlance: setvariable B crate goto DisarmIdent CofferGlance: setvariable B coffer goto DisarmIdent CasketGlance: setvariable B casket goto DisarmIdent CaddyGlance: setvariable B caddy goto DisarmIdent SkippetGlance: setvariable B skippet goto DisarmIdent BoxGlance: setvariable B box goto DisarmIdent LookForBox: pause 1 put look in my %P match Trunk trunk match Chest chest match Strongbox strongbox match Crate crate match Coffer coffer match Casket casket match Caddy caddy match Skippet skippet match Box box match Done and some match Done and a match Done nothing in there matchwait Trunk: setvariable B trunk goto GetBox Chest: setvariable B chest goto GetBox Crate: setvariable B crate goto GetBox Strongbox: setvariable B strongbox goto GetBox Coffer: setvariable B coffer goto GetBox Casket: setvariable B casket goto GetBox Caddy: setvariable B caddy goto GetBox Skippet: setvariable B skippet goto GetBox Box: setvariable B box goto GetBox GetBox: put get %B from my %P match DisarmIdent You get a match DisarmIdent already holding matchwait DisarmIdent: pause 1 put disarm my %B ident match GetPick looks safe enough match GetPick quite safe match GetPick blocking whatever match GetPick harmless match GetPick there used to be something match GetPick been pried away match GetPick small deflated bladder match GetPick have been bent away match DisarmQuick a simple matter match DisarmQuick aged grandmother match DisarmQuick trivially constructed match DisarmQuick laughable matter match DisarmNormal should not take long match DisarmNormal only minor troubles match DisarmNormal precisely at your match DisarmNormal some chance match DisarmCareful would be a longshot match DisarmCareful has the edge match DisarmCareful odds are against match DisarmCareful would be a long shot match DisarmReally Prayer would be match DisarmReally amazingly minimal match DisarmReally have any chance match DisarmReally snowball does match DisarmReally jump off a cliff match DisarmReally snowball encased in match DisarmIdent fails to reveal match DisarmIdent something to shift match DisarmIdent not yet fully disarmed matchwait DisarmReally: pause 1 echo echo ************************** echo echo *** This trap is extremely dangerous *** echo *** If you insist on it, NOD now *** echo echo ************************** echo waitfor You nod goto DisarmCareful DisarmQuick: counter set 0 save quick pause 1 goto Disarm%c DisarmCareful: counter set 0 save careful pause 1 goto Disarm%c DisarmNormal: counter set 0 save pause 1 goto Disarm%c Disarm3: goto DisarmCareful Disarm2: Disarm1: Disarm0: counter add 1 pause 1 put disarm my %B %s match GetPick looks safe enough match DisarmAnalyze yet fully disarmed match DisarmIdent the crystal hits match DisarmCareful something to shift match DisarmCareful proves too difficult match Disarm%c unable to make match DisarmIdent Roundtime matchwait GetPick: pause 1 put get my lockpick goto PickIdent PickIdent: counter set 0 goto PickIdent0 PickIdent3: goto PickCareful PickIdent2: PickIdent1: PickIdent0: pause 1 counter add 1 put pick my %B ident match OpenBox not even locked match PickIdent%c fails to teach you match PickIdent%c something to shift match PickQuick a simple matter match PickQuick an aged grandmother match PickQuick trivially constructed match PickQuick laughable matter match PickQuick should not take long match PickQuick only minor troubles match Pick precisely at your match Pick some chance match Pick has the edge match PickCareful would be a longshot match PickCareful odds are against matchwait PickQuick: save quick pause 1 goto Pick0 Pick: save goto Pick0 Pick4: goto PickCareful Pick3: Pick2: Pick1: Pick0: counter add 1 pause 1 put pick my %B %s match PickIdent You discover another match Pick%c You are unable match GetPick just broke match GetPick Find a more appropriate tool match OpenBox not even locked match OpenBox Roundtime matchwait PickCareful: counter set 0 save careful goto Pick0 OpenBox: pause 1 put open my %B match PutAwayLockpick is already open match GetPick It is locked match PutAwayLockpick You open matchwait PutAwayLockpick: put stow my lockpick goto LootCoin LootCoin: pause 1 put get my coin match LootBox What were you referring to match LootCoin You pick up matchwait LootBox: pause 1 match DismantleBox You find nothing match LootCoin coin match LootCoin coins match Alexandrite alexandrite match Agate agate match Andalus andalusite match Bar bronze bar match Bar silver bar match Bar gold bar match Bar brass bar match Bar steel bar match Bar pewter bar match Bloodstone bloodstone match Carnelian carnelian match Card card match Chalcedony chalcedony match Chryso chrysoberyl match Citrine citrine match Amber amber match Chryso chrysoprase match Coral of coral match Crystal crystal match Diamond diamond match Diopside diopside match Emerald emerald match Flint flint match Flower flower match Garnet garnet match Hemat hematite match Nugget iron nugget match Ivory piece of ivory match Iolite iolite match Jade jade match Kunzite kunzite match Lazuli lazuli match Lockpick lockpick match Moonstone moonstone match Morgan morganite match Nugget nugget match Onyx onyx match Opal opal match Pearl pearl match Peridot peridot match Quartz quartz match Ruby ruby match Rune runestone match Sapphire sapphire match Gweth stones match Spinel spinel match StarStone star-stone match Sun sunstone match Tanz tanzanite match Topaz topaz match Tourm tourmaline match Tsavo tsavorite match Turq turquoise match Zircon zircon match Dira dira match Beryl beryl match Root root match Grass grass match Nugget silver nugget match Stem stem match Thread thread match Leaves leaves match Pestle pestle match Mortar mortar match Needle needle match Sufil sufil sap match Label wax label match DismantleBox nothing in there pause 2 put look in my %B matchwait StowGem: put get my %G from my %B put stow %G match LootBox closing it once more match NeedNewGemContainer got a wealth of gems matchwait NeedNewGemContainer: echo echo ************************ echo echo *** Current gem container full *** echo *** Please obtain and set a new *** echo *** gem container upon doing so *** echo *** NOD when ready. *** echo waitfor You nod goto StowGem # Gem storage # and Gems to be looted Agate: setvariable G agate goto StowGem Alexandrite: setvariable G alexandrite goto StowGem Amber: setvariable G amber goto StowGem Andalus: setvariable G andalus goto StowGem Bloodstone: setvariable G bloodstone goto StowGem Beryl: setvariable G beryl goto StowGem Carnelian: setvariable G carnelian goto StowGem Chalcedony: setvariable G chalcedony goto StowGem Chryso: setvariable G chryso goto StowGem Citrine: setvariable G citrine goto StowGem Coral: setvariable G coral goto StowGem Crystal: setvariable G crystal goto StowGem Diamond: setvariable G diamond goto StowGem Diopside: setvariable G diopside goto StowGem Emerald: setvariable G emerald goto StowGem Garnet: setvariable G garnet goto StowGem Hemat: setvariable G hemat goto StowGem Iolite: setvariable G iolite goto StowGem Ivory: setvariable G ivory goto StowGem Jade: setvariable G jade goto StowGem Kunzite: setvariable G kunzite goto StowGem Lazuli: setvariable G lazuli goto StowGem Moonstone: setvariable G moonstone goto StowGem Morgan: setvariable G morgani goto StowGem Onyx: setvariable G onyx goto StowGem Opal: setvariable G opal goto StowGem Pearl: setvariable G pearl goto StowGem Peridot: setvariable G peridot goto StowGem Quartz: setvariable G quartz goto StowGem Ruby: setvariable G ruby goto StowGem Sapphire: setvariable G sapphire goto StowGem StarStone: setvariable G star goto StowGem Spinel: setvariable G spinel goto StowGem Sun: setvariable G sunston goto StowGem Tanz: setvariable G tanzanite goto StowGem Topaz: setvariable G topaz goto StowGem Tourm: setvariable G tourm goto StowGem Tsavo: setvariable G tsavo goto StowGem Turq: setvariable G turq goto StowGem Zircon: setvariable G zircon goto StowGem # Random Stuff to be DROPPED # This stuff is considered useless Label: put get label from my %B put drop my label goto LootBox Thread: put get thread from my %B put drop my thread goto LootBox Flint: put get flint from my %B put drop my flint goto LootBox Pestle: put get my pestle from my %B put drop my pestl goto LootBox Mortar: put get my mortar from my %B put drop my mortar goto LootBox Needle: put get my needl from my %B put drop my needle goto LootBox # Random Stuff to be STOWED # This goes into your basic STOW container Bar: put get my bar from my %B put stow my bar goto LootBox Card: put get my card from my %B put stow my card goto LootBox Dira: put get my dira from my %B put stow my dira goto LootBox Gweth: put get my stones from my %B put stow my stones goto LootBox Lockpick: put get my lockp from my %B put stow my lockp goto LootBox Nugget: put get nugget from my %B put stow my nugget goto LootBox Rune: put get my runest from my %B put stow my runest goto LootBox # This stuff is put in the SAME CONTAINER THAT YOUR BOXES ARE IN # These are HERBS that need to be worked by an alchemist first in order to become useful Flower: put get flower from my %B put put my flower in my %P goto LootBox Grass: put get my grass from my %B put drop my grass in my %P goto LootBox Leaves: put get my leaves from my %B put put my leaves in my %P goto LootBox Root: put get my root from my %B put put my root in my %P goto LootBox Stem: put get my stem from my %B put put my stem in my %P goto LootBox Sufil: put get my sufil sap from my %B put put my sufil sap in my %P goto LootBox DisarmAnalyze: goto DisarmAnalyze%H DisarmAnalyzeYes: counter set 0 goto AnalyzeTrap DisarmAnalyzeNo: goto DisarmIdent AnalyzeTrap: AnalyzeTrap0: AnalyzeTrap1: AnalyzeTrap2: AnalyzeTrap3: AnalyzeTrap4: counter add 1 put disarm %B analyze match HarvestTrap already analyzed this trap match AnalyzeTrap%c ...wait match AnalyzeTrap%c Roundtime matchwait AnalyzeTrap5: goto DisarmIdent HarvestTrap: put disarm %B harvest match HarvestTrap ...wait match DisarmIdent unsuitable for harvesting match HarvDrop been completely harvested match HarvestTrap Roundtime matchwait HarvDrop: pause 1 put glance match DropBlad bladder match DropBlad blade match DropCirc circle match DropClay clay match DropCrys crystal match DropCube cube match DropDisc disc match DropFace face match DropHamm hammer match DropLeg leg match DropNeed needle match DropPin pin in your match DropRes reservoir match DropRune rune match DropSeal seal match DropSphere sphere match DropSpring spring match DropStrik striker match DropStud studs match DropTube tube match DropVial vial match HarvDone nothing in your matchwait DropBlad: put drop blad goto HarvDone DropCirc: put drop circ goto HarvDone DropClay: put drop clay goto HarvDone DropCrys: put drop crys goto HarvDone DropCube: put drop cube goto HarvDone DropDisc: put drop disc goto HarvDone DropFace: put drop face goto HarvDone DropHamm: put drop hamm goto HarvDone DropLeg: put drop leg goto HarvDone DropNeed: put drop need goto HarvDone DropPin: put drop pin goto HarvDone DropRes: put drop res goto HarvDone DropRune: put drop rune goto HarvDone DropSeal: put drop seal goto HarvDone DropSphere: put drop sphere goto HarvDone DropSpring: put drop spring goto HarvDone DropStrik: put drop strik goto HarvDone DropStud: put drop stud goto HarvDone DropTube: put drop tube goto HarvDone DropVial: put drop vial goto HarvDone HarvDone: goto DisarmIdent DismantleBox: goto DismantleBoxHarvest%H DismantleBoxHarvestYes: counter set 0 DismantleAnalyze0: DismantleAnalyze1: DismantleAnalyze2: DismantleAnalyze3: DismantleAnalyze4: DismantleAnalyze: counter add 1 pause 1 put disarm %B analyze match DismantleAnalyze ...wait match DismantleHarvest already analyzed this trap match DismantleBoxHarvestNo unsuitable for harvesting match DismantleAnalyze%c Roundtime matchwait DismantleHarvest: counter set 0 DismantleHarvest0: DismantleHarvest1: DismantleHarvest2: DismantleHarvest3: DismantleHarvest4: pause 1 put disarm %B harvest match DisHarvDone unsuitable for harvesting match DismantleHarvest%c Roundtime match DisHarvDrop been completely harvested matchwait DisHarvDrop: pause 1 put glance match DisDropBlad bladder match DisDropBlad blade match DisDropCirc circle match DisDropClay clay match DisDropCrys crystal match DisDropCube cube match DisDropDisc disc match DisDropFace face match DisDropHamm hammer match DisDropLeg leg match DisDropNeed needle match DisDropPin pin in your match DisDropRes reservoir match DisDropRune rune match DisDropSeal seal match DisDropSphere sphere match DisDropSpring spring match DisDropStrik striker match DisDropStud studs match DisDropTube tube match DisDropVial vial match DisHarvDone nothing in your matchwait DisDropBlad: put drop blad goto DisHarvDone DisDropCirc: put drop circ goto DisHarvDone DisDropClay: put drop clay goto DisHarvDone DisDropCrys: put drop crys goto DisHarvDone DisDropCube: put drop cube goto DisHarvDone DisDropDisc: put drop disc goto DisHarvDone DisDropFace: put drop face goto DisHarvDone DisDropHamm: put drop hamm goto DisHarvDone DisDropLeg: put drop leg goto DisHarvDone DisDropNeed: put drop need goto DisHarvDone DisDropPin: put drop pin goto DisHarvDone DisDropRes: put drop res goto DisHarvDone DisDropRune: put drop rune goto DisHarvDone DisDropSeal: put drop seal goto DisHarvDone DisDropSphere: put drop sphere goto DisHarvDone DisDropSpring: put drop spring goto DisHarvDone DisDropStrik: put drop strik goto DisHarvDone DisDropStud: put drop stud goto DisHarvDone DisDropTube: put drop tube goto DisHarvDone DisDropVial: put drop vial goto DisHarvDone DismantleHarvest5: DismantleAnalyze5: DisHarvDone: DismantleBoxHarvestNo: put dismant my %B pause 1 goto CheckEXP%X CheckEXPYes: pause 1 put exp locks match LocksMindLocked 33/3 match LocksMindLocked 34/3 match GlanceForBox /3 matchwait CheckEXPNo: goto GlanceForBox LocksMindLocked: echo echo *************************** echo echo *** Locksmithing mind locked *** echo echo *** Re-Equipping Armor! *** echo echo *************************** echo goto EquipArmor Done: echo echo **************************** echo echo *** All boxes open and looted! *** echo echo *** Re-Equipping Armor! *** echo echo *************************** echo goto EquipArmor EquipArmor: pause 1 put look in my %Z match EquipGlove gloves match EquipGaunt gauntlet match EquipSleeves sleeves match EquipVamb vambraces match EquipCowl cowl match EquipMask mask match EquipCap cap match EquipHelm helm match EquipBala balaclav match EquipArmet armet match EquipMorion morion match EquipBascinet bascinet match EquipBarbute barbute match EquipBackplate backplate match EquipFauld fauld match EquipBreastplate breastplate match EquipCuirass cuirass match EquipPlate field plate match EquipPlate half plate match EquipPlate full plate match EquipPlate fluted plate match EquipCoat coat match EquipJerkin jerkin match EquipAvent aventail match EquipMant mantle match EquipTasset tasset match EquipShield shield match EquipTarge targe match EquipSipar sipar match EquipBuckler buckler match EquipAegis aegis match EquipVest vest match EquipLorica lorica match EquipShirt shirt match EquipLeath leathers match EquipHaub hauberk match EquipRobe robe match EquipLeatherArmor leather armor match EquipGreav greaves match EquipDone and a matchwait ReEquip: put get my %s put wear my %s goto EquipArmor EquipDone: pause 1 echo echo ********************************************** echo echo *** All armor should be equipped. Please double check! *** echo echo ********************************************** echo Exit EquipLeatherArmor: save armor goto ReEquip EquipCowl: save cowl goto ReEquip EquipMask: save mask goto ReEquip EquipCoat: save coat goto ReEquip EquipJerkin: save jerkin goto ReEquip EquipMorion: save morion goto ReEquip EquipBascinet: save bascinet goto ReEquip EquipBarbute: save barbute goto ReEquip EquipBackplate: save backplate goto ReEquip EquipFauld: save fauld goto ReEquip EquipBreastplate: save breastplate goto ReEquip EquipCuirass: save cuirass goto ReEquip EquipPlate: save field plate goto ReEquip EquipRobe: save robe goto ReEquip EquipLorica: save lorica goto ReEquip EquipTasset: save tasset goto ReEquip EquipVest: save vest goto ReEquip EquipMant: save mantl goto ReEquip EquipAvent: save aventail goto ReEquip EquipSleeves: save sleeves goto ReEquip EquipSipar: save sipar goto ReEquip EquipBuckler: save buckler goto ReEquip EquipAegis: save aegis goto ReEquip EquipArmet: save armet goto ReEquip EquipGlove: save glove goto ReEquip EquipGaunt: save gaunt goto ReEquip EquipHelm: save helm goto ReEquip EquipBala: save balac goto ReEquip EquipShield: save shield goto ReEquip EquipTarge: save targe goto ReEquip EquipShirt: save shirt goto ReEquip EquipLeath: save leathers goto ReEquip EquipHaub: save hauberk goto ReEquip EquipVamb: save vambr goto ReEquip EquipGreav: save greav goto ReEquip