Plokks' Prime Procurements

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Plokks' Prime Procurements
Event Plokks’ Perspicacious Performing Panoply
Owner Plokks
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Toy shops, Container shops, Clothing shops
Restrictions -
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Plokks' Prime Procurements]
Colorful banners, each embroidered in golden thread, hang from smooth wooden poles supporting the white tent overhead, which shades this small booth. Pictures of performing pivuhs adorn the sides, each set in a highly embellished gilt frame. You also see a snack cart with several things on it, a colorful table with several things on it, a spiral rainbow rack with several things on it, the midway and a small booth draped with colorful banners.
Obvious exits: none.

On the colorful table
Item Price Done
elegant magician doll holding a tiny felted bunny 902   !!
plush shh'oi paguur holding a tiny pair of brass cymbals 902   !!
golden plush lion with a regal brown mane 902   !!
blue-green plush pivuh adorned with colorful feathers 902   !!
large plush mammoth wearing a feather boa 902   !!
cuddly clown doll with wild rainbow curls 902   !!
On the spiral rainbow rack
Item Price Done
large glossy red nose 90   !!
overly large glossy red shoes 676   !!
small jewelry box crafted to resemble a striped circus tent 451   !!
puffy white pouch crafted to resemble a giant piece of popcorn 902   !!
blue-green enameled pivuh pendant 2,255   !!
small pouch crafted from a curly rainbow wig 902   !!
blue-green backpack painted with a pattern of scales 3,608   !!
large striped hat crafted to resemble a circus tent 902   !!
black silk top hat with a plush rabbit peeking out 1,353   !!
On the snack cart
Item Price Done
pivuh-shaped jellybeans 0   !!
bag of buttered popcorn 0   
several bottles of fresh mountain spring water 0   
bowl of fizzing fruit punch 0   !!