Curse of Zachriedek

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Curse of Zachriedek
Abbreviation: COZ
Prerequisites: Uncurse
Signature: No
Spell Slots: 2
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: battle / debilitation
Difficulty: advanced
Prep (min/max): 15 / 100
Skill Range (min/max): 80 / 840
Valid Spell Target: PC, Creature
Duration (min/max): Unknown minutes /
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: The Curse of Zachriedek spell will malign the weapon or armor of your foe, causing it to become weak and unstable. As a result, the object will be less able to serve its intended purpose. The Uncurse spell may be able to unravel this foul enchantment. Before you can learn this spell, you must know Uncurse.
Effect: {{{dtype}}}, {{{htype}}}, This curse weakens and destablizes the target creature's armor and weapons.
Example Messaging: Start:You point a crooked finger at a XXX and garble an unintelligible curse. A disturbing black radiance creeps over a XXX's weapon. A disturbing black radiance creeps over a XXX's armor.
Contest Type: spirit / fortitude
Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.

Can be woven into the Hydra Hex spell for cyclic use.