Hand of Tenemlor

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Hand of Tenemlor Scroll-only Spell Targeted Magic spell
Abbreviation: HOT
Prerequisites: Bless
Signature: No
Spell Slots: 2
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: battle / targeted
Difficulty: advanced
Prep (min/max): 15 / 100
Skill Range (min/max): 80 / 800
Valid Spell Target: PC, Creature
Duration (min/max): Unknown minutes /
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: At the Hub of Windhowl there was an ancient mosaic of Tenemlor as Guardian of the Blessed: a tall white-furred lady, regal and beautiful but for one burned, withered paw. This is the hand with which She blasts anyone who dares disturb the peaceful rest of the dead.
Effect: +{{{buffs}}}, -{{{debuffs}}}, {{{dtype}}}, {{{htype}}}, Single-strike attack and offensive dispel. Causes devastating scars on the caster's left hand, regardless of if it lands. Impact and Fire damage.
Example Messaging: Your hand suddenly burns to a crisp!

You gesture at a grass eel with your withered claw for a hand.
What feels like hot lead runs in the marrow of your bones. Gritting your teeth, you direct the fulminant energy at the grass eel.
A grass eel falls to the ground as its slender body explodes in a shower of blood and bits of bone.
A grass eel thrashes about wildly for a few seconds, then lies still.

Devices/Tattoos: Cylindrical soot-covered inkpot painted with a shriveled hand, White marble ostracon marked by a chiseled handprint

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