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Custorian's Creations (3)

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Custorian's Creations
Event Guildfest 416
Owner Custorian
# of Rooms 6
Store Type Trader shops, Magic shops, Clothing shops, Cambrinth shops
Restrictions Trader
This store only accepts Lirums

See speech by Auriril for information regarding this shop.

Everyday Entrances

[Custorian's Creations, Everyday Entrances]
Stacked-stone columns rise up to the ceiling to support the structure while also providing support for the doors being sold to lean against. Vibrantly dyed tapestries hang from the walls, each bearing the crest of a prominent trading outpost.
You also see a busy attendant, a set of double doors and a large notice.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, south, northwest.

A large notice reads:

"Mr. Custorian and his staff are always hard at work to secure new wares!  
Due to a recent stumble and his slow recovery, 
he was unable to approve many of the designs he'd hoped to display this year.  
However, several new items ARE available throughout the shop.  
We hope you'll explore and find something to your liking!"

The attendant sighs in exasperation. "Anyone may browse our wares, but only a trader in good standing with the guild, with at least fifty circles of training, may use our services. He, or she, may purchase a furnished interior space for their caravan from a trade minister at almost any outpost. Once you have the space, you may ORDER furniture here to further customize it to your own likings. All sales shall be made in the local currency."

Item Price Done
1. a simple open entryway 50,000   
2. a wide granite arch 100,000   
3. a hammered metal arch 100,000   
4. a delicately ribbed ricepaper screen highlighted in green 100,000   
5. an ivory ricepaper screen depicting a sprawling tree 120,000   
6. a simple door papered with a purple and ivory floral pattern 100,000   
7. a narrow door papered with wide black and white stripes 70,000   
8. a gaudy door papered with vibrant blue and gold stripes 50,000   
9. a white birch door painted with the Trader's Guild crest 150,000   
10. a stained walnut door carved with a large raven 120,000   
11. a goldenoak door painted with a merry welkin 90,000   
12. a lacquered redwood door polished to a high gloss 55,000   
13. a lemonwood door carved with coins 55,000   
14. a red door painted with a giant golden coin 80,000   
15. a blue door painted with a silver coin 80,000   
16. a yellow door painted with a platinum coin 80,000   
17. a gold-plated door with a silver doorknob 90,000   
18. a fir door braced with thick iron bands 55,000   
19. a reinforced hatch 125,000   
20. a split wooden door with fanciful carvings and a rich stain 150,000   
21. a stout metal grate 150,000   
22. a wooden arch draped in flowing strands of white wisteria 125,000   
23. a flower-covered arch 100,000   

Merchant's Corner

[Custorian's Creations, Merchant's Corner]
Stacked-stone columns rise up to the ceiling to support the structure. Pieces of large furniture, flooring and other materials are stacked near the walls. A large sign stands in the middle of the floor.
You also see a simple counter with several things on it, a simple stand displaying eyewear with a few things on it and a long shelf with a couple of things on it.
Obvious exits: north.

A large sign reads:

"Master Custorian is intent upon trying a new market.  
He feels that we never know when we may be set upon by foes during our travels.  
*IF* you should be traveling with a mage companion, he feels these items may come in use, 
as their cambrinth components aren't as visible as a ring, armband or necklace may be.  
We feel these will be unpopular, but Custorian pays us.  Please enjoy, and DO let us know 
if you find a use for them!  For those with more traditional tastes -- please enjoy the orbs."

On the simple counter
Item Price Done
cracked cambrinth orb 26,500   !!
platinum-framed cambrinth orb 32,500   !!
hooded spidersilk cloak embroidered with ravens in flight 25,000   !!
radiant yellow silk wrap trimmed with twilight-hued cambrinth-beaded fringe 9,000   !!
sturdy boots wrapped with bison hide and cambrinth-beaded leather straps 17,500   !!
pair of cambrinth-buttoned boots made from crisp grey leather 12,750   !!
heavy red leather boots clasped with dull cambrinth buckles 13,000   !!
pair of knee-high white leather boots clasped with cambrinth ravens 12,000   !!
On the simple stand displaying eyewear
Item Price Done
pair of cambrinth spectacles - 8 mana 8,250   !!
pair of jade-framed spectacles - 4 mana 4,275   !!
pair of ivory-framed spectacles - 4 mana 4,250   !!
On the long shelf
Item Price Done
simple cambrinth welkin clutching a handful of coins - 8 mana 3,250   !!
tiny cambrinth raven with its wings spread - 4 mana 1,250   !!

Dashing Decoratives

[Custorian's Creations, Dashing Decoratives]
Stacked-stone columns rise up to the ceiling to support the structure. Unlike the relative neatness and division in nearby areas of the shop, only chaos can be found here. Were it not for the price tags attached to the assorted bits of used goods, this part of the shop could easily be confused for someone's poorly maintained living space. Vibrantly dyed tapestries hang from the walls, each bearing the crest of a prominent trading outpost.
You also see a busy attendant and a sign.
Obvious exits: north, southeast, south, southwest.

A sign reads:

"Attention: All items here are simply decorative.  
The repair kits are not functional, nor is anything else.  
We simply make it easier for you to show your attentions to visitors you may have."
Item Price Done
1. a bundle of dirty clothes - medium sized object 45,000   
2. a stack of dirty dishes - medium sized object 9,500   
3. several empty wine bottles - medium sized object 12,500   
4. a stack of wrapped gifts - medium sized object 120,000   
5. some dirty tools - medium sized object 40,000   
6. an opened armor polishing kit - medium sized object 95,000   
7. an opened weapon maintenance kit - medium sized object 100,000   
8. some warring dust bunnies - small sized object 5,000   
9. a pile of wood shavings - small sized object 5,000   
10. a collection of differently styled left shoes - small sized object 12,500   
11. a pile of dust - small sized object 5,000   
12. a heap of sand - small sized object 5,000   
13. a clump of dried roses - small sized object 7,500   
14. a trio of half-burned candles - small sized object 6,750   
15. some scented candles - small sized object 12,000   
16. some rolls of wrapping paper - small sized object 12,000   
17. a shaving cup - small sized object 8,000   
18. a stack of velvet coasters - small sized object 7,500   
19. a collection of broken arrowheads - small sized object 5,500   
20. a colorful seashell collection - small sized object 20,000   
21. some unfinished love letters - small sized object 5,500   
22. some scraps of leather - small sized object 12,000   
23. some crumpled manuscripts - small sized object 10,000   
24. a sketch book - small sized object 15,000   
25. an unfinished canvas - small sized object 34,000   
26. a deck of tattered cards - small sized object 7,500   
27. a board game with obviously missing pieces - small sized object 7,500   
28. a feather duster - small sized object 7,500   
29. a mud-stained mat with layers of grime stomped into it - small sized object 90,000   
30. a simple portrait depicting a regal Elf clutching sacks of gold - small sized object 80,000   

Professional Presentations

[Custorian's Creations, Professional Presentations]
Stacked-stone columns rise up to the ceiling to support the structure. Standing next to each is an array of portraits, drawings and sketches of different types of caravans. Not surprisingly, hardware resembling the depictions is scattered about the room. You also see a large easel with several things on it and a display counter with several things on it.
Obvious exits: south.

On the large easel
Item Price Done
charcoal sketching
 - you see a small weathered caravan pulled by a pair of old cows. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Varying lengths of wood are cobbled together to somehow form a functional wagon for hauling wares. Knotholes the size of heads are evident in many places, and no attempt has been made to conceal them. Bells hang from each of the cows, likely used to locate them if they wandered in the past. Now, however, it's unlikely either would make it very far with any sort of haste.
mahogany-framed picture
 - you see a three-wheeled furrier's caravan pulled by a trio of camels. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Numerous hooks, coils of rope and other tools of the trade are proudly displayed along the side of the caravan. Interspersed throughout are bones, pelts and hides from all manner of beasts. The wagon's front wheel has been centered, but the uneven pulls of the camels causes a noticeable sway in the structure.
canvas painting
 - you see a sturdy metal blacksmith's caravan lead by a team of massive black bulls. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Long, narrow strips of the same metal are evenly spaced along the sides of the wagon, with giant spikes riveted in to hold the reinforcing strips in place. Massive chain harnesses secure the bulls to the frame of the caravan, each looking strong enough to pull any load by itself.
pine-framed watercolor
 - you see a shadowy black locksmith's caravan with golden accents. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
The dark paint is unblemished and lends to the illusion of a giant moving shadow. A makeshift, barbed-wire fence at the back of the wagon prevents its contents from spilling out. Pouches of differently colored and shaped lockpicks hang from the sides along with variously sized, opened caskets, trunks and strongboxes. Next to each is trio of prices, one each for Kronars, Lirums and Dokoras.
large woodburning
 - you see a bright green alchemist's caravan lead by a team of white stallions. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Bushels of dried and drying herbs hang from a rope strung across the top of the wagon, while hooks and pulleys suspend Wayerd pyramids, baskets holding vials of oils and other tools and supplies typical of the trade. Each of the majestic white stallions has a wreath of greenery and herbs about its neck.
On the display counter
Item Price Done
simple sculpture
You tap the sculpture and you see an ash-grey caravan covered in multicolored glitter. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Rainbow-hued glitter provides a stark contrast to the otherwise drab paint that covers the wagon. The leather harnesses securing the powerful white horses are equally as colorful, as are the multicolored ribbons woven into their generous manes.
wooden carving
You tap the carving and you see a teal caravan painted with fanciful desserts. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
The artist's imagination soared with this wagon. Dishes of icecream, layered cakes and various fruit-themed pies are all depicted with arms, legs and faces. Each is flashing a wide smile while dancing around the wagon's broad sides. The team of mules leading it are considerably less festive.
squat etching
You tap the etching and you see a black-and-white striped caravan with a barred window. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Thick, round metal bars are narrowly spaced across the single, glassless window in the wagon's side. Countless heavy manacles and lengths of stout chain hang from the back. A pair of striking bulls, one grey and the other black, are secured to the wagon.
uncomplicated depiction
You tap the depiction and you see a whimsical caravan designed like a tall wasp's nest. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Layers of a parchment-like material are wrapped about a supporting wire framework to form a wasp's nest replica. Leafy twigs and vibrant flowers sprout at odd angles, adding to the design. Blankets striped black and gold sit atop the team of shaggy black yaks.
stout statue
You tap the statue and you see a large armored caravan with several narrow window slits. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Many metal plates are riveted together to form the bulky wagon. The window slits are set at uneven heights and distances around the transport, allowing views all around. Similar plating adorns the team of mighty yeehars that effortlessly guides the caravan.
detailed casting
You tap the casting and you see a clothier's caravan displaying fully-dressed mannequins. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
A team of tall black horses pulls the vehicle, responding to every command made by the haughty driver holding the reigns. Decorated with brightly-colored clothing, the wire-framed constructs serve as the perfect means for showcasing the many fashionable styles presumably sold by the owner.
oversized model
You tap the model and you see an armorer's caravan strung with an assortment of shields. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
The stocky white horses that lead the wagon are tethered by thick leather halters and controlled by means of reigns firmly gripped by the driver. Interspersed between the tower shields and bucklers are several pieces of chainmail and plate armor, clattering together with a noisy jangle as the caravan moves.
painted replica
You tap the replica and you see a weapon specialist's caravan affixed with sheaths and harnesses. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Dark brindle in color, the quartet of muscular equines that pulls the transport blends from one to the next and moves in perfect harmony. Each sheath and harness attached to the exterior holds a different type of weapon, positioned for the owner to draw them out and display to potential customers.
complex figure
You tap the figure and you see a bookkeeper's caravan with built-in shelves along the exterior. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Thick ironwood creates the perfect means for holding a vast amount of literature, each fitted with broad leather straps that keep the contents from spilling during travel. Glass lanterns are mounted above each section of shelving in an effort to illuminate the books' titles during all hours of the day, while a small awning shields the fragile wares from the elements.
oil-painted illustration
You tap the illustration and you see a merchant marine's caravan hunt with large nets along the side. Taking a few moments to examine it closely reveals more details...
Knotted in the typical fisherman's style, the nautical snare adds even more space for safely holding goods during travel from one place to another. A large ship's wheel decorates the wide door on the back of the wagon, adding a whimsical touch to the utilitarian vehicle.

Blissful Bunks

[Custorian's Creations, Blissful Bunks]
Stacked-stone columns rise up to the ceiling to support the structure while also providing separation between the rows of chairs, couches and other seating scattered across the shop's open floor. Vibrantly dyed tapestries hang from the walls, each bearing the crest of a prominent trading outpost.
You also see a busy attendant.
Obvious exits: east, southwest, west, northwest.

Item Price Done
1. an elegant ivory velvet settee - medium sized object 200,000   
2. a carved dark ironwood bench - medium sized object 100,000   
3. an embroidered golden silk chair - medium sized object 200,000   
4. a rich black cashmere armchair - medium sized object 200,000   
5. a dark red velvet armchair - medium sized object 200,000   
6. a carved dark ironwood chair - medium sized object 200,000   
7. a plump black velvet couch - large sized object 200,000   
8. a rich black cashmere sofa - large sized object 200,000   
9. a claw-footed mahogany bed - large sized object 400,000   
10. a red-curtained ironwood bed - large sized object 400,000   
11. a shaal-wood bed with a scrolled headboard - large sized object 400,000   
12. a simple pine cot - medium sized object 100,000   
13. a black cotton sleeping mat embroidered with platinum coins - small sized object 120,000   
14. a moss-green sleeping mat embroidered with a flying raven - small sized object 117,000   
15. a blue-striped cotton sleeping mat embroidered with silver coins - small sized object 115,000   
16. a deep red satin sleeping mat with golden coins embroidered upon it - small sized object 120,000   
17. a filthy straw pallet - small sized object 80,000   
18. a knotted rope hammock - medium sized object 80,000   

Odds And Ends

[Custorian's Creations, Odds And Ends]
Stacked-stone columns rise up to the ceiling to support the structure. Unlike the relative neatness and division in nearby areas of the shop, only chaos can be found here. Were it not for the price tags attached to the assorted bits of used goods, this part of the shop could easily be confused for someone's poorly maintained living space.
You also see a busy attendant.
Obvious exits: west.

Item Price Done
1. a low stone entrance with a gold-accented slate-blue curtain - door 105,000   
2. a curtained archway draped with brown and black striped silk - door 65,000   
3. a teal-curtained archway tied with knotted spidersilk ropes - door 95,000   
4. a deep orange-curtained archway accented with embroidered donkeys - door 150,000   
5. a heavy nomlas curtain - door 50,000   
6. a blue silk curtain trimmed with silver braid - door 70,000   
7. a bright red curtain embroidered with black coins - door 90,000   
8. a yellow silk screen with deep blue trim - door 100,000   
9. a grey leather curtain decorated with vibrant silver embroidery - door 100,000   
10. an ivory beaded curtain - door 80,000   
11. a blue and black woven floormat with glittering silver accents - small object 19,000   
12. a tan-banded blue floormat - small object 9,000   
13. a moss-green cotton sleeping mat - small object 55,000   
14. a fiery red and orange checkered sleeping mat - small object 55,000   
15. a gold-striped cotton sleeping mat - small object 55,000   
16. a cheery yellow sleeping mat - small object 55,000   
17. an exquisite obsidian brazier - medium object 185,000   
18. a bowl-shaped hammered bronze brazier - medium object 85,000   
19. a low bronze brazier - medium object 65,000   
20. a low cast iron brazier - medium object 60,000   
21. a low bronze brazier - medium object 60,000   
22. a low cast iron brazier - medium object 60,000   
23. a brick floor stove - medium object 60,000   
24. a thick bearskin rug - small object 55,000   
25. a mud brown quilt sporting various colorful patches - small object 55,000   
26. a royal purple blanket embroidered with a welkin - small object 60,000   
27. a patchwork quilt depicting different pack animals upon each square - small object 60,000   
28. a simple woven blanket - small object 60,000   

Simple Surfaces

[Custorian's Creations, Simple Surfaces]
Stacked-stone columns rise up to the ceiling to support the structure while also providing separation between the rows of tables scattered across the shop's open floor. Vibrantly dyed tapestries hang from the walls, each bearing the crest of a prominent trading outpost.
You also see a busy attendant and a sign.
Obvious exits: northeast, east, southeast.

A sign reads:

"Attention: Please understand that the Guild will allow you surfaces within your personal space, 
but regulations currently prohibit you from making use of those spaces.  Until such time as new regulations 
are established, any purchased containers are merely decorative in nature.  Or else.  We hope you understand."
[OOC: 'Container' items will not actually hold items at this time, but *may* at some future point.  
They are labeled as such in case future support is added.]
Item Price Done
1. a polished mahogany table with turned legs - large sized object, container 100,000   
2. a blackwood table set on a thick pedestal - large sized object, container 90,000   
3. a plain rosewood table - large sized object, container 70,000   
4. an alder table with green painted legs - large sized object, container 55,000   
5. a lacewood table with a polished top - large sized object, container 85,000   
6. a teak table with carved legs - large sized object, container 85,000   
7. a satinwood table with welkin legs - large sized object, container 85,000   
8. a cedar plank table - large sized object, container 50,000   
9. a deobar table inlaid with tiny bronze coins - large sized object, container 100,000   
10. a pearwood table set on carved raccoon pedestal - large sized object, container 80,000   
11. a heavy metal-framed end table with a wooden top 65,750   
12. a fat tree stump - medium sized object, container 5,000   
13. a gleaming metal end table polished to a mirror-like finish - medium sized object, container 75,000   
14. a black end table with fanciful black and gold scrollwork - medium sized object, container 65,000   
15. a rounded end table - medium sized object, container 52,500