Cleric wrapped tightly in dark robes

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Cleric wrapped tightly in dark robes
Status: Alive
Guild: Cleric
Race: Unknown
Gender: Male
Location: Hollow Eve Festival 414
Tasks: kill, delivery, forage, search


Layers of heavy material hang from the cleric, concealing his features. From time to time, a pale, scarred hand reaches out from the folds to adjust his hood. A simple hemp bracelet with a pewter shark-shaped charm adorns the narrow wrist.


"Clean the teeth! Bathe them in holy wines! Soak them in blessed waters! Deliver them to the kind workman at the spider's ramp!" The robed cleric continues his cry, "There are tasks even faithless heathens can do to satisfy Drogor's hunger!"

The Robed cleric shouts, "Have you seen the maimed clerics? Those who chewed their own limbs when overcome with Drogor's hunger? You are not immune to His whims! Lemicus cannot hold Him in check alone! You must aid our efforts! Help me, lest you wake in the darkest hours of the night in your own, self-inflicted gore!"

A cleric wrapped tightly in dark robes shrieks and collapses, clutching his head in agony!

A cleric wrapped tightly in dark robes mutters to himself. You think you hear him say "the sharks hunger".

With no warning, the cleric cries out, "Hear me, townsfolk! Eeels fly through air! Sharks lunge from the waters! The suw bizar have made great treks across the seas! Are you blind to the anger of Lord Drogor? Will you sacrifice yourself to sate His hunger? Will you gain His favor through acts of sacrifice? Or will you simply wait for Him to take His due? Is your very life worth so little that you would wait for His wrath?"
After a brief, heavy pause, he shouts out, "Aid me! Rally with me now, that we may gain His attention and save ourselves from His carnage!"

A cleric wrapped tightly in dark robes growls and throws a handful of cleansed teeth to the ground! He cries out, "I don't know what to do! Why are you not pleases? We have offered our very blood! We have toiled to do honor to your minions! Is it not enough? Are you this vengeful?"

A violent roll of thunder quakes across the heavens, causing the very ground to shake!

His eyes go wide, and he slaps his hands to his mouth. "Forgive me, Lord Drogor! I was weak! I will find more! We will do more!"

A cleric wrapped tightly in dark robes frowns. "Lord Drogor isn't pleased."


ask cleric about cleric
"My brethern are as diverse as the stars strewn across the night's sky. Fewer still pay homage to Drogor or any of the darker Aspects, for that matter. Most fancy themselves goodly defenders of the weak and righter of wrongs."
The robed cleric sighs. "In a time such as this, few will forsake their devotion to such ideals even as wrathful manifestations from the Sea Lord defy all norms and and make war against us. Are these not miraculous creatures from Drogor? Do they instill no respect or desire to serve in those who who witness them?"
"The Hunger is not easily satisfied. Even now there are those who lose themselves to it. And so I try to spread the message, to call upon the aid of any who would render it to make sacrifices in honor of Drogor. The Immortals can be fickle, and I have little doubt another will seek our devotion in time, but Drogor has called on us now."

ask cleric about drogor
A cleric wrapped tightly in dark robes says, "Drogor isn't as widely represented as some, and yet He is more widely represented than others. The islands of the Qi archipelago host many shrines or altars. The Sea Caves of Aesry, the wreckage of the Seerah and one near Jack Tarr's Inn in Ratha, Hara'jaal, Shard's Temple of Darkness and of course the Crossing Temple all host altars in Drogor's honor."

ask cleric about tooth
The robed cleric looks hopeful. "You have teeth? Take them at once to to the workman near the ramp of the great spider. He's collecting and cataloging them for me! We'll make use of them. With Lord Drogor's ire focused upon us, there's no shortage of them! I'm positive these are gifts to his faithful to be used to convert others! I'm sure of it!"

ask cleric about spider
The robed cleric snorts. "Gnomes and their toys. If Drogor set His attention upon those metal monstrosities, have no doubt that He would easily claim His price in blood from those who huddle within. Many would drown from being trapped within the watery confines! Such would be a fitting sacrifice to the Lord of the Seas."

ask cleric about task
A cleric wrapped tightly in dark robes looks at you and says, "You are not currently on a task. If you wish to undertake a task, simply ask me FOR a task."

ask cleric for task
A cleric wrapped tightly in dark robes pauses to ponder your request. "I've asked many to help me. Interestingly, word seems to be spreading. The pawnmonger Aelik in Shard sent a messenger. The pawnmonger Aelik can't visit me personally, but asked what efforts were needed."
The robed cleric continues, "I have a package. If you're willing, you could deliver it, and then the pawnmonger Aelik can help us out too!"
A cleric wrapped tightly in dark robes asks, "What say you, Elf? Will you assist in the efforts?"
[You may accept by typing ACCEPT TASK, or decline by typing DECLINE TASK]

Hollow Eve Task Rewards