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A melee range combat maneuver used from hiding. The attack is more often used to for training rather than for offensive purposes.

Originally the attack needed to be preceded by the AMBUSH command(e.g. AMBUSH SLICE), but now you just need to enter the desired attack and the game will default to Ambush if you're in hiding.

Thief Ambushes

Thieves have a number of special ambushes of their own. Most, however, don't work on flying targets. Ambush commands are listed with AMBUSH HELP.

  • AMBUSH STUN: Done from hiding, will attempt to give the opponent a nasty crack on the head that has the potential to knock them completely unconscious. Causes head damage and short duration unconsciousness. Can be performed with any melee weapon with at least a certain level of impact damage (fair or somewhat moderate?) and possibly a minimum weight requirement, or with special brawling equipment sold in Thief shops. Success is based on your stealth and backstab ranks while weapon ranks play a minimal role. A minor bug causes creature corpses to rapidly decay if you deliver a killing blow with ambush stun. Requires 25th circle, learned in Ratha.
  • AMBUSH SLASH: Done from hiding, will attempt to cut the back of the opponent's ankles in order to drop them to the ground in pain. Requires at least fair slice on the weapon, 39th circle, and is learned in Ratha.
  • AMBUSH CHOKE: Done from hiding, blinds and disorients your target, assuming you hit. If you're stealthy, you will vanish after the strike. Requires second circle, dirt, and is learned in Crossings.
  • AMBUSH SCREEN: A technique to surround oneself with dirt, blinding and disorienting nearby foes, as well as revealing any who may be trying to lurk near you. If you're stealthy, you will vanish after the attack. Can be done in and out of hiding. Requires 30th circle, dirt, and is learned in Ratha.
  • AMBUSH CLOUT: Done from hiding without a weapon, this attack will put a target to sleep temporarily. Requires 50th circle, and all ambushes available before 50th. Learned in Ain Ghazal.
  • AMBUSH IGNITE: Done from hiding with naphtha in hand the left hand, a sharp weapon in the right, requires at least 1 coin of any value on your person, will attempt to douse the target with naphtha and ignite them; lowers armor value according to GM Ricinus oblique comments. Requires 60th, and is learned in Shard.

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