Khri Strike

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Thief thumb.jpgThief Guild
Requirements: Unknown
Slot Cost: 1
Difficulty: Unknown
Type / Skill: khri, combination khri"combination khri" is not in the list (area of effect, cyclic, defense ignoring, shield ignoring, armor ignoring, armor piercing, glyph, healing, heavy offensive, instinct, ...) of allowed values for the "Ability type is" property., khri / Unknown
Use Cost: 12 Concentration on startup + 3 Concentration per pulse
Contest: Unknown vs. Unknown
Path: Unknown
Description: Crow smiles crookedly before signing, "Once you've been in this business for a while, you learn to go for the jugular when you've got the opportunity. This will help you better understand when is the right time and right place to strike."
Effect: , , , , The strike meditation allows the Thief to focus on areas of their foes most susceptible to sneak attacks.
Messaging: You calm your body and mind, recalling your training on how to seek the vital part of any opponent. Wrapping yourself in this cool composure, your eyes quickly become drawn to exposed weaknesses around you.