Zerek's General Store

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[Zerek's General Store]
Freshly varnished wooden walls and impeccably swept floors attest to a measure of careful observance to the custom of tidiness by Zerek and his staff. Shelves on the walls hold various sundries necessary for the survival of travellers and city-dwellers alike, and the open windows supply plenty of light to see by. You also see a low flat bench, a plain pine pedestal with a catalog on it, and the shop owner Zerek.

Luggage and Carry-alls

knapsack.......99 D
backpack......270 D
hip pouch......40 D
shoulder sack..54 D
scabbard......225 D
quiver........225 D
backtube......766 D
weapon strap..911 D

Melee Weapons

carving knife......72 D
short sword.......248 D
scimitar..........378 D
broadsword........414 D
two-handed sword..577 D
mace..............270 D

Ranged and Thrown Weapons

short bow........180 D
longbow..........252 D
light crossbow...405 D
heavy crossbow...676 D
javelin..........270 D
throwing dagger..180 D


arrows..........58 D
crossbow bolts..76 D

Armor and Shield

reinforced leather shield..81 D
reinforced gloves..........72 D
full leather armor........369 D
full leather helm..........72 D
full chain armor.........1443 D
full chain helm...........117 D
full plate armor.........4600 D
great helm................460 D

Traveler's Necessities

charcoal...................36 D
flint......................36 D
torch......................99 D
hairbrush.................104 D
steel-bladed brass razor..496 D
enameled bronze clippers..631 D
gelfurjaal unguent........293 D

This shop is in Shard on Ranik's Map 67.