Post:Evoke Feedback - 09/30/2011 - 20:32

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Re: Evoke Feedback · on 09/30/2011 08:32 PM CDT 1068
I understand as it is the system is not used that much, which in turn means it wasn't developed much, which in turn means it wasn't used... and so forth.

I'm trying to fix that, and while this particular release may not highlight why it is interesting to you (Since, as I said, this is mostly behind the scenes work) I think some of the later features will.

Just a couple of things this coming down the pike:

1) Automatic notification that an item has a recall on it (No, it won't spam you).
2) Opening Recall History to everyone (though Bards will retain a large bonus). This will help encourage development of the system since it won't be as narrow.
3) Significantly more evokes and recalls since they are far faster and easier to set up than before. For example, an auction item could have a recall added to it in under a minute whereas before each item practically had to be scripted from scratch to do so.
4) Bardic Lore training. While Evoke and Recall Area aren't intended to be the backbone of your Bardic Lore training, they will supplement it and give you more options on how to train it.

This is without touching on the other aspects of recall (Famous, immortal, etc) that are also getting improved -- they just don't run through the same core mechanics. That said, I realizes this isn't everyone's cup of tea. It's not a flashy ability, it's a tool to convey lore, and hopefully a useful training tool as well (Which, as I mentioned, is something I'd like feedback on as well. I redid all the exp and rt calcs to be somewhat friendlier).

As for the duplicated message -- I've fixed that now. It was an artifact of the old Perc History still existing. Please let me know if you encounter it again.


This message was originally posted in The Bards \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements, by DR-RAESH on the forums.