Post:New Exp: Scholorship, FA, Escaping all Need Increases - 7/20/2009 - 13:54:05

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Re: New Exp: Scholorship, FA, Escaping all Need Increases · on 7/20/2009 1:54:05 PM 52790
> It makes sense to me because most things that teach that well cause some kind of RT. It's just back-loaded instead of being all up front, or distributed.

As I noted in my last response, the roundtime actually can be trained down, and has already been reduced from literally minutes to a maximum of 30 seconds. While I will revisit it when I have time, fixing it requires far more changes than I have time for right now, but it will not likely ever get below 5-10 seconds, tops. While I want UNWRAPping to be an option, it does not need to be a super friendly one.

(Trivia #123901: The reason it is so hard to train down is because the roundtime for unwrapping is based on how well it was wrapped. In short, you are contesting your skill against...your own skill, most of the time. The end result is that while it actually is possible to train down, it is not very easy because (a) the number your skill is being compared to is based on your skill if you tended your own wounds, and (b) the base roundtime can get huge. What most people end up with is a system-imposed minimum, not the actual roundtime. So you may actually have worked your 5 minute roundtime down to 2.5 minutes, and got the 30 second max. Heh.

- GM Dartenian

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players (1) \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements (2), by DR-DARTENIAN on the forums.