Post:Switching - 03/13/2013 - 07:23

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Re: Switching · on 03/13/2013 07:23 AM CDT 3061
>>So from a lore perspective, is there anything about barbarian training that locks them into it? If a person decided to give up all their abilities, could they retrain into a mage?

The problem of not being locked into Barbarianess was tied into the lore reason behind having a penalty to learning magics. Your character, however minutely, was growing accustomed to thinking like a magician. In a setting where magic use is psychic (magicians do magic by thinking very hard about magic), that is done at peril to the Fire.

However, that may be retcon'd out of existence with the changes Barbarians are going through.


This message was originally posted in The Barbarians \ General Discussions - Barbarians, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.