Post:Of Bureaucrats and Barricades ... - on 02/21/2013 - 18:49

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Of Bureaucrats and Barricades ... · on 02/21/2013 06:49 PM CST 1659
After weeks of exhausting effort and exchange of correspondence, Bureaucrat Armadae, the Minister of the Ministry of Exploration met with Seneschal Maghana and concerned citizens of Zoluren regarding a barricade that was erected for unknown reasons at no one’s request.

Armadae made the following proclamations confirming already communicated matters:

1) The Xala'shar encampment was destroyed by our faithful Guildleaders and other helping hands and there has been no threat since that time. The military forces from Ulf'Hara Keep, dispatched immediately following the guild leaders’ efforts, have pushed the Xala'shar threat deep into the Journalai mountains.

2) Regarding the restrictions of public access to the Lake of Dreams and the ruins of Forisaad; after nearly two years of exhaustive and valiant research by the Ministry they have determined that there is no Xala’shar threat, and the barricade was swiftly removed. The hostile creatures that normally inhabit the area remain.

Armadae stated that the Ministry of Exploration is considered an extension of the Principality when issuing notices, restrictions or other official statements. The Ministry states that it is empowered to restrict thoroughfares or swaths of public land when they decide that such actions are deemed necessary, without term of prior notice or Council agreement. The Minister was then escorted to the Trader Guild to discuss some disagreement. The Seneschal was overheard to wryly request that someone get in touch with the Keep if the Traders suddenly found themselves barricaded into their Guildhall.

A proposal to impose limitations on the Minstry of Exploration have been submitted to the Council by House Denesal.

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Zoluren Events, by DR-P1NPC on the forums.