Appraisal skill

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Appraisal is every ones best friend. It can tell you the value of your items, the stats on your equipment, and skills of your opponent and much more.


You can choose how long you spend appraising an item (quick, normal, or careful). Or if you want to appraise a creature.

Appraise Pouch Quick


Appraise Goblin

Being able to get certain appraisals on your equipment can make you a much more effective shopper. Knowing if something is a mythical creature well beyond your abilities before you get to melee is also prudent.

Theres 2 effective ways to train this skill. One is to appraise something very valuable and in many parts, like oh say a full gem pouch, or a really nice bundle. appraising quick tends to teach better over time then any other way. Or to appraise critters that are around your level.

Traders get a bonus to Appraisal.

Appraisal Values

Weapon Damage

  • None: 0.0
  • Poor: 1.0- 9.9
  • Low: 10.0-19.9
  • Fair: 20.0-29.9
  • Moderate: 30.0-39.9
  • Heavy: 40.0-54.9
  • Great: 55.0-69.9
  • Severe: 70.0-84.9
  • Bone-crushing: 85.0-94.9
  • Devastating: 95.0-99.9
  • God-like: 100+

Weapon Balance/Power

  • Not suited: 0.0
  • Dismally :1.0-19.9
  • Poorly: 20.0-39.9
  • Fairly: 40.0-59.9
  • Reasonably: 60.0-79.9
  • Well: 80.0-99.9
  • Excellently: 100.0-119.9
  • Superbly: 120.0-139.9
  • Incredibly: 140.0-159.9
  • Unbelievably: 160+

Armor/Shield Protection

  • None
  • Poor
  • Low
  • Fair
  • Moderate
  • Good
  • High
  • Great
  • Impressive/Extreme
  • Tremendous/Extreme
  • Incredible
  • God-like

Armor Hindrance and Ranks Needed to Reduce to 0

  • Unhindered: 0-4
  • Insignificant: 5-9
  • Lightly: 10-19
  • Fairly: 20-29
  • Somewhat: 30-39
  • Moderate: 40-49
  • Very: 50-59
  • Highly: 60-69
  • Greatly: 70-79
  • Extremely: 80-89
  • Overwhelming: 90-99
  • Insanely: 100+

Creature Difficulty

  • mythical being of immense power and ability
  • master that's well beyond your abilities
  • something you couldn't hope to hurt
  • well above your abilities
  • truly skilled opponent
  • very difficult opponent
  • definitely difficult opponent
  • rather difficult opponent
  • difficult opponent
  • solid opponent
  • something in your skill range
  • worthy opponent
  • definitely less skilled opponent
  • relatively easy opponent
  • easy opponent
  • simple opponent
  • well beneath your abilities
  • very easy opponent
  • harmless opponent
  • something that you'd kill quickly
  • something that you could tear to shreds
  • something you could wipe the floor with
  • creature completely beneath your notice

Creature Agility/Reflex

  • 30 more ranks: a great deal more
  • 25 more ranks: significantly more
  • 20 more ranks: quite a bit more
  • 15 more ranks: definitely more
  • 10 more ranks: somewhat more
  • 5 more ranks: a little more
  • EVEN = about as
  • 5 less ranks: not quite as
  • 10 less ranks: somewhat less
  • 15 less ranks: definitely less
  • 20 less ranks: quite a bit less
  • 25 less ranks: significantly
  • 30 less ranks: a great deal less