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Mixed hunting areas

Good places for manipulating

Big critter small critter Skin Boxes Map
Salt Crab rats X Riverhaven
Goblin Shaman goblin X X Crossing
Boobrie Wild Boar X Riverhaven
Bobcats jackals X Siergelde
Wood Trolls Cougars X Theren
Blood Wolf Cougars X Aesry
arbelogs Meadow Rams X X Riverhaven
dire/Silver-backed Bear Blood Wolf X rocky outcrop
vipers serpents X Riverhaven

Khri 3.1 table

Name Tier Skill Contest Descipt
darken 1 Augmentation stealth
hasten 1 Utility has a chance to reduce RT for attacks
focus 1 Augmentation agility
dampen 2 Augmentation armor stealth boost
strike 2 Augmentation backstab boost, melee weapon boost
silence 2 Utility pulse invisible
safe 2 Augmentation locks
avoidance 2 Augmentation reflex
plunder 2 Augmentation discipline and theivery
prowess 2 Debilitation FearvWill hidden, PowervWill unhidden AOE debuff to Reflex and Tactics.
sight 2 perception boost and nightvision
steady 3 Augmentation boost to XBow and Bow skills
eliminate 3 Debilitation Power v Reflex a -shield -armor very brief debuff
serenity 3 Utility barrier vs Will
liberation 3 Utility a pulsing web/immobilize remover
elusion 3 Augmentation Evasion, brawling boost
sagacity 3 Physical damage ward
shadowstep 3 Utility
sensing 3 Utility room watch
vanish 3 Utility instant Invis +Disengage
flight 3 Augmentation Athletics Boost, pulsing balance boost
guile 3 Debilitation Charm vs Will AOE pulsing Evasion debuff
calm 3 Augmentation Self dispel, indescriminant
  • The one-shot khri are Vanish, Calm, and Eliminate


Combo pillars skill effect
Cunning Hasten Liberation Guile Augmentation Charisma/Tactics boost
Prescience Serenity Sensing Sagacity Utility passive spot, guard avoid, and justice bonus
Secure Focus Safe Sight Augmentation the bonus to avoid box activation
Skulk Darken Dampen Shadowstep Utility the 0 sec urban sneak
Speed Avoidance Flight Plunder new version is top secret
Spar Elusion Steady Strike Thrown weapons boost