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About me

I play Ottavosa, the Kaldaran Warrior mage. Circle 10 so far. My familiar is a marbled turtle.
AIM: OttavosaDR

Things I look foreward to seeing


This one for stones carving. It could use some more work, but it finally works.

Stone carving

Quality vs. material

A piece rated easy in the book with 63 mech and chisels in only good condition.
alabaster - exceptional
marble - superior
granite - finely-crafted

Blacksmithing experiments

Things I've found

All 3 recipies for steel
The recipy for pewter
How to make Oravir-alloy and other metal alloys containing oravir that won't shatter on the anvil
My favorite alloy that I call Ott-alloy, consisting of 2 parts pewter and 1 part oravir
Caraamon's lucky anvil

Ingot quality study

I conducted a little experiment to see what kinds of thing I can make with around 50 mech (no techniques) and see how the difficult compares to the carving scale.

  • ingots smelted from store-bought nuggets and ingots came out well-crafted
  • ingots refined moved up to outstanding or masterful, apparently based on workability. Unfortunantly, I didn't keep track of workability too much.
    • masterful ingots resulted from 80 and 70 workability material
    • outstanding ingots resulted from 60 workability material
    • superior ingots resulted from 40 workability material
Ingots to items
  • extremely easy pieces were made masterfully crafted using unrefined ingots (above average lower tested)
  • very easy pieces were made outstanding using well-crafted ingots and masterful with outstanding ingot
  • easy pieces were made one level below ingot quality
  • simple pieces were made practically worthless with unrefined ingot (70 workab.) and well-crafted with masterful ingot (80 workab.)