Voice Type

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All characters are randomly assigned a singing voice (within the range dictated by race and sex). You can check your natural voice type with the PRACTICE VOICE command.

Bards have access to all voice types regardless of race and can change their voice types at will with the PRACTICE VOICE command. This is skill-based.

Racial Ranges

Elotheans, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, and Prydaen
Male Female
countertenor sopranino
tenor soprano
baritone mezzo
bass alto
Humans, Rakash, and S'Kra Mur
Male Female
countertenor sopranino
tenor soprano
baritone mezzo
bass alto
contrabass contralto
Dwarves, Gor'Togs, and Kaldar
Male Female
tenor soprano
baritone mezzo
bass alto
contrabass contralto