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Current day M'Riss is a place only the well trained should travel, life isn't easy and most vistors are advised to bring a support group with them. Empaths are scarce, Clerics even more-so.. if you find yourself hunting on what so many of us have come to call home and you fall, I suggest you depart right away unless you know you can get help as it may take some time for someone to stumble upon your corpse. To learn our ways you must learn the history, starting from the very begining. --Windharo

History of M'Riss

Everything you want to know about how modern day M'riss was founded can be found hereThe History of Mer'Kresh available at the Globe Arena Library in the Barbarian's Guild.

Ancient City

The ancient city acquired other names, "Yana Ichaleni" ("City of Shadows"), and "Yana Undoen" ("City of Darkness").

S'Kra Mur tales say that the "Ancients" founded the ruined city on the island. These legends described the old race as one that lived when Grazhir still circled Elanthia, other stories claimed the Ancient Ones were mages. Still more stories suggest this race of mages built the Star Stones, and that those megaliths are actually a portal to another world through which those mages disappeared. Whatever the truth, the city now lies in ruins, destroyed by time and volcanic activity.

Currently my best guess is that this ancient city is located in the middle of the island, as of this writing there is no knowledge to expand the explorable areas of M'Riss to include this.


M'Riss was founded by a group of settlers that believed in Human and Elf marriages. They fled from 'The War of Tears' to escape their excution.


  • Barbarian Guild
  • Paladin Guild
  • Traders Guild (Planned)
  • Warrior Mage Guild
  • Clerics Guild
  • Rangers Guild (I think anyway, located somewhere on M'Riss itself)

Capital City Mer'Kresh

The capital city of M'Riss is Mer'Kresh, it is a floating island sounded by addtional floating circular rings that are anchored to the bay. It houses a Bank, MAMAS, Barber Shop, Pet Shop, Inn, Public Forge, Boarding House, Origami Shop, Armor and Weapon repair, Libary, Town Hall, Carousel, Court House, Furrier, Bakery, Public Empath, Estate Holders Club that includes a Bank and our famous Orlog shop. An Orlog is a timekeeping device.
