Nightingale (constellation)

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Visible in the early winter skies, this symbol of Phelim sits perched a few hours each night low on the northern horizon.

Constellation of the Nightingale

Note: As of the 343rd day of year 394 (and possibly before), the following is also visible when observing the Nightingale:

Though there is no visual change, you sense that the prophetic significance of the Nightingale has waned. While it still provides some insight into the weave of fate, if this depletion of meaning continues it will eventually be no more relevant than any random handful of stars.

Fall, Winter
Start: End:
Date: 343rd day 53rd day
Time: anlas of Revelfae anlas of Starwatch
Skillsets Affected:
Magic Skillset, Armor Skillset
Other Information:
Circle: 15th Telescope: Unknown
Starlight Sphere: violet-red